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太原市2019-2020年度八年级上学期10月月考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - I think bamboo has more uses thanin the world.- I agree with you.Aany plantBall the plantsCother plantDany other plant2 . _ does John usually _ on Friday evening?He usually plays games with his friends.AWhat; doesBHow; doCWhat; doDHow; does3 . My father hoped _ horse riding when we were in Inner Mongolia.Ame to learnBI learnCto learnDto learning4 . - Oh, the new class uniform looks ugly! I dont like the color!- _. I think the uniform is out of style! And girls should wear skirts _ pants!AMe, either; instead ofBMe, too; instead ofCMe, either; withoutDMe, too; without5 . Lucy, which season do you like _ in Beijing, spring or autumn?Autumn.AgoodBbetterCbestDthe best6 . Will you please show me how to operate the new machine?Sure. Its a piece of cake. Now let me tell you _ to do first.AwhatBhowCwhetherDwhich7 . We want two good musicians_ our rock band.AforBwithCatDin8 . In our school library therea number of books on science,and in these years the number of themgrowing larger and larger.Aare;isBis;areCare;areDis;is9 . -The Smiths_ in London and now they _ in Shanghai.Aare used to live used to liveBused to live are used to liveCused to live are used to livingDused to living are used for living10 . What about _ our pocket money for the children of Yushu, Qinghai Province?Good idea!I think they will be very _.Araising; impressingBraise; impressedCraising; impressedDraise; impressing11 . He was _ to give up smoking, but he refused.AadvisedBpersuadedCsuggestedDhad12 . Your jacket is very nice. .AWhereBThank youCNoDGood13 . This book is that one,but than that one.Aas difficult as;expensiveBas more difficult as;more expensiveCas difficult as;more expensiveDmore difficult as;as expensive14 . Tom is _ honest boy. We all believe _ things he says.Athe; theBa; /Can; theDan;/15 . All there talent shows have one thing _common.AonBinCatDfor二、完型填空完形填空。Hello! My_is Mammon. I _a girl. I wear (穿着) a nice jacket. Its color is_. I like it. I have a new classmate(新同学). He is a_. His name _ Jim Miller. His _ name is Jim. He wears a _ , too. It is white. I ask(问) him _ question, “Whats _ telephone number?” His _ is “2953374 ”. Mr. Huang is my English teacher. He is a good teacher.16 . AnumberBfamilyCcardDname17 . AamBisCareDbe18 . AfineByellowCEnglishDnice19 . AgirlBpenCcaseDboy20 . AamBisCareDbe21 . AlastB familyCfirst DEnglish22 . ArulerBquiltCjacket Dwatch23 . A/BanCtheDa24 . AmyBhisCyourDher25 . AfriendBpenCmapDnumber三、阅读单选26 . According to Tina, the best way to learn English is to .Awatch English TVBspeak itClook up new wordsDhave a big vocabulary27 . David thinks is important if you really want to improve your English.Acorrect, clear pronunciationBgood grammarCcarrying an English dictionaryDa wide vocabulary28 . According to Anne, the biggest problem in learning a new language is .Aa small vocabularyBunclear pronunciationCpoor grammarDthe fear of making mistakesLinda and David have travelled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. Linda has promised(答应)her mother that she will ring her to let her know that they arrived safely. This is something she had done ever since she was a child. David thinks it is not a good idea to ring so far, to spend too much, and to say so little.But Linda promised to ring. However, she says, it doesnt cost much when you just think that its the other side of the world. Its only six pence per second (每秒六便士). If youre on that telephone for less than one minute, Ill eat my hat, David says, And one minutes nearly four pounds(镑). Thats no more than youd pay for a new hat, Linda answers.She has asked the man at the hotel desk to get her the number. The telephone rings. Linda picks it up. Hello, Mum. Is that you ? She says. Six pence per second, David told her.“Hello, love. It is Mrs Lee, Lindas mother, speaking from London. I can hear you very clearly just like you are in the next room. Its a better line than when you called me from your office. Do you remember? I shouted at that time, and still you couldnt hear me sometimes. Yes, Mum. Linda puts in. I just wanted to ring to . I remember how you rang when you went to Bettys house to eat, when you were a little girl. And then when you Mrs Lee is a great talkerNearly four pounds. says David. Linda tries to tell her mother that it is time to say goodbye. Yes, all right, says Mrs Lee, But you will write, wont you, as you did when you were at work Once again, Mrs Lee talks about the past. and there is no stopping her. Four pounds fifty, says David. At last, Linda cuts her mother short, promises to write, and rings off.There! That was long, wasnt it ? Four pounds, ninety pence. David answers. And you didnt even say that weve arrived. 29 . Linda is telephoning home to _.Atell her mother some bad newsBsay that she and David have arrived safelyCreport an accident to her motherDsay that she and David have left London30 . David says, Nearly four pounds, because _.Ahe wants to let Linda know the cost of the callBhe wants to buy himself a new hatCLinda has not told her mother they have arrivedDhe wants Mrs Lee to know how much the call costs31 . Mrs Lee goes on talking for so long because_.Ashe likes to hear all about the past.Bshe likes talkingCLinda had not told her that she has arrivedDshe is going to pay for the telephone call32 . Linda tries to stop her mother by _.Atelling her how much the call is costingBwriting a letter as she has promised to doCtelling her that they have arrived safelyDpromising to write, and ringing offThe Green Shadow vegetarian food health specialistsAddress 40 Kings Road, Hong Kong Tel: 5555 1122Business hours: 11:30 a.m. to 9: 30 p. m. (Monday to Saturday)This vegetarian restaurant is above a popular gym with lots of healthy eaters. You can hear soft music and see lots of green plants near the reception area, plus a fountain trickles (滴) peacefully in a comer. The waiters all know how to recommend (推荐) dishes that suit a customers blood type.Customer reviewsI go there often. The helpful waiters always recommend delicious dishes, like pumpkin soup with healthy wheat bread.The atmosphere is cosy, but the food is expensive. The waiters are a little arrogant (自大的); they think they know everything about food. Anyway, how many more vegetarian (素食的) restaurants does this city need?The Enchanted (令人陶醉的) Caf a fantasy theme steakhouseAddress: 78 Party Lane, Hong Kong Tel: 5555 1368Business hours: 11 a. m. to 10 p. m. (Sunday to Saturday)The restaurant looks like the inside of an old castle, with dim lighting and mysterious music. Waitresses serve burgers and steaks in witch (女巫) costumes. They also do magic tricks.Customer reviewsThe Enchanted Caf is such a fun place to visit, and the food is really tasty too! The mushroom burgers are pure magic! Yum!I dont care how much the food costs; the performing waitresses are worth the visit! You can also eat some amazing cakes there.Rock and Roll Pizza House-traditional pizza served with a smileAddress: 55 North Avenue, Hong Kong Tel: 5555 9987Business hours: 1:30 p. m. to 11:30 p. m. (Sunday to Saturday)An American-style restaurant serves fresh pizza with a variety of toppings (配料). The waiters go from table to table on roller skates in their bright red uniforms. Customers can enjoy some golden oldies (老歌) from the 1950s in a friendly atmosphere.Customer reviewsThey dont have any garlic (大蒜)! What kind of place has no garlic? I also asked for some extra cheese on my pizza, but I didnt get any. The service there was horrible!I cant tell you how many times a waiter stumbled (绊倒) while serving the pizza. It is dangerous! They dont sell any good drinks either.33 . You can go to _ for lunch at 11:00 a. m. on Sunday.AHungry HarryBThe Green ShadowCThe Enchanted CafDRock and Roll Pizza House34 . At Rock and Roll Pizza House, _.Athere are a lot of green plants near the reception area.Bwaitresses serve burgers and steak in witch costumes.Cwaiters all know how to recommend delicious food.Dcustomers can enjoy some golden oldies from the 1950s.35 . According to the online restaurant guide, which one of the following is NOT true?AAll three restaurants received positive reviews.BTwo of the restaurants open seven days a week.CThe Rock and Roll Pizza House has the music from the 1950s.DThe Green Shadow does not serve steak.Do you use a calendar to help you organize your life? By listing what you need to do on any special day, you can make sure to keep all for your appointments and not worry whether youve forgotten something. Calendars are also useful for reminding(提醒) people what day a certain holiday is on and what days you might have off from work. Besides, they are used for planning fun things like vacations and outings.A calendar is usually divided into twelve parts, and each one stands for a month with all the days laid out in a grid-like (网格状的) form. A block of space usually is for a day, and there is enough space for you to write down what you need to do on that certain day. You probably use all different kinds of calendars. A calendar on your cell phone screen is easy to use, and so is a large paper calendar that hangs on your wall.Here is one page of Marys calendar and it shows her plans in May.36 . People use calendars to _.make plans for vacations and outingsbuy birthday presents on the cell phoneshelp remember their appointmentsremind themselves of the holidays and the days offABCD37 . From Paragraph 2 we can know _.Awhat a calendar looks likeBwhat a calendar is used forChow we draw a calendar on the wallDhow we organize our life with a calendar38 . When is Gregs birthday?AFriday May 11.BSunday May 13.CFriday May 18.DSunday May 20.39 . How many full days will Mary spend in London?ATwo days.BThree daysCFour days.DFive days.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出个单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)40 . Please try to d_ what the thief looks like.41 . He was so hungry that he ate a_ everything on the table.42 . The bicycle-sharing system may help reduce air p_ in big cities.43 . Behind gifts and Christmas trees l_ the true meaning of Christians.44 . I have to do it myself, because I cant find a _ to help me.45 . Tea, one of the most favorite drinks in the world, was invented about five t_ years ago.46 . Lets ask o_ some questions and think about them before we make a big decision.47 . The development of the app Wechat can make s_ be friends.48 . Yesterday Mike fell o_ his bike, but luckily he wasnt badly hurt.49 . W_ you do, Ill be behind you and support you.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空50 . He _ (drink) some milk and ate some bread.51 . Remember _ (close) the windows when you leave school.52 . I heard Daniel _ (not pass) the Maths exam.Oh, really?53 . No one except (除了) his parents _ (know) where he lives now.54 . What did you have for your breakfast this morning?I _ (eat) some bread.55 . Yesterday the teacher _ (tell) us that the Earth moves around the Sun.56 . We found a new way _ (work) out the Maths problem.57 . Father is interested in _ (climb) up the mountains on sunny days.58 . Thanks for explaining (解释) and _ (give) us so much help.59 . Look! How fast Wang Ming is running!I _ (not know) he could run so fast!六、完成句子完成句子:根据所给中文意思,完成下列各句。60 . 只要你努力,你就会成功!You will be _ as long as you work hard,61 . 玛丽长大了打算做什么?What is Mary going to do when she _?62 . 每一个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。Everyone should _ saving the earth.63 . 因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么都看不见。_ the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.64 . 直到下周三萨姆才离开。Sam _ until next Wednesday.七、单词填空先阅读短文,再在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。Daniel isnt doing well at school and he is vey busy. Every week, he has drum lessons , tennislessons, chess club and swimming lessons. He has to do his homework l65 . at night. Danielsmum is worried about him because Daniel always feels u66 . . But she doesnt know why. Daniels isnt suffering from lacking confidence. He is suffering from having too much to do.Keep in m67 . that attending school is your childrens most important activity. If yourchildren have too many off-campus activities, these activities may get in the way of school s68 . ,You may help your children c69 . two or three things they love doing. Even two is enough. When children have too much to do, they may have learning and emotional p70 . . They dont have enough time to do their homework, play or sleep. It s71 . as if they are trying to squeeze their school work in.Children always do better at school and in everyday life when they are not u72 . too much stress. When children feel very tired and stressed, parents need to help j73 . the amount of work and activities in and out of school. Its p74 . job to protect their children from having too much to do.八、填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。In the United States people dont like to stay at home during the holidays. They prefer to go camping for their holidays. When they are camping, they live in the woods or parks and do everything for themselves for a few days to relax. For example, they can have a picnic and make all their food themselves. Barbecues(烧烤) are very popular. They bring meat and vegetables and make a fire by themselves. When the fire is ready, they can cook food over it. Besides meat and vegetables, they can also cook many other foods with the fire. Children really like this activity at night. All the family sit around the fire, eat delicious and drink hot chocolate. Everyone can sing songs and dance together.Camping is a fun activity for the family to do. Holidays dont have to mean going to visit places faraway. It could be going to the woods or parks near your houses and camping there!75 . The Americans would like to _ for their holidays but not staying at home.76 . The _ or _ are the best places for the camping.77 . People can _ and make all their food themselves when they are camping.78 . Camping is _ and many people in the United States enjoy it.79 . According to the passage, we dont need to go to _ when we have holidays.九、书信作文80 . 假设你是Lin Tao,根据表格中提供的信息写一封e-mail向你的笔友Kitty 介绍一下你的两位好朋友的过去与现在。80-120个单词。NameIn the past NowDavid short, shy, play basketballtall, outgoing , play footballYu MeiStraight black hair, glassesCurly brown hair, contact lenses(隐形眼镜)Dear Kitty, I have two friends. One is David, and the other is Yu Mei. _Yours, Lin Tao第 14 页 共 14 页

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