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九年级上学期期末英语试题)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When did your father come back last night?He didnt come back_ he finished all the work.AuntilBwhileCifDthat2 . Lucy called me to come to the party,but she herself didnt _.Ashow aroundBshow upCcome outDput up3 . Didnt you see the sign, sir? Smoking is not allowed here._.ANever mindBIm sorryCDont mention itDSure. I dont smoke4 . We cant really change this crazy world we live in, can we?Yes. We most _ can.AcertainlyBneverCalmostDotherwise5 . -As we all know, food that is not stored in the fridge will go bad _. -Thats true. It is very harmful to our health to eat the food _ has gone bad.Aquick; whoBquicker; whichCquickly; whoDmore quickly; that6 . We are going to organize a talent show to _ some extra money for charity.AborrowBraiseClendDcollect7 . Scott works at a radio station. He thinks _ .Aits interesting jobBits an interesting jobCits a interesting jobDits an interesting work8 . -Tom, thanks _ your pencil.-You are welcome.AofBatCfor9 . 一I wonder if you can come to my party if it _ this weekend.一Aha, I will if I _.Awill rain; inviteBrains; will invitedCis rain; will inviteDrains; am invited10 . (题文)Would you like _ hot soup?AlittleBmuchCsomeDany二、补全对话7选5补全对话。根据对话情景, 从所给的AG中选择合适的选项。有两项多余。A: Why are you very happy, Cindy?B: 11 . A: Good. What can you do for the school show?B:12 . Do you want to dance with me, Dale?A: Sorry. Im not good at dancing. B: 13 . A: I think I can play the guitar. B: 14 . A: Yes, I am. Its interesting and fun to join the club. B: So I can sing and dance, and you can play the guitar in the show. 15 . A: OK. Where is she?B: The next class is English, so she must be in the office. A: Lets go and find her. ALets go and talk to Ms. Miller. BCan you play the piano?CBecause the school show is on Wednesday. DI want to join the sports club. EAre you in the music club?FWhat can you do then?GI can sing and dance.三、完型填空Dear Danny,Im happy to _ to you in English.I want to tell you about _ meals in a day.We Chinese have _ meals every daybreakfast,lunch and dinner.I have food like eggs and porridge(粥)in the _.Breakfast is important,but I dont _ much in the morning.Lunch is a big meal in _.Many students have lunch at school on school days.I have lunch _,because my home is near my school.I have rice,vegetables,meat and other food for lunch.The dinner is a _ meal too.I have dinner at home,but sometimes I go out for dinner with my friends or my parents.After dinner,I like to have some _.My favourite fruit is strawberries.I like my meals very much._ are your meals in America like?Yours,Hu Jia16 . AwriteBtalkCsingDread17 . AhisBherCyourDmy18 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive19 . AmorningBafternoonCnightDnoon20 . ArunBeatCsleepDdrink21 . AAmericaBEnglandCCanadaDChina22 . Aat schoolBat stationCat homeDin an office23 . AsmallBshortCbigDlong24 . AcolaBfruitCsnacksDmilk25 . AHowBWhichCWhenDWhatA boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life. Since then, he had to _the arms of his younger brother. Except for writing with his toes, he could hardly do _ in his life.As the two brothers grew up together, they had lots of _ and they often argued. Then one day, his younger brother _ him. So he was very sad and didnt know _ to do.A girl lost her hands because of a fire. Though her elder sister wanted to _ her, she decided to be completely independent. At school, she always studied hard. Once she wrote the following in her composition, “I am _. Though I lost my hands, I still have legs. Though my wings are broken, my heart can still fly.”One day, the boy and the girl were both invited _ a television interview program. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote “My younger brothers arms are my arms” _ the girl wrote “Broken wings, _ heart”.26 . Ago onBdepend onClook for27 . AanythingBsomethingCnothing28 . AdifferencesBhobbiesCproblems29 . AhitBleftChated30 . AwhoBhowCwhat31 . AleaveBtake care ofCwrite to32 . AsadBluckyCunlucky33 . AtoBonCfor34 . AasBsoCwhile35 . AjumpingBbrokenCflying四、阅读单选It is the second-brightest object in our night sky after the moon. It is one of mans greatest scientific achievements. Its the International Space Station(ISS)that orbits(绕运行)Earth. Nov. 20 marks the stations 20th birthday. In 1998, the first piece of the ISS was sent into space. Since then, 230 people from 18 countries have visited it. Five space agencies(空间站)those of the United