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九年级下学期诊断性考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . boring story he told us!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow2 . -Alice, please tell Eric to call me when he _ back.-No problem.AcomeBcomesCcameDwill come3 . Tom, you are the person Im looking _! Come to help me deal with the case.AatBforCafterDup4 . Thesebooksshould_tothelibraryontimeAsendBbereturnedCgivebackDreturn5 . Some of my classmates are in the playground and the rest _in the classroom.AisBwereCwasDare6 . How do you like English?I think its _ than math.AdifficultBmore difficultCthe most difficultDmost difficult7 . -have you been away from your home town?-For about 13 yearsAHow soonBHow farCHow longDHow often8 . The traffic is moving very slowly as so many carson their way back to Shanghai.AamBisCareDbe9 . Who is that girl?I _ her. She is Molly s cousin.AknowBthankChelpDmeet10 . You will see _ on the exhibition. That is great! I look forward _ it.Asomething wonderful; to seeBsomething wonderful; to seeingCwonderful something; to seeDwonderful something; to seeing11 . Anna, would you like _ us for dinner after work?AjoinBjoiningCto joinDto joining12 . Although you may meet some difficulties, you should never _.Aget upBgrow upCgive outDgive up13 . A fire _ in the house.AhappenBis happeningChappeningDhappens14 . There is80-year-old woman under the tree .old man is zhanghongs grandmother .Athe , AnBa , TheCan , AnDan , The15 . James doesnt want any help from us, he can do well by.AheBhimChisDhimself二、补全短文5选5The holiday season is usually a very busy time. To have a happy and healthy holiday, you need to learn some ways to relax during the holidays.First, sit down with a pen and a piece of paper before the holiday season starts. 16 . Second, take exercises to relax.17 . Do a few minutes of yoga (瑜伽)before you go to bed to make sure you have a good sleep. And getting around 8 hours of sleep every night is good for your health18 . . Third, plan some time for yourself. 19 . Choose something you enjoy doing alone, such as reading a book, taking a walk or listening to music, and do it for at least 15 minutes every day. So the holiday season is a wonderful time for everyone.20 . AIt helps a lot to have enough sleep during your holiday. BIf you have a plan, youll have a rich and relaxing holiday. CIf you learn these ways, youll have a colorful and relaxing holiday. DIn your own time, you can finish what you want.E. If you dont have time to go to the gym,then go for a walk after dinner.三、完型填空完型填空Here are some advice about keeping your mind and body healthy. First, you should get enough_every night. If you go to bed late, youll feel_the next morning and you wont be able to work well. Second dont forget to _ a lot of water. Its good to drink at _ six glasses of water every day. Third, you had better not stay in doors all the time. This is not good for you. You should go out for a _ every day to get some fresh air. You should also keep your body _ and in this way youll become healthy and feel comfortable(自信的). Finally, dont forget to brush your teeth two or three times a_Of course, you _ do the following things. For example, you should say_to smoking and drinking. And you shouldnt take drugs.(毒品) All these_will harm your body and they can cause serious health problems. Remember the old saying: look after your body and it will look after you.21 . AfoodBwaterCsleep22 . AtiredBunhealthyChappy23 . AbuyBdrinkCget24 . AlastBallCleast25 . AmealBwalkCvisit26 . AhealthyBcleanCfresh27 . AdayBweekCmonth28 . AneedntBmustntCshouldnt29 . AyesBnoCsorry30 . AsmokingBdrinkingCthings四、阅读单选Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-8:45Math ChineseEnglishMath Chinese 8:55-9:40English MathChinese Chinese Computer 10:00-10:45Art Physics Biology Politics Computer 10:55-11:40P.E.EnglishMath Chemistry English 1:00-1:45HistoryGeographyPhysics History Math 2:00-2:45Music ChemistryP.E.English Biology 2:55-3:40Chinese Class meetingPoliticsChinese Geography 31 . You have an art class on .AMondayBTuesdayCWednesdayDThursday32 . You have Chinese classes every week.A5B4C6D733 . How long will you rest for the lunch break? -.A60 minutesB70 minutesC80 minutesD90 minutes34 . You have only on Monday and Wednesday.AartBmusicCP.E.DChinese35 . You can send and receive e-mails fromtoin computer classes on Friday.A8:00; 9:00B8:55; 10:45C10:00;11:00D10:30; 11:30Most American families like to have a vacation in summer. Summer is a good season for vacation. It is often hot in July and August.Children do not go to school in those two months. Some people like to stay at home, read books, or watch TV. Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake. Some people have enough time and money to travel to other countries like France, Japan and Australia. They usually fly to these countries. Many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries. Their favorite city is New York.Not everyone likes to go to busy cities. Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys(山谷).36 . _ is a good season for vacation.ASpringBSummerCAutumnDWinter37 . They usually go to other countries .Aby boatBby bicycleCby busDby plane38 . Many families like to have their lunch _ during their vacation.Ain the officeBnear a cinemaCnear a big factoryDnear a nice lake39 . If you have _, you can travel to other countries.Amoney and friendsBfriends and timeCmoney and timeDfood40 . is their favorite city .ABeijing.BNew York.CTokyo.DSanyaNamePalace MuseumBritish MuseumHermitage MuseumMetropolitan Museum of ArtLocationBeijing, ChinaLondon, the UKSaint Petersburg, RussiaNew York, the USAInformationThe largest ancient palace with many kinds of collections in ChinaOne of the largest museums with collections of any time and any area in the worldOne of the largest and oldest museums with a large number of collections in the worldThe largest art museum in the USA with large collections of art from the USA and other countriesTicket60 yuan (April 1st October 31st); 40 yuan (November 1st March 31st)FreeForeign tourist: about 70 yuan; Russian tourist: about 20 yuanAbout 200 yuan41 . Jack wants to visit the Hermitage Museum. He should go to _.ABeijingBLondonCSaint PetersburgDNew York42 . How many museums have the collections of different countries?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.43 . Mary wants to visit the Palace Museum with her parents on January 1st. They should pay _ yuan.A60B100C120D14044 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the materials?AChinese tourists pay more than Russian tourists when they visit the Hermitage Museum.BTourists dont have to pay when they visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.CThe British Museum has the worlds largest art collection.DThe Palace Museum isnt open on Mondays.45 . We may read the material from a _ magazine.AfoodBtravelCsportsDscienceJane always goes to school early. She likes to talk to her friends before class. After school she does not go home early. She is always late. Jane stops to see the animals in the pet shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little dog. She watches the little white dog play in the window of the shop. She watches for a long time, so she comes home late.One day her father and mother ask why she is late, and she tells them about the little dog in the pet shop.Jane is not late the next day. She stops to look in the window of the shop. But she doesnt see the little white dog,and she is very sad. She is also very happy, today is her birthday.Mother shows her a big birthday cake and Father gives her a birthday surprise. He gives the little white dog from the shop. Jane is very happy. The next day Jane does not come home late. She runs home to play with the white dog.46 . Before class begins, Jane usually _.Aplays with her friendsBtalks to her friendsClooks at the dogs in the windowDhave a break47 . After school Jane _.Acomes home earlyBdoes not go home lateCplays with the dogsDalways goes home late48 . Jane likes _best.Athe pet shopBthe little white dogClittle animalsDthe window of the shop49 . Who bought (买) the little white dog?AJane.BJanes friends.CJane s father.DNobody.50 . The birthday surprise is _.Aa big cakeBsome presentsCsome flowersDthe little white dog五、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Lions will die out from many countries in West Africa(西非). They cant live in 99% of their places. The 51 . (number)of the lions will become smaller and smaller. In 20 years Africa will lose half of the lions. Lions will die out 52 . the earth,too. Lions cant live in Africa. Its53 . we dont have enough food and places for lions. There are too many people on the earth,so we need more food and more clothes. And we need54 . (make)money and keep 55 . (health). We go into forests and grassland. Lions have to find another place but peoples footprints are here and there. Lions cant find any56 . (place)or enough food. Lions will die out because of no food. There57 . (be)only a few lions in West Africa now. People are 58 . (kill)lions. Its time59 . people to help lions. But how can we help them?Its a big problem for 60 . (we).六、材料作文61 . 假设你是Tom,Jack是你的同班同学,他有许多优良品质。请根据下面提示并发挥想象,写一篇推荐Jack竞选学校“年度最佳学生”的推荐信。姓名Jack班级七年级一班兴趣爱好1. 最喜欢金鱼,喜欢观看它们游来游去;2. 喜欢各种户外运动,常去野营,喜欢呆在外面。能力1. 文章写得好、钢琴弹得好;2. 思维敏捷、计划周密。主要事迹1. 乐于助人,是社区中心的志愿者,帮助人们解决各种问题;2. 经常为贫困的孩子募集钱物;3. 勇敢,(举一例)。要求:1. 条理清楚,语意连贯;2. 书写规范,标点正确;3. 正文80词左右;4. 开头、结尾已写好,不计入总词数。Dear Sir/Madam,I would like to recommend Jack for This Years Best Student Award._Jack is an excellent student. All my classmates think he should get the award. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,Tom七、看图写短语或句子根据所给单词图片和提示词,写出正确的句式表达。62 . now_63 . hair_64 . tthese_65 . there,some_66 . spend,library_八、其他根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。A: Where do you prefer to live, in the city or in the countryside?.B:67 . A: Dont you think its too noisy to live there?B: A little.68 . And there are theatres, restaurants, libraries and many ither interesting places to go and have fun.A: I see.69 . Its dangerous somtimes. While in the country, its quite different. People there often go by bike or on foot. Its much safer and cheaper.B: So what about you?.70 . A: Yes, I like its fresh air, blue sky and I can climb up the trees to pick fruits.71 . B: Maybe you are right. But I think every coin has its two sides.AIts really cool.BWhere do you prefer to live?CDo you like living in the countryside?DBut I like to go shopping in the city.EI prefer to live in the city.FBut there is much traffic in the city.GWhere do you think of the countryside?难度:一般使用:106次题型:其他更新:2017/1/15纠错智能换题收藏详情第 12 页 共 12 页


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