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南宁市2019-2020年度中考一模英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My dog _for three days and I am now very worried about it and want to find it as soon as possible.Ahas been goneBhas goneCis goneDwas gone2 . I was bornFebruary, 2004.AinBonCatDto3 . Whats your plan for this weekend? We will go for a picnic by the river _ it rains.AunlessBifCbutDbecause4 . Here is _ iPad my uncle sent me yesterday. I believe its _ fantastic one!Aan; aBthe; aCthe; theDan; the5 . Do you know _ Daisys family talked about yesterday evening?AwhyBhowCwhatDwhen6 . They often help _ sick children in the childrens hospital.Acheer upBclean upCset upDmake up7 . Our villages garbage sorting work is getting better and better!Yes, rubbish isnt_like before!AanywhereBeverywhereCsomewhereDnowhere8 . Brexit_officially at 23:00 local time on January 31.AannouncedBis announcedCwas announcedDwere announced9 . I _the price of the eggs will go up again. Do you think so?AexcuseBdecideCrememberDsuppose10 . Would you donate some money to Wuhan with me?Id like to.but I think it is _to donate masks(口罩) directly to Wuhan.Amore meaningfulBless meaningfulCthe most meaningfulDthe least meaningful11 . Little boys are always at the world.Aexcited; amazedBexciting; amazingCexciting; amazedDexcited; amazing12 . - Must I finish my homework now,Dad?- No, you _ . You can do it tomorrow.AcantBmustntCneedntDmaynt13 . Excuse me . Could you tell me _ ?Awhen does the train leaveBwhen the train leavesCwhen had the train leaveDwhen did the train leave14 . Well, have a good day!, too.AOK; IBOK; MeCThanks; MeDThanks;You15 . human beings animals can live without air.ABoth; andBEither; orCSo; thatDNeither; nor二、完型填空In some science fiction movies,the robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most _ jobs.Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. _ , they agree it may _ hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying to make robots _ people and do the same things as us.But robot scientist James White _ . He thinks that it will be _ for a robot to do the same things as a person. _ , its easy for a child to wake up and know where they are. Mr White thinks that robots wont be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think that robots will be able to talk to people _ 25 to 50 years.Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, there are already robots _ in factories. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. But robots will _ get bored. In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and humans will have _ work to do. New robots will have many different _ . Some will look like humans, and _ might look like snakes. After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes _ impossible a hundred years ago. We never know _ will happen in the future!16 . AinterestingBunpleasantCpleasantDpopular17 . AButBSoCHoweverDWhile18 . AuseBspendCpayDtake19 . Alook likeBlook atClook forDlook up20 . AagreesBdisagreesClikesDdislikes21 . AeasyBdifficultCimportantDpossible22 . AFor exampleBInsteadCSuch asDBesides23 . AafterBforCoverDin24 . AworkedBworkCworkingDto work25 . AalwaysBeasilyCneverDoften26 . AmoreBlessCfewerDlittle27 . AshapesBcoloursCsizesDactions28 . Athe otherBotherCthe othersDothers29 . AseemBseemedCgotDlook30 . AthatBhowCwhatDwhen三、阅读单选Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?If you do,you need to take control of your feelingsGetting angry with others can cause you to 1ose friendsGary Egeberg,an American high school teacher,has written_to help you control your feelingsIt tells how to stay cool when bad things happenThe book says that getting angry only makes problems worseIt can never make them better“Getting angry is not a natural way to act,”the book saysIt is just a bad habit,like smokingThe book says you can control your anger easily-all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easilyHere are the top threeKeep a recordEvery time you get angry,write down why you are angryLook at it later and you will see you get angry too easilyAsk your friends to stop talking to you when you get angryThis will teach you not to be angryDo something differentWhen you get angry,walk away from the problem and go somewhere elseTry to laugh31 . If you often get angry,_Anobody will wait for you after schoolByou will do worse in your studyCsmoking can be a good helpDyou will have fewer friends32 . Gary Egeberg is someone who_Aknows how to control your feelingsBmakes a living by writing booksCis fond of keeping wild animalsDgets angry easily with his students33 . According to the book,one can put anger under control by _Astaying away from 0ther peopleBnever talking with your friendsCmaking yourself know not to get angryDsinging loudly and dancing34 . From the first tip we can make the conclusion(结论)that _Awriting helps to control ones feelingsBones anger is built upon ones experienceCa geed habit helps to take away a bad oneDpeople think better when they are cool35 . Which is the best title(标题)of the passage?AHow to make more friendsBHow to keep cool when angryCWhat to write about angerDWhen to stop getting angryMy name is Tom. Im nine. This is my mother. Her names Linda Johnson. Her telephone number is 13052864515. And this is my father. His name is Mike Johnson. His phone number is 13102884699. And this is my sister. Whats her name? Her name is Mary. Look! The boy is my brother Nick. Mary is eight and Nick is six.根据短文内容,选择正确答案36 . Mother is.AMary JohnsonBMike JohnsonCLinda Johnson37 . Fathers telephone number is.A13120884699B13102884699C1305286451538 . Mary is.AsixBnineCeight39 . My brother is.ATomBMikeCNick40 . My last name is.AJohnsonBTomCMikeBilly always loved blueberries. They were his favourite fruit. Today he was going to make juice with his uncle. His uncle likes to make juice out of everything. He made carrot juice, apple juice, vegetable juice, and more juices. But he had never made blueberry juice before!First, Billy and his uncle went to a blueberry farm. They were each given a basket. They picked for an hour and got several pounds. It was hard work picking the little berries from the trees. Now Billy understood(明白)why they were expensive in the shops.Next, they had to wash the fruit. Some of them still had leaves. Those had to be pulled off. Then the bad berries had to be thrown away. They washed the berries and made them air-dry.After that, they pushed the blueberries through a strainer(过滤网).The strainer caught most of the seeds and skins, and only left a small glass of dark purple juice to them.When they tasted the juice, it wasnt very sweet. Billys uncle didnt want to add white sugar to the juice. It was better to use a naturally sweet juice, like apple juice, pear juice, or grape juice. They used grape juice as a sweetener(甜味剂), because grapes had a similar colour to the blueberries.Finally, they could drink it. It was a lot of work to make juice, but it sure was refreshing!41 . Billys uncle hadnt made_juice before.AcarrotBblueberryCappleDvegetable42 . Billy thought blueberries were expensive because_.Athey were deliciousBthey had to be sent(送)to the storeCit was hard to pick them from the treesDthere werent many blueberry trees on the farm43 . The underlined word them in Paragraph 4 refers to_.AblueberriesBfarmersCseeds and skinsDBilly and his uncle44 . The passage is mainly about .Awhy Billy liked blueberry juiceBwhere Billy got the best blueberriesChow Billy made blueberry juice with his uncleDwhat Billy did on the blueberry farm with his uncleMy summer hols wr CWOT: B4, WE USED 2go 2 NY 2C my bro, his GF thr 3: KIDS FTF. ILