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杭州市2020年(春秋版)七年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What do you think of the magicians performance? It could be _. I think she is feeling very nervous.AgoodBbetterCbadDworse2 . Linda is today. Can you come to her birthday party this evening.Atwelve; twelfthBtwelfth; twelfthCtwelve; twelveDtwelfth; twelve3 . The shirt is very nice. Ill _ it.AbringBwantCtakeDbelieve4 . When shall we meet again?Make it _day you like. Its all the same to me.AoneBanyCanotherDall5 . The doctor must always passing on the disease to his family.Alead toBguard againstCcare aboutDgo beyond6 . -_ -I want a pair of sports shoes.ADo you have a pair of shoes?BCan I help you?CWhat do you want to do?DWhat do you do?7 . Do you think English is very interesting?Yes,. Most of us like learning English.AI think itBI think soCits just so-so8 . Goodbye!_!ASee you laterBSeeCSee it9 . What does Jennys father do? Hes _.Aa doctorBJim SmithCa tall manDvery old10 . _ is your birthday?Its _ July 18th.AWhat; inBWhen; onCWhere; atDHow; for11 . Toms been in the army _ October1st, 2008. What about you?Oh, I joined the army _February 4th, 2004.Aon; onBin; forCsince; onDon; since12 . They are my friends.I love _ very much,AthemBtheyChe and sheDit13 . We all like Miss Wang.Yes. She always _ her students _ in her English classes.Amake, laughBmakes, to laughCmake, laughingDmakes, laugh14 . There is not _ space in my bedroom because it is not _ enough.Alittle.bigBmuch.bigClittle.smallDmuch.small15 . Many people like pandasthey are cute.AthoughBifCwhileDbecause二、完型填空Why do we play games? _they are fun, and a lot more. Following the rules, planning your next game, acting as a team member-these are all ”game” ideas that you will have throughout your life.Think about some of the games you _as a young child, such rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are fun, They teach children some of the basic rules. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as _. For example, some Saudi Arabian children play a game _bones. It can be very helpful to exercise their hands and eyes, _is needed in hunting.Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most _games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes(运动员) from around the world together _part in the friendly competition. People who _the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for a whole country, not just the athlete who has got _.Sports are also an event that brings people _. _is the most popular sport in the world. People all over the world play it- some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian soccer player, has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer. He_an organization which can provide poor children _not only soccer balls but also a hopeful future.Next time, when you play your favorite game or sport, _why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and _these skills will help you in your life.16 . ASoBBecauseCWhenDSince17 . AplayBplayedCtaughtDtook18 . AchildrenBstudentsCgirlsDadults19 . AcallBcalledCcallingDbe called20 . AwhatBwhereCwhenDwhich21 . AfamousBinterestingCeasyDdifficult22 . AtakeBto takeCtakingDbe taken23 . AwatchBseeClookDlook at24 . AthemBtheyCitDits25 . AaroundBtogetherCwithDout26 . ABasketballBTennisCSwimmingDSoccer27 . Aset outBset inCset upDset about28 . AforBtoCwithDup29 . Atalk aboutBthink aboutCthink ofDtalk around30 . AwhatBwhereCthatDwhetherToday we call on YOU to vote(投票)for your national heroes. We will _ your votes and then count them up. In two weeks, we will tell you the _. Now its time to start thinking! Decide _ your national hero is, then make sure you VOTE. First, write the name of your hero on a piece of _, with your name, your class and the reason why you chose that person. Put your votes in the box outside the school secretarys office.So, just to get you started, our reporters asked some of the students in the school who their heroes were. They got lots of _ answers! There were lots of _ heroes, such as Yao Ming, Lin Dan. Some students chose famous singers or movie stars instead. Not many students chose a statesman(政客)as their hero. One student chose Wangari Maathai. She was the first African woman to get the Nobel _ Prize. She won the prize for