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拉萨市2020版七年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tan Weiweis song GiveYouabitofColor is very popular these days.Yes, its about the smog weather, which reminds us that we _ take actions to protect the environment.AneedBmightCmustDmay2 . _? I want to buy a ticket to Hangzhou.AWhat are you doingBHow old are youCWhere is the stationDCan I help you3 . - Why are you in such a hurry, Billy?- There _ a TV show “I am a singer! ” in ten minutes.Awill haveBwill beCis going to haveDare going to be4 . I have seen the film Where Are We Going, Dad?._. I think its wonderful.ANeither have IBSo have ICNeither have IDSo I have5 . I dont have money in my bag, but I have money in the bank.Aany;anyBsome;anyCany;someDsome;some6 . Jackie Chan is a famous actor.Yes, he is popular _ many young people.AbetweenBwithCfor7 . - Do not forget(忘记)to _your homework here tomorrow. - OK, I will.AtakeBtakesCbringDbrings8 . I live far away from my school, _ I have to get up early every day.AandBbutCsoDor9 . Although they were all good students,_ had a score above 60.AallBbothCneitherDnone10 . 一I plan to take a boat trip to Haihan next month.一 Thats great! _.AIm sorry to hear thatBThanks.CHave a good timeDId like to11 . Which group is with the sound/?Adear; nearBhi; buyCsure; FebruaryDknow; slow12 . Dont hurry; we still have _ timeAlittleBa littleCfewDa few13 . _is the apple?Its red.AWhat colorBWhats colorCHow much14 . -Sorry, Im new here, I dont know the way to the post office.-_.AThank you all the sameBThank youCIt doesnt matter.15 . AworldBshortChorseDSport二、完型填空Andy woke up and looked at the clock.11:10. He jumped out of bed and threw on clothes. He had wanted to get up early and surprise his_with Fathers Day breakfast in bedwith his moms help of course. He took up the wrapped present on his desk and went to find his dad.“Where is Dad?” Andy _all the rooms, but the whole house was empty. He walked out to the yard and his jaw(下巴) dropped. Dad was _a hammer(锤子) and looking at a new tree fort that stood in their big back yard.Andy climbed the rope ladder up to the fort. It had two rooms with three small windows.Dad followed Andy into the fort, looking excited. “I spent all morning _it. I had one when I was your age. Grandpa_me with it on Fathers Day, too.”“So, its like a (an) _ ?” Andy asked.“Yes, this is a present for both of us. Maybe youll build one for your son one day.”Dad looked around and asked Andy _they would do first in the tree fort. Andy slowly showed the_and said, “Happy Fathers Day!” He didnt think it was possible, but Dads smile widened as he opened the gift. “A chess set! How did you know I wanted_?” Andy always saw his dad playing against the computer and he guessed it must be his fathers favorite.“Lets play it!” Dad _ the chessboard. “Its the best gift I got of all this Fathers Day.”16 . AsisterBbrotherCfatherDmother17 . AcheckedBfoundCnoticedDcrossed18 . AtakingBrisingCholdingDmaking19 . AbuyingBbuildingCcleaningDrepairing20 . AprovideBsurprisedCtaughtDgive21 . AplanBhabitCtraditionDactivity22 . AhowBwhyCwhenDwhat23 . AclothesBpresentCcomputerDbreakfast24 . AitBoneCthatDthis25 . Atake upBset upCput upDcome up三、阅读单选A young man goes to the town and buys himself a pair of socks(袜子). When he comes back, he goes to his room and tries the socks on. He finds they are different. One is blue and the other is green. He goes into the kitchen. His mother and his sister are cooking dinner. He says to them, “The colors of the new socks are different. I want to make them the same. Would you like to do this for me?” His mother and sister are busy and they dont say anything. When his mother finishes cooking, she goes to her sons room and makes the green sock blue. She comes back without(没有) saying a word. After dinner, his sister goes to his brothers room and makes one blue sock into green without saying anything to anyone.26 . When does the young mans mother change(改变) the color of one sock?Abefore cookingBwhen she finishes cookingCafter dinnerDwhen she goes to bed27 . Who is the last one to change the socks color?AThe young manBThe motherCThe sisterDThe father28 . What color are the socks at last?AblueBgreenCwhiteDstill different in color29 . How will the young man feel when he sees his new socks before going to bed?AexcitedBhappyCunhappyDboredYucai Middle School will have a School Day on FridayStudents dont need to have any classesInstead,they are going to do a lot of things for funHere is a poster for itThe most wonderful game of the yearMeet our school basketball starsBasketball Court 3:00 p.m 5:00 p.mTel:375 7682Water SportsIts really cool!Xingsha Beach The whole afternoonTel:375 7442Talent ShowAre you good at singing,dancing,acting or playing the guitar?Come and show yourself!Music Hall 7:00 p.m 9:00 p.mTel:375 9876 Chess is fun!Different kinds of chessWho will win at last?Chess Club 8:00 a.m 10:30 a.m1:00 p.m 3:30 p.mTel:375 7465For further information,please call the school officeJust do it! Enjoy yourself!30 . You can _ in the morning or in the afternoonAhave the chess competitionBgo to the talent showCwatch the basketball gameDhave water sports31 . If you want to see the school basketball stars,you can go at _A8:00 a.m 10:30 a.mB3:00 p.m 5:00 p.mC1:00 p.m 3:00 p.mD7:00 p.m 9:00 p.m32 . You can have water sports _Aat Xingsha BeachBat the music hallCat the basketball courtDat the chess club33 . If you are good at singing and dancing,you should call at _A375-7682B375-7442C375-9876D375-746534 . If you want to learn about further information,what should you do?ASee the posterBAsk your classmatesCCall the school officeDGo to the school officeWe may know that there are four basic periods for human beings to pass through when you enter and live in another country. This process helps you deal with culture shock.Culture shock begins with the “honeymoon