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拉萨市2020版七年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Im really sorry that I broke your glass.-_.AYoure welcomeBThats rightCTake careDIts not a big deal2 . My best friend has trouble with his science and he is worriedat the moment.AnowBat timesCin a minuteDusually3 . See, my dream is to buy _iPad.Oh, you can ask your parents to buy _ for you.Aa, it.Ban, itCa, oneDan, one4 . -Thank you very much for your help.- _. Its my pleasure.AThats fineBAll rightCI am fineDYoure welcome5 . Why dont you tell your parents about your problem?Well,I dont want them to _ about me.AworryBknowCtalkDthink6 . Do you think that a person can really lose weight by eating fruit?No, I dont think so.Abecome fatterBbecome thinnerCbecome taller7 . It is OK for you to turn right or left at the second _. Both roads lead to (通往) the park .AofficeBstationCcrossing8 . - When will your father go to Shanghai on business?- He will start early tomorrow morning because the journey will take hours.Aleave forBshow upCset out9 . Do you _ football matches on TV? No, I don t. I _ films.Awatch; seeBlook; seeCwatch; lookDsee; look10 . Marys mother often _ cakes for her. Theyre better than the ones in shops.AbuysBeatsCmakesDdraws二、完型填空Every Friday I went to a senior nursing home. It seemed as if it needed_, but little did I know it would help me too.During my first visit I helped to polish (擦光) some ladies nails. One woman asked me many questions. After she was satisfied with my_, she started to share some of her hidden_. By listening to her, I realized I had helped her a lot: she looked_from some of her past pains. When she was finished, she told me something that_me to visit the nursing home every week. She said, “Youre theonlyperson I was able to tell this to. The other volunteers are too busy to_ me. Youll come back next week, right?” After_ blowing on her newly coated nails(指甲), I smiled and_, “Yes, Ill see you next Friday.” That day, I was gladdened by the_that I had helped somebody. I realized an action as _aslistening became something much more.During every second I spent there, I realized how much of a difference my_could have on the lives of others.The hardest partof living there is that it breaks the human_between those in todays society and the nursing home. Every moment I spend chatting is a chance to_that connection again, to share their worries, and to shape someones life. Inturn, that _ also shapes me. I not only learn about life and experiences outside of school, but also receive the_of being part of this process this connection between humans.11 . AcourageBmoneyChelpDrepair12 . AanswersBperformancesCappearanceDbehaviors13 . AsecretsBhurtCfactsDtruths14 . AawareBsureCscaredDrelaxed15 . AforcedBinvitedCallowedDencouraged16 . Alisten toBsay toCwriteDconnect to17 . AgentlyBhurriedlyCsimplyDcomfortably18 . AadmittedBpromisedCshoutedDgreeted19 . AbeliefBdreamCcourageDfact20 . AcertainBsimpleCsmartDmodern21 . AmethodsBactionsCexperiencesDhopes22 . AmemoryBpersonalityCconnectionDcustom23 . AtieBfindCcontinueDbreak24 . AthoughtBsituationCactivityDmoment25 . AwelcomeBmessageCgiftDinvitation三、阅读单选Canada is well-known for its winter lifestyle, for the season lasts half the year there. A great example of this is the Quebec Winter Carnival(嘉年华). Quebec is an old city with beautiful historic building, and many think that winter is the best time to visit. The city comes alive in the snow, especially during the winter festival. People who visit the cold city can find tons of things to do that will make winter seem perfect.The Carnival has a magical ice palace made with 9,000 tons of snow, a boat race on the St. Lawrence River, and two night parades with funny people and colorful cars. Other interesting things include a 122-meter ice slide, and a large football game. There is also an exciting dogsled race that runs through six kilometers of the city streets. With more than 20 teams in the game, the dogsled race is noisy, fun and full of great cheer. Even better, artists from around the world come to take part in the snow sculpture (雕塑) competition. It is amazing how these artists can bring snow to life. The Quebec Winter Carnival has everything for the whole family and more. It is surely a great way to experience winter.Another well-known winter festival is on the other side of the world in China. Known as the City of Ice, Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province. In the winter, it is very cold, and temperatures there can drop to 30 below zero. Even so, the cold weather makes the city the right place for the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. The festival is held every year.26 . Which season do many people think is the best time to visit Quebec?AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter27 . The Quebec Winter Carnival includes.a dogsled race a winter swimming two night paradesa snow fight a boat raceABCD28 . Which of the following is TRUE about Harbin?AIt is in Northern China, next to Quebec.BIts well-known for its four seasons.CIt is known as the City of Ice.DIt holds an exciting festival every month.29 . What will the writer probably write about in the next part of the article?Athe Quebec Winter CarnivalBthe introduction of Heilongjiang ProvinceCthe Harbin International Ice and Snow FestivalDthe snow sculpture competition in QuebecTo save time, many Americans buy foods which can be quickly made ready for the table. On holidays, families enjoy delicious meals. For example, on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November, family members get together for a turkey dinner with pumpkin pie(南瓜派).People can easily find fast food chains(连锁店),such as McDonalds and KFC, in most of the big cities in the world.These years, many people have taken more and more care of their health while eating. They come to know eating too much meat will make themoverweight. Many of them are also worried about food addictives(添加剂). Some of them may be harmful to the body.30 . Many Americans buy _ to save time.Aready-made foodBfood to cook at homeCinexpensive foodDforeign food31 . Thanksgiving Day is on _.ANovember 4thBEvery the 4thTuesday in NovemberCthe fourth Thursday in NovemberDEvery November the 4th32 . Pizza is a kind of _ food.Atake-awayBhome-cookingCfastDChinese33 . What does the underlined word overweight mean? It means_AthinnerBfatterCworseDbetter34 . People are worried about_. Which is NOT true?AoverweightBtheir healthCfood addictivesDfast foodBecause we are students, we must obey many different kinds of rules in our classroom. We should first understand(明白,理解)these rules and then we can really obey them. For example(例如), students cant bring food into the classroom, because our classroom is a place for studying, not eating. When we are eating food, we may make our classroom dirty(脏的). Running is also not allowed (允许)in the classroom. Its quite dangerous because we may get hurt. So, please dont run in the classroom. We cant listen to music in the classroom, because we need a quiet place for studying. Listening to music may disturb(打扰) others.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。35 . How many rules are mentioned(被提到) in the passage?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour36 . We should NOT in order to(为了) keep the classroom clean.Alisten to musicBrun after each otherCtalk with other studentsDbring food into the classroom37 . Which is the dangerous thing?ARunning in the classroom.BBringing food into the classroom.CTalking loudly in the classroom.DListening to music in the classroom.38 . We should not listen to music in the classroom because .Asome students dont like music.Bit may disturb others.Cmusic is not pleasant to hear.Dmusic is bad for us.39 . Which is the best title(题目) of the passage?AThe Rules in Our HomeBDont Eat in the ClassroomCWhy Should We Obey the Rules in Our ClassroomDWelcome to Our Classroom.四、句型转换句型转换40 . To improve my speaking skills, I listen to tapes every day.(改为同义句)I improve my speaking skills _ tapes every day.41 . He didnt go to school because he was ill.(改为同义句)He didnt go to school _ his illness.42 . What about borrowing some money from your friend?(改为同义句)_ borrow some money from your friend?43 . He got up early in order to catch the early bus.(改为同义句)He got up early _ he could catch the early bus.44 . He was too tired to move.(改为同义句)He was _ he couldnt move.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句子所缺单词,每空限填一词。45 . As we know, India is an Asian country which is famous for its IT_(产业)46 . The presidents behavior has made him many_(敌人) in recent years47 . More and more people are worried about the_(安全) of the food they buy48 . At a_(一刻钟) to twelve, we have lunch at school dining hall.49 . We all know that science and_(技术)are the primary productive forces50 . Nowadays, Chinese is w_ spoken in the world.51 . With the d_of society, many farmers move to big cities52 . 一Floods may be caused in many parts of the country when it rains h_. 一Yes, especially in the rainforests.53 . Einstein is one of the most famous_ in the world54 . The fans are waiting for the two famous _(女演员), Sun Li and Zhou Dongyu.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空,一格一词。55 . There are three _(knife) on the desk.56 . We know the _(important) of learning English well.57 . Yesterday, I_(give) away my old bike to the little child.58 . Thank you for your_(kind).59 . Suddenly, I _(understand)his meaning.七、材料作文60 . 假如你是Jackie Chan,你的美国笔友Lidia将于暑期来杭州,为了让她事先对杭州有所了解,请你根据下列表格所提供的信息,拟发一封电子邮件给Lidia,主要是告诉她这段时间的天气、食物及你安排的活动。WeatherFoodActivitiesSunny:hotPian Erchua、Dongpo Pork (肉)1. 2. 注意:1、内容必须包括表格所给的信息,并提出2项活动安排;2、字数:70字左右。3、短文开头已给出,不计入总字数Dear Lidia,Im glad that you are coming to visit Hangzhou. Now, let me tell you something about Hangzhou._Best wishes!Yours,Jackie Chan第 9 页 共 9 页

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