helping poor people, _ women. one of her projects was to _women to collect seeds from the forests and grow trees. She made her country _ and gave people jobs at the same time.31 . AcollectBsellCvisitDcontrol32 . AfindingsBresultsCproblemsDanswers33 . AwhatBwhichChowDwho34 . ApenBpaperCbookDruler35 . AdifferentBstrangeCsameDspecial36 . AactingBsingingCsportingDdancing37 . APhysicsBPeaceCScienceDMedicine38 . AespeciallyBluckilyChappilyDfinally39 . AgiveBmakeCencourageDorder40 . AeasierBfunnierCbiggerDgreener三、阅读单选It was a lovely day. Sarah had a picnic in the park with her friends. She prepared(准备)much food, such as some chicken, chocolate and ice cream. All are the daily food in our life. But do you know where some of them came from?Chicken Chickens were once wild birds in the forest of Asia(亚洲). Around 3,400 years ago, men began to use chickens. But the birds were small and their meat was hard to eat. So people only kept chickens to fight(战斗)for sport.Chocolate The seed of the cocoa tree can be made into chocolate. But 2,000 years ago, people in Central America only drank chocolate. In Europe, chocolate drinks didnt become popular in the 1500s until sugar was added. Ice cream Long before ice cream, water ices were popular all over Asia. During the Tang Dynasty(朝), some people created ice cream from milk. Later, travelers took this idea back to Europe. Soon, many people wanted to try it and the dessert became popular everywhere.41 . Sarah prepared much food to_.Ahave a picnic with her friends in the parkBknow something about animals and plantsCfind out where some of the food came fromDtell stories about daily food in our life42 . Around 3,400 years ago, people _.Akept chickens as wild birds in the forest of AsiaBkept some small birds to eat their hard meatCfind out where some of the food came fromDbegan to keep chickens to fight for sport43 . _created ice cream.ASome people in AsiaBA king of the Tang DynastyCSome people in EuropeDA traveler to Asia44 . The best title for the passage is _.ASarahs Picnic.BDaily Food in Our life.CWhere Did Our Food Come From?DWe Eat These Food Every Day!Welcome to Wonder Restaurant! We have really good noodles. They are cheap and nice! There are some great specials. You can also get some other great food here. They are all delicious.Have a look at our menu and have a try soon. It is on May Street, across from a museum and next to the Peoples Park. I know you will like it! You can call 929-3155 to book (预定) seats.NoodlesSpecial A (beef and tomato) 6 RMBSpecial B (mutton and cabbage) 7 RMBSpecial C (chicken and carrot)8 RMBDumplingsPork and cabbage dumplings 20 RMB/500gEgg and mushroom dumplings 22 RMB/500gIce CreamStrawberry ice cream 4 RMBBanana ice cream 3 RMBChocolate ice cream 5 RMB45 . Where is the restaurant?ANext to the Peoples Park.BBehind a museum.COn Center Street.46 . The phone number of the restaurant is _.A929-3155B936-3517C928-314647 . The chicken and carrot noodles are _.A5 RMBB7 RMBC8 RMB48 . You cant get _ in Wonder Restaurant.AdumplingsBhamburgersCice cream49 . If you have 250g of egg and mushroom dumplings for lunch, you should pay _.A14 RMBB12 RMBC11 RMBJuly is a month of funfilled activities for kids and teens as long as you know where to find themWhen you want some fun activities for July,consider these ideas happening in this monthSecret of the DragonTime: Monday,July 1,2013,10:30amCost: Adult:7.40Children(under15):halfbookings Phone the booking office:3403 2578Address: Brisbane Botanic GardensNote: Secret of the Dragon is a magical story about two children who are taken on a dragon ride to explore the universeThe Search for LifeTime: Thursday,July 4,2013,2:00pmCost: Adult:14.50Children (under 15years):8.70BookingsPhone the booking office:3403 7689Address: Brisbane Botanic GardensNote: Are we truly alone in space?Is there any life out there?These are the questions asked in this showMagic ClassTime: Friday,July 12,2013,10:00amCost: FreeBookings:Please call 3403 8470to book your placeAddress:Centenary Community hub,171Dandenong RdNote: Would you like to be a magician?Then join David,the magician,to learn about real magic with playing cards,coins,ring ropes and DIY projects and be able to become the life of the partyScience with MeTime: Saturday,July 20,2013,3:00pmCost: FreeBookings: Please phone 3403 1226to book your placeAddress: 10,Egginton CloseNote: Do you want to make a guitar with Katy and her mom?Science with Me is going to be with youPlease remember to bring a piece of wood,a hammer,some rubber bands and some nails with you50 . Alec is strongly interested in space lifeHe may go toAMagic ClassBScience with MeCSecret of the DragonDThe Search for Life51 . John and his 10yearold son want to watch Secret of the DragonHow much should they pay?A7.40B11.10C14.80D23.2052 . What do the four activities have in common?AThey are all freeBThey happen in the same placeCThey are all weekend activitiesDThey can all be booked by phone四、句型转换句型转换53 . 按题目要求完成句子。Tom has eggs for breakfast every day. (划线部分提问) _54 . 按题目要求完成句子。Our mother likes blue and white. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) _55 . 按题目要求完成句子。Tony has some oranges and carrots for lunch. (变为否定句)_56 . 按题目要求完成句子。Those black trousers are nine dollars. (划线部分提问) _57 . 按题目要求完成句子。but, dont, Alan, my, have, ball, a, does, I, soccer, brother(.) (连词成句)_五、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,选择方框中的短语并用其适当形式填空。stay up, show up, costume party, wake up, go off58 . The baby is sleeping now. When she _, Ill call you.59 . I got up and dressed myself quickly when my alarm clock _.60 . Though we invited him, he didnt _.61 . Bob was very tired because he _deep into the night.62 . The man hurried to the _without finishing his work.六、句子配对交际运用,从栏中找出与栏相应的答语。63 . How are you doing?64 . What about going to the park together.65 . Can I help you?66 . Ill visit the Great Wall tomorrow.67 . How much does it cost to go to Beijing by air?A2600 yuan.BI want to book some rooms.CFine, thank you.DHave a good trip.EGood idea.难度:一般使用:35次题型:句子配对更新:2017/1/15纠错智能换题收藏详情七、单词填空七. 短文填空。(每空一词)The May Day holiday is coming. I am going to enjoy 68 . . On the morning of 1st May. I plan to get up69 . and help my father clean the car. Then Im going to have breakfast 70 . seven oclock. After that, I am going to take a trip to the71 . with my family by car.First, I am going to play volleyball with other visitors(游客) on the beach. 72 . , I am going to go fishing and boating. My father is going to take lots of 73 . and he is also going to go boating with me. 74 . is my mother going to do ? Oh, I guess(猜) she is going to help me to 75 . some shells(贝壳). And she is also going to 76 . some exercise. My sister is going to draw some pictures because shes very good at it.Oh, I77 . we can have a good time.难度:较难使用:73次题型:单词填空更新:2019/4/21纠错智能换题收藏详情八、将所给单词连成句子将下列单词组合成完整的句子(注意大小写和标点符号的正确使用)78 . pen, that, is, a_?79 . to, too, meet, nice, you_.80 . are, Dingding, Nana, China, from, and_.81 . English, what, in, is, this_?82 . books, are, my, these_.难度:一般使用:85次题型:将所给单词连成句子更新:2019/7/28纠错智能换题收藏详情九、材料作文83 . 书面表达。李大明是我最好的朋友,他在校认真学习,各门功课都很优秀,这个星期六早上他将会做一些阅读,他喜欢大声读书,然后完成家庭作业。晚上他会看英文电影。大明在家是个好孩子,经常帮父母打扫卫生,这个星期天他要和同学们一起去公园野餐,然后在公园捡垃圾,他希望公园变得很干净美丽。请根据以上内容写一篇文章介绍大明和他的周末计划。要求:文中不能出现真实的班级和姓名;词数80词左右;可以适度拓展。难度:困难使用:14次题型:材料作文更新:2019/5/6纠错智能换题收藏详情十、其他84 . AcuteBstudentCusuallyDclub难度:一般使用:45次题型:其他更新:2017/1/10纠错智能换题收藏详情七、单词填空七. 短文填空。(每空一词)The May Day holiday is coming. I am going to enjoy 68 . . On the morning of 1st May. I plan to get up69 . and help my father clean the car. Then Im going to have breakfast 70 . seven oclock. After that, I am going to take a trip to the71 . with my family by car.First, I am going to play volleyball with other visitors(游客) on the beach. 72 . , I am going to go fishing and boating. My father is going to take lots of 73 . and he is also going to go boating with me. 74 . is my mother going to do ? Oh, I guess(猜) she is going to help me to 75 . some shells(贝壳). And she is also going to 76 . some exercise. My sister is going to draw some pictures because shes very good at it.Oh, I77 . we can have a good time.八、将所给单词连成句子将下列单词组合成完整的句子(注意大小写和标点符号的正确使用)78 . pen, that, is, a_?79 . to, too, meet, nice, you_.80 . are, Dingding, Nana, China, from, and_.81 . English, what, in, is, this_?82 . books, are, my, these_.九、材料作文83 . 书面表达。李大明是我最好的朋友,他在校认真学习,各门功课都很优秀,这个星期六早上他将会做一些阅读,他喜欢大声读书,然后完成家庭作业。晚上他会看英文电影。大明在家是个好孩子,经常帮父母打扫卫生,这个星期天他要和同学们一起去公园野餐,然后在公园捡垃圾,他希望公园变得很干净美丽。请根据以上内容写一篇文章介绍大明和他的周末计划。要求:文中不能出现真实的班级和姓名;词数80词左右;可以适度拓展。十、其他84 . 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