英语七年级上册Module 5 单元测试卷

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英语七年级上册Module 5 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Teachers, Im very _ for all your love.AthankfulBcarefulCusefulDhelpful2 . he a small nose or big one?ADo; hasBDoes; hasCDoes; haveDDo; have3 . Its thoughtful of_you to prepare the film_ for our show.Afor, in the 1960sBof, in the 1960Cfor, in 1960sDof, in the 1960s4 . The 2016 G20 Summit started _ September, 2016 in the city of Hangzhou.AfromBonCinDat5 . The white shoes are nice. Can I _?Sure.Atry it onBtry on itCtry them onDtry on them6 . Its too _! I have to go to the library to do my homework.AquietBcleanCnoisyDbored7 . When they _ Beijing, they will call their family.Aarrive atBarrive inCreach toDarrives in8 . My father _eat noodles but now he _eating rice.Aused to; used toBis used to; is used toCis used to; used toDused to; is used to9 . Would you like _apples?AanyBsomeCanDmuch10 . Write the number _ the blackboard.AinBonCafter二、完型填空Hunter Adams was very unhappy during his teenage days and he spent many years in a special hospital for people with mental(心理的) health problems.When he was _ from the hospital, Adams decided to become a _, so he went to a medical school in Virginia, USA. But when he was there, he did things in a _way. For example, he didnt like the doctors_coats, so he _shirts with flowers on them when he visited his _and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didnt like Adams_he was too different.But Adams considered that people in hospital _more than medicine. They had unhappy and _hearts, and they needed to be helped as patients, but as people too. He spent a lot of time with children in the hospital and often _up like a clown(小丑) to make the children laugh.When he finished medical _ and became a doctor, Adams _his own hospital, called “the Gusundheit Institute”, together with some other doctors. They wanted it to be a place with a different way of _with sick people.Hunter Adams became _during the 1980s, and in 1988, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film, Robin Williams played Adams. Williams said, “Hunter is a/an _warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor who is kind and friendly. I enjoyed playing him.”11 . AoutBabroadCfarDaway12 . AnurseBdoctorCworkerDhunter13 . AspecialBuntidyCcompleteDdifferent14 . AblackByellowCwhiteDorange15 . AworeBhungCfoundDmade16 . AparentsBpatientsCpartnersDplayers17 . AafterBwhenCbecauseDbefore18 . AplayBchatCknowDneed19 . AlonelyBseriousCterribleDusual20 . ApickedBclimbedCdressedDlooked21 . AschoolBexaminationCtreatmentDcare22 . AcleanedBopenedCwatchedDused23 . AconnectingBlivingCplayingDworking24 . AstrongBhonestCfamousDpatient25 . AexactlyBreallyCmainlyDactually三、阅读单选I volunteer with Meals on Wheels every Friday. A week ago, I had the pleasure of helping one of my customers. She is in her eighties and is very weak and I always bring her lunch on Fridays. She looked worried when she opened the door that day. She told me her phone was broken and that she couldnt receive the call from her doctor. She went to her neighbors, but they were not at home. She thought maybe the mailman could help her, but he didnt come. She was disappointed.Having heard her story, I decided to do something for her. I tried to exceed the needs of the old woman who only needed a helping hand. I called the phone company immediately and made sure they knew that getting this phone fixed was urgent(紧急的). I took down her phone number and her name just to make sure I could call her later to make sure that the phone had been fixed.I called the phone company twice that day. They told me they had checked the phone line and got the phone connected. The old woman was so thankful that she was in tears, hugging me for my help. After that, I called her every day to make sure she was fine.Just being able to help her in her time of danger filled my heart with such love and happiness. It does not take much time or effort to help someone like a neighbor. Sometimes, all that is needed a smile, a hug or a phone call.26 . What problem did the old woman have?AShe had a serious illness.BHer house was broken into.CHer phone wasnt working.DShe couldnt remember anything.27 . What does the underlined word “exceed” mean in Chinese?A降低B超出C拒绝D说服28 . By calling the old woman every day, the writer wanted to _.Amake sure she was fineBmake sure her phone was OKCremind her of possible dangersDtell interesting stories to make her happy29 . What can we learn about the old woman?AShe often helps other people.BShe is nearly eighty years old.CShe is a new neighbor of the writer.DShe always orders lunch on Fridays.30 . What does the writer want to tell us?AA friend in need is a friend indeed.BIts hard to make a difference at work.CWe should be friendly to those in need.DNeighbors should support each other during difficult times.School students are not allowed to drink wine(酒), but theres nothing wrong withmaking it. Urumqi No. 37 Middle School students in Xinjiang have been doing it since2005.Grapes are grown everywhere in Xinjiang. Its the reason the school decided to teach students how to make red wine a few years ago, according to Zhu Dacheng, vice-head of the school.