States, Russia, Canada, Europe and Japanworked together to build it. Weighing about 450 tons, it contains many different parts, including labs and solar panels(太阳能板)Generally, the ISS holds three to six people at one time. Astronauts living there work on a lot of different science projects. The ISS has hosted over 1,500 such projects, according to NASA.But the station is becoming older. In 2011, Russia announced that the ISS will not be used in 2020 in order to prevent it from becoming dangerous space junk. But the US later said it would use repairs to make its service life longer(to 2025), the International Business Times reported.The ISS costs $3-4 billion(21-28 billion yuan)each year. Many have argued that this money could be better spent improving conditions on Earth.In February, US President Donald Trump announced plans to end support for the ISS by 2025.The US will use its money for other projects, like next-generation rockets and deep-space missions. The Washington Post reported.What will happen to the ISS after 2025 is unknown. There are lots of uses, former(前)astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman told NBC News. Other ISS partners could continue scientific experiments on it. Private companies could turn it into a space hotel.36 . What do we know about the International Space Station?AIts the third-brightest object in our sky.BIts a spacecraft where astronauts can live and work.COver 450 people have visited the ISS in the past 20 years.DIt was built to provide solar energy for other spacecraft.37 . What does the underlined word it refer to?ASolar panel.BSpace agency.CEarthDISS.38 . Whats the main idea of Paragraph6?AIts costly to keep the ISS running.BMost people were against building the ISS.CIt was not necessary to build the ISS.DThe ISS has nice living conditions.39 . What can we know from the passage?ANo single country could have built the ISS by itself.BThe US will stop exploring the space after 2025.CThe ISS will become dangerous space junk.DThe ISS could be used as a hotel for space travelers.Dear Grandma,How are you?Last Saturday I went to Long Bay with my parents. We got up at 6:00 a. m. We ate breakfast at 6:30 a. m. and after half an hour we left for Long Bay. My father is a good driver and he drove very fast. But I have to say, the trip was a bit long. When we got out of our car and got to Long Bay, it was already ten oclock!First we swam in the water for an hour. Then we played cricket (板球) for an hour. It was time to have lunch. We ate a big lunch in a restaurant. In the afternoon my mother and I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach. My father went fishing. He didnt get any fish, but it was very relaxing. Soon it was time to go home. My parents and I left Long Bay. We had a great day last Saturday.My parents and I will go to see you this weekend. I miss you very much.Kate40 . When did Kate leave home?AAt 6:00 a. m.BAt 6:30 a. m.CAt 7:00 a. m.41 . How did Kate go to Long Bay?ABy car.BBy bus.CBy train.42 . How long did it take Kate to get to Long Bay?AHalf an hour.BAn hour.CThree hours.43 . What did Kates father do in the afternoon?AHe went swimming.BHe went fishing.CHe played cricket.44 . Which of the following is TRUE?AKate didnt swim in the water.BKates father didnt have lunch.CKate will see her grandma this weekend.Were lucky, we have a good class monitor. His name is Bob. He can do many things. Every day he runs to school. He runs really fast! In class he can answer any question. He can speak Chinese, English and French. He can play a lot of sports like basketball, football and table tennis. He can swim well, too. He is strong and can eat four bowls(碗)of noodles for lunch. He can eat six apples at a time.Bobs mother works in a school library. He can read many books and magazines in it. He can learn a lot from books. He is kind and gets on well with everyone in our class. He is always ready to help others. I think Bob can do any work - he can be a doctor, a singer, or a spaceman(宇航员).45 . Bob is a(n) _.Aclass monitorBPE monitorCart monitorDcleaning monitor46 . Every day Bob _ to school.AdrivesBrunsCrides a bikeDtakes a bus47 . How many languages(语言) can Bob speak?