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沈阳市2019年中考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The forest fire in Liangshan made many soldiers lost their lives.Yes. We cant be so careless about it _. Fire and water have no mercy(怜悯).AinsteadBanymoreCneither2 . Could I play computer games, Mom? _. You have a test tomorrow.AYes, you couldBYes, you canCNo, you couldntDNo, you cant3 . I hear your uncle works in Beijing. Can you tell me _?For 5 years.Awhen he went thereBwhen he will go thereChow soon he will come backDhow long he has stayed there4 . Would you like to be a volunteer to help clean the room?_ .AThats easy.BIts a pleasure.CNot at all.DOf course not.5 . The teachers are always comparing me _my brother.AwithBbyCatDfor6 . - Are the new rules working? - Yes, _ books are stolen.AFewBMoreCSomeDNone7 . Do you think the English class ? No, we all like it.AinterestingBboringCrelaxingDgood8 . We love our hometown. Butwe want to make it more beautiful, we must do a lot.AalthoughBunlessCifDso9 . It s _ outside now. You had better put on your coat.AwarmBhotCrainyDcold10 . Which place do you prefer to live in, a city or a countryside? I dont care. _ is fine.AEitherBNeitherCAllDNone二、完型填空Basketball is a very popular game _ the USA. People all like it. Most people can _ it. A basketball is a round and big ball. Its _ and _ than a football. It is played between two teams. There are 5 players in _ team. It was a fast, wonderful game with much moving and passing of the ball. Basketball is still a young game. Its over a hundred years old. Basketball is quite popular in China, _ . If you travel around China you will notice its very popular everywhere you go.Children often take a basketball to school and play _after school. In China some girls can play basketball _ boys. NBA games are very _ in the world. More than 100 million people in 208 countries like _ them on TV. Basketball has become a more popular sport for people to watch, and many young people dream of becoming famous basketball players.11 . AinBonCfromDto12 . AhaveBplayCwatchDtake13 . AbigBbigerCbiggerDbiggest14 . AheavyBheavierCheaviestDthe heaviest15 . AeveryBbothCeachDall16 . AagainBalsoCsoDtoo17 . AitBthemCitsDthey18 . Aas good asBbetterCas well asDbest19 . AfamousBinterestingCboringDgood20 . AwatchingBseeingClookingDplaying三、阅读单选A woman cooked pancakes for her family and an extra one for a hungry passer-by. She always put the extra one on the windowsill.Every day,a hunchback(驼背者) came and took it away .Instead of expressing his thanks ,he said ,“The evil you do remains with you ;the good you do comes back to you !”“Not a word of thanks .Every day he says these words !What does he mean ? ”she said .Day by day ,the woman became annoyed .Therefore ,one day she added poison(毒药) to the pancake she prepared for him .She was about to put it on the windowsill when she shook with fear .“What am I doing ?”she said .She threw it into the fire and made another one .As usual ,the hunchback came ,picked up the pancake and said , “The evil you do remains with you ;the good you do comes back to you !”That evening ,there was a knock on the door .To her surprise ,it was her son who had been to a faraway place to make money .He looked very weak .He said ,“Mom, its a wonder lm here. While I was but a mile away, I was so hungry that I fell down. Iwould have died, but just then an old hunch-back passed by. I begged of him for a small part of his food,and he was kind enough to give me a whole bread,After hearing these words ,the woman remembered the pancake with poison .if she had not burnt it in the fire ,it would have been eaten by her son !She suddenly realized the meaning of the hunchbacks words .Do good and dont stop doing good ,even if it is not appreciated(感激) at that time .21 . Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined word “annoyed ”?ATiredBAngryCNervousDScared22 . According to the passage ,we can learn that _.Athe hunchback knew the womans sonBthe hunchback wasnt a helpful personCthe woman and the hunchback got on wellDthe woman thought the hunchback was impolite first23 . which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the passage ?The hunchback gave his pancake to the woman s sonthe woman made a poisoned pancake one morning the woman understood the meaning of the hunchbacks wordsA B C D 24 . what does the writer want to tell us ?ABe kind to hunchbackBNever stop doing good thingsCBe thankful to our parentsDDont expect too much from othersIn Amsterdam, the capital of Holland, there is a special restaurant. Why is it special? Because some children run it. The manager, cooks, cashiers, waiters, waitresses and other members are all children from 6 to 12 years old. They do all the work in the restaurant. All the children here like their work.This restaurant started in 1983 by a woman cook. She wanted to give the children chances to learn something useful for life. And now she is the only adult there, but her job is just to take care of the children.The restaurant is welcomed almost by everyone. There are only 20 seats in it. It is always full. So, if you want to eat there, you should book a table ahead of time. The price of a meal is $4 for each adult, but much cheaper for a child. It is open only on Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons because all the children should go to school first and finish their homework.25 . Who can be the member of the restaurant?ADaniel, a boy in grade 2 in primary schoolBSandy, a 17-year old girlCSam, a university studentDSandys elder sister26 . What does the work “run” mean in the article in Chinese?A跑步B监督C经营D做工27 . Why did the woman start the restaurant in 1983?AShe wanted to make more money.BShe wanted to work there.CShe wanted the children to learn something useful for life.DShe wanted to take care of the children.28 . Which of the following is TRUE about the restaurant?AAll the members of the restaurant are children.BThe children do all the work themselves.CThe restaurant is open every day.DYou can enjoy the food there whenever you want.29 . If your parents take you to the restaurant to have a meal, how much will your parents pay?A$6.B$8.CMore than $12.DNo more than$ 12.If you are reading this article in class, you are probably trying to read it quickly. You have been taught to skim and scan, to look for key words so as to understand the main idea and the important points in the article. Skimming and scanning is a good way when you are taking an exam. But, today, many people skim and scan everything and they have lost the ability to enjoy reading.Now something called the “slow reading movement” has become popular. The idea is that people should shut off their computers and mobile phones for half an hour or forty-five minutes each day and enjoy the pleasures of reading a good book- slowly! In many cities there are even slow reading clubs where members go to a caf, sit quietly, drink coffee and just read.Researchers have found that reading slowly helps people concentrate(专心)and relax. Reading, of course, isnt easy. You have to sit still, for one thing. And it can seem boring when compared to the excitement of playing video games. But, for me, reading has been an enduring(持久的)pleasure in my life. From the age of ten, when I got my first library card, Ive enjoyed thousands of interestingpeople I would have never met in real life. Reading helped me to understand the world around me. It was an education(教育) in a classroom that had no walls.In your classroom, you have learned to read “fast”. Outside the classroom, you should try to learn to read “slow”. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it.30 . According to the passage, what is a good way of reading when taking an exam?ASkimming and scanning.BThinking over carefully.CUnderstanding the main idea.DReading carefully and slowly.31 . Which of the following is NOT the idea for the “slow reading movement”?ASit quietly and just read.BEnjoy reading a good book.CTalk about the books you like together.DShut off your computers and mobile phones.32 . What does the underlined word “people” mean?AStudents in the classroom.BCharacters from the books.CPersons in the writers real life.DMembers from slow reading clubs.33 . What is the best title of the passage?ASlow reading movementBAdvantages of fast readingCEnjoy skimming and scanningDSlow reading and fast readingIn Singapore, many middle school students spend lots of their time on their studiesMost people think good education is a ticket to success(成功)in their future. So, many of these students try their best to get a good mark in their exams. They have a lot of homework every day and exams are a big trouble. Sometimes, some of them are even made to go to after-school classes.Schools run activities outside school hours. The students can join in sports and games, music and dance, swimming and climbing, etc. They are also very interested in community service(社区服务)In their spare time, most students like to listen to pop music. Hollywood blockbusters(大片), Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very popular among them. They understand IT very well. Some of them also spend their free time searching the Internet, e-mailing their friends, playing computer and video games.They sometimes go to cafes, fast-food restaurants, shopping centers and big bookshops. _.34 . Many students want to get good education to be _ in the futureApopularBsuccessfulCinterestingDhappy35 . _ _go to after-school classes in Singapore.AA11 of the studentsBFew of the studentsCNot all the studentsDMost of the students36 . According to the passage,most students in Singapore like _AHollywood blockbustersBwriting to their friendsCtalking to their friendsDhaving exams37 . The meaning of the underlined sentence in the passage is _Athe middle school students life in Singapore is easy.Bthe middle school students life in Singapore is amazing.Cthe middle school students life in Singapore is boring.Dthe m.iddle school students life in Singapore is hard, but its interesting.