period”. This is the time when you first arrive in a place where everything about the new culture is strange and exciting. You see new things, hear new sounds and language, eat new kinds of food. This period can last for quite a long time because you feel very happy.Unluckily, the second period can be more difficult. After you have got used to your new life, you can become very tired and begin to miss your motherland, your family, your friends, your pets and so on. All the little problems in life seem to be much bigger and more worrying when you face them in a foreign country. This period can be very difficult and lead to moving backwards quickly.The third period is called the “adjustment period”. This is when you begin to realize that things are not so bad in the new country. Your sense of humor usually becomes stronger and you realize you are becoming stronger by learning to take care of yourself in the new place. Things are still difficult, but you are now a survivor.The fourth period can be called “at ease at last” Now you feel quite comfortable in your new place. You can deal with most problems that you have. You may still have problems with language, but you know you are strong enough to deal with them. At this time, you may feel a little uncomfortable if you go back to your motherland.35 . During the first period of the process,you feel _.Asad and lonelyBhappy and excitedCangry but strongDeasy but uncomfortable36 . You will find that you are a survivor in _.Athe 1st periodBthe 2nd periodCthe 3rd periodDthe 4th period37 . The fourth period can be regarded as a period of beingArelaxingBworryingCtiringDdisturbing38 . From the passage we can conclude that _.Aliving in another country is funBits boring to live in another countryCknowing about culture shock is hardDits not easy to deal with culture shock四、句型转换.根据要求改写句子。每空一词。39 . There is some milk in the glass. (改为否定句)There _ milk in the glass.40 . Tony has some nice stamps. (改为否定句)Tony _nice stamps.41 . There is a pear tree behind our school. (改为复数句)There _behind our school.42 . Is there any beef in the fridge? (作肯定回答)_, _.43 . There are some children on the bus. (改为否定句)There _children on the bus.44 . There is a bird in the tree. (改为否定句)There _in the tree.45 . A lot of people are in the shopping mall at the weekend. (改为同义句)_ in the shopping mall at the weekend.46 . Are there any pencils in the pencil box? (作否定回答)_, _.47 . some, on, there, plate, beans, the, are (.) (连词成句)_48 . 我家有五口人。 (翻译句子)_五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词49 . Yesterday we made some p _about what would happen next year.50 . The boy needs some _ (纸)to write on.51 . Do you think cities will be very big and _ (拥挤的)?52 . All of the fish in the lake have died because of the p _.53 . I think everything will be f _.People wont use money.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空C用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。54 . Mr. Black _ (want) to buy a blue hat.55 . Lets _ (have) some fun.56 . Some milk _(be) in the cup.57 . May I ask you some _(question)?58 . My brother wants _(eat) salad for lunch.七、完成句子根据汉语意思用英语完成句子。59 . 露西对舞蹈很感兴趣。Lucy _ dancing.60 . 红色的短裤会给人们带来好运。The short red pants can _ the people.61 . 去年他在自然历史博物馆当向导。He _ a guide at the Natural History Museum last year.62 . 我是如此的劳累以至于我早早的去睡觉了。_.八、单词填空T63 . is my sister, Zhang Lin. She is tall. She has a round face, a small nose and big64 . (eye). She has long 65 . blk hair. Her66 . color is pink. She is in a pink dress.The 67 . in the photo is my mom. She is short. She has a wide face and s68 . eyes. She has short black hair. ,69 . pp()l is her favorite color. She is in a purple T-shirt and purple shoes. After work, she70 . (do) housework.Do you 71 . the boy? Its me. Im Zhang Bing. I have big eyes and short hair. I am not tall, but I am strong. I like blue and brown. I am 72 . a blue coat, brown pants and brown shoes.九、填空VI. Read the passage and complete the table with only one word. Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of exercise, and has a health weight. Here are some rules to live by, if you want to be fit.First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have your favorite food, but youd better eat something different. If you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质)your body needs.Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When youre really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium(钙) your body needs to grow strong bones.Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.Fourth, limit screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV or use computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You cant watch TV for more than two hours a day.Fifth, do some sports as often as you can. One thing you d like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. For example, Bosu balls(波速球)are one of the kids favorite activities. Find ways to be active every day.Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.How to be a healthy kid73 . Reasons or suggestionsEat different foods.Your body needs different nutrients. Drink water and milk as 74 . as you can.1. You should 75 . cold water first when you feel thirsty.2. Milk can provide you with more calcium.Listen to your body.You will feel 76 . and make you fat if you eat too much.Limit the screen time.Taking more 77 . is better than spending more time on TV.Be active.Find out some activities you like. Bosu balls are one of the kids favourite activities.十、书信作文78 . 你收到你英国朋友Jason的信,要你也介绍有关你的学校学习和生活的情况请你根据以下信息,简单介绍你的学校学习和生活情况字数在80字左右(已写出的句子,不计算在内)可根据自己情况,适当增加内容但文中不能出现真名学习1每天上午7:00骑自行车上学,7:40开始上课下午4:00做课外活动2特别喜欢英语擅长于画画3不喜欢踢足球,因为跑不快(fast)生活1早餐在家吃一些面包、鸡蛋午餐在学校吃。2放学后,有时去学校附近的公园有很多人,玩得很开心。Dear JasonIm happy to get your letter to know about your study and life at school_Yours sincerelyTom第 12 页 共 12 页


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