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.48 . Bob can _.Arun fastBswim wellCanswer math questionsDA, B and C49 . Bobs mother works in the _.AhospitalBschool labChotelDschool libraryDo you want a job in the holiday? Just go for it. First, you need to know what kind of job is suitable for your age and interest.If youre 13 to 15. It seems that you cant work almost anywhere, but youre probably allowed to clean your neighbours cars or walk their dogs.There is no lowest wage(工资) for children under 16.By law, you cant work more than 35 hours each week during school holidays. And you cant work before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m.If youre 16 or 17.The lowest wage for 16-17 years old teenagers should be no less than 7 dollars per hour.You cant work in a pub or bar, but you can work in many other places.By law, you cant work more than 40 hours each week.What jobs are out there?Obviously your choices are limited (限制) by the fact that you can only work during school holidays, but the following situations are fine.At Christmas, most shops are short of hands, so you may find something to do there. In autumn, theres always fruit picking. It can be pretty hard work, but it pays really well.If youre mad about football, you can choose to work in a sports shop or help out at a local football club. No matter how much you are paid, you are doing what you like.50 . In the school holidays, 14-year-old kids _.Acan work anywhere they wantBare not allowed to work aloneCcant go to work at nightDcan work as long as 14 hours a day51 . How much can a 16-year-old kid be paid at least in two hours?A21 dollars.B17 dollars.C14 dollars.D7 dollars.52 . If you want to clean cars for others, you should at least be _.A16B15C14D1353 . According to the passage, fruit picking is _.Anot right for childrenBtiring but pays wellCbetter than other jobsDmore interesting to girls54 . According to the passage, which statement is true?AIf you are 17 years old, youre not allowed to walk the dog for your neighbour.BTeenagers can choose their jobs according to their interest.CFruit picking pays well because there are fewer people to pick it.DOnly football fan is allowed to work in a football club.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词。55 . Many students didnt _(意识到)the importance of study until they left school.56 . Australian seasons are the _(相反)of ours.57 . I am, going to invite my friend Helen to dinner tonight because she is going_(到国外)tomorrow.58 . Lily, why do you like classical music so much? Because it can always help me _(放松)when I feel stressed.59 . Many factories have moved away from the _(南部的)part of Nanjing to reduce the pollution.六、回答问题任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容, 完成下列各题。Alpha Go, a computer program, has beaten Lee Se-dol, a world-famous Go player (围棋选手), 4-1 in a competition. Lee has won 18 world championships over the past 21 years. The win is seen as a landmark (里程碑式的) moment for artificial intelligence (人工智能). The Alpha Go system was developed by British Computer Company Deep Mind.Lee expressed great confidence ahead of the competition. However, after losing the first game, he said, “I was very surprised because I did not think I would lose the game.” Lee said he felt “regrettable (令人遗憾的)” about the result of the game. At a press conference held after the final match, Lee said he did not think Alpha Go was necessarily superior to (优于) humans. But he admitted the matches had challenged some of his ideas about the Go game.Go originated(起源于) more than 2,500 years ago in China. It is one of the oldest board games that is still played today. Go is considered one of the most complex games. It is played on a board made up of a grid (网格) of 19 by 19 squares. The game opens with players taking turns to place black and white pieces, known as “stones,” on the board. The aim, as its name shows, is to surround a larger total area of the board than your opponent (对手) by the end of the game.The competition was held in Seoul. It attracted huge attention. The first match was broadcast online. It was watched by 60 million viewers in China alone, with an estimated global audience of 100 million. Alpha Gos developer got US $1 million in prize money. The money was later donated to charities.60 . Lee Se-dol didnt win over Alpha Go in the game, did he? _61 . Who developed the Alpha Go system? _ did it.62 . How did Lee feel before the competition?He had great _ before the competition.63 . Where was the competition held? It was held _.64 . When did the game of Go first appear? The game first appeared _.七、材料作文65 . 手机是现代人必备的通信工具之一。它不仅可以用来打电话,还可以用来做很多其他事情。例如:听歌、玩游戏、上网聊天、发邮件、看电影等。它一般是用塑料(plastic)和金属(metal)制造的。请根据以上提示写一篇短文,介绍一下手机。词数80左右。_第 12 页 共 12 页

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