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。38 . Be q_, please? The baby is sleeping.39 . Dont f_ with each other at school! You should get on well with your classmates.40 . My mother is cooking in the k_.41 . Please r_ to lock the door when you leave the house.42 . Lisa likes _(阅读)books in the library.43 . During the next few days, I have decided to have a god rest by taking a walk or seeing a film. I really need to _(放松).44 . Can I go _(外出)this evening, Mom? Im afraid you cant, dear.45 . Dont _(带来)your dog or cat into the museum.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,或首字母写出句中所缺单词。46 . Its impossible for us_ (learn) English well without reading a lot.47 . Whats the most important morning news on CCTV today?The Chinese government warned Japan _ (not do) harm to Chinas territorial sovereignty (领土主权)48 . _(realize) his lifelong dream, the young man went to the Hollywood by himself, with only a few dollars in his pocket.49 . Passengers are not allowed _(eat) or drink when they take the underground.50 . Hell have his watch _(repair) tomorrow51 . He cant understand you. She cant understand you. How can you expect me, a man youve known for three days _ (understand) you?52 . It was really kind of you _(drive)me home.53 . In some countries, children are paid _(do)some housework but only time will tell whether it is true for parents _(do)so.54 . He has devoted all his life _ (protect )wild animals55 . The little boy will travel abroad _ (learn )more about art and music.56 . At times, parents find it difficult _(talk)with their teenage children.57 . What else should we pay attention to _(finish)building the bridge?The change of the weather, I think.58 . What great fun Andrew has _ (do)DIY in the art room with his classmates!59 . Why are you so excited today?We were told _ (have)a picnic this weekend.60 . This sign is used _ (make)tourists to stay away from the lion in the zoo.用所给词的适当形式填空61 . I saw him _ (fall) down from his bike.62 . The street is _ (ice) after snowing.63 . Be careful with the _ (break) glass.64 . Betty practices _(run) every morning.65 . My mother _ (cook) when I got home.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子66 . 你记下老师说的内容了吗?Did you _ what the teacher said?67 . 我打算从事烹饪,因为我喜欢吃美味的食物。Im going to _ cooking because I like eating delicious food.68 . 他总能遵守诺言。He is always _ keep his _.69 . 汤姆与此事无关。Tom has nothing _ the matter.70 . 由于这个原因,他打算搬到乡下去。_,he is going to move to the countryside.七、填空Jazz, a type of music, is one of the art forms. It started in the United States. Black Americans, who sang and played the music of their homeland, created jazz.Jazz is a mixture of African music, work songs, slave songs and religious(宗教的) music. Improvisation(即兴表演) is an important part of jazz. This is why a jazz song might sound a little different every time it is played.Many jazz bands appeared in the late 1800s. They played jazz in bars and clubs in many towns and cities, especially in New Orleans. New Orleans is an international city and people from all over the world come to New Orleans to enjoy jazz.Jazz became more and more popular. By the 1920s, jazz was popular all over the United States. By the 1940s, you could listen to jazz not only in clubs and bars, but in concert halls. Today, people from all over the world play jazz.JazzDescription(描述) of jazzIts a mixture of African music, work songs, 71 . and religious music.An 72 . part of jazz is improvisation. About jazz bandsMany jazz bands appeared in the late 1800s. They played jazz in bars and clubs in many 73 . .Becoming popularBy 74 . , jazz was popular in the US.By the 1940s, you could listen to jazz in clubs, bars and75 . .Now, people from all over the world play jazz.八、材料作文76 . “五城同创”加快了建设美好毕节的步伐,有人尝试这样翻译“五城城同创”:Our government carried out the policy about five simultaneous blueprints for city planning, which aims to make our city a nationwide civilized city, a garden city, and a sanitary city, as well as a model city for environmental protection and double support city all over China. 请仔细阅读此翻译,认真领会以Be a student with good manners. 为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。包括以下要点:1. 说话有礼貌2. 遵守交通规则3. 不乱扔果皮纸屑4. 不采摘花朵5. 公共场所不喧闹。写作要求:可适当发挥,照抄试卷原题目给出的译文不给分,文中不得出现真实信息,给出的要点要齐全。Be a student with good manners_第 11 页 共 11 页

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