“We hope the students can find out about something in real life and learn practical(实用的) skills,” he said.The students got to work in September, when the grapes in Xinjiang were good enough. They were divided into groups. They needed about 5kg of grapes each, some yeast (酵母), a large bowl and a big bottle.Yang Lili, 13, told Teens how the four students in her group made their wine.“We worked like a production line,” she said. One student washed the grapes, another pulled them from their stems(茎,梗); the others pressed the grapes in a large bowl. Then they put the grapes and the yeast into a big bottle and closed it up. The task takes about an hour.Then what? A lot of waiting! After 45 days, the students cleaned the wine twice and then put it into smallbottles. At last, the wine was ready.Yang said that of the 11 groups in her class, just three failed to make wine. In March, the whole class held a wine-tasting party.Xu Hao, 13, said they were excited to taste the results. “The wine is so sweet,” he said. “We made better wine than you can buy in the supermarket!”“Its because our wine is made from 100% grapes,” he added.At the party, the teacher also taught the students about wine culture. For example, how to hold a glass, andhow you can judge the quality of a wine by its color.31 . Why did the school decide to teach the students how to make red wine?ABecause drinking wine is not allowed in school.BBecause the school has grown lots of grapes.CBecause grapes are grown everywhere in Xinjiang.DBecause the school has been doing it for many years.32 . What is the purpose of the school in teaching the students to make red wine?ATo make good red wine for students themselvesBTo get close to real life by learning to grow grapesCTo let the students understand real life and learn some useful skills.DTo help the students do better in their study.33 . How does the group “production line” work according to the passage?AWeigh the grapesget the bowl readypull the grapespress the grapesput the yeast in.BDivided into groupsget the bowlwash the grapespress the grapesclose the bottle up.CWash the grapespull the grapespress the grapesput the yeast inclose the bottle up.DGet grapes readyget bowls readyput the yeast inpress the grapesclose the bottle up.34 . Why were the students excited to taste their wine?ABecause they learned about the wine culture.BBecause they succeeded at last after waiting for 45 days.CBecause they could sell the wine to the supermarket.DBecause the wine in the supermarket wasnt as sweet as the wine they made.35 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe students in the school began to make wine in autumn.BThe students have to wait for one month and a half before the wine is ready.CEight groups in Yangs class were successful in making the wine.DThe teacher taught the students how to drink wine before the wine-tasting party.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出个单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)36 . Sydney is the trade c_of Australia.37 . Its w_much more than I have paid for it .38 . He s_a flag into the earth to make a mark when he reached the top .39 . I got really mad because they were doing e_the opposite to what I had told them .40 . You should take m_examination every year to know about your health condition .41 . The little boy is full of e_and never feels tired .42 . We have s_tastes in music .We both like Jazz and country music .43 . For this winter vacation ,Im going a_ to learn a foreign culture.44 . After being in Japan for two months ,he gets used to b_to greet people .45 . Everyone should do his own part to fight a_ pollution .五、多任务混合问题Here is a plan (计划) of Wang Huis school this year. Lets have a look at it.DateActivityMarch 3rdschool tripApril 7thSports DayMay 5thart festivalMay 25thEnglish partyJune 20thbasketball game根据表格内容,完成下列任务。完成句子,每空一词。46 . In March the students have a _.47 . Sports Day is on _ 7th.48 . 回答问题。When do they have an art festival?_49 . How many activities do they have in May?_50 . 判断句子正(A)误(B)。The basketball game is on June 20th.六、汉译英:整句Translation:51 . 因为政治或经济原因永远离开他们的国家。52 . 校长现在非常忙。(谚语)53 . 找到更好的生活条件和更多的机会。54 . 他昨天付了公共事业费。55 . 和他的同事们在一家保险公司加班。七、看图作文56 . 书面表达根据图片提示以My School Day为题写一篇短文,70词左右。 (用第一人称)第 9 页 共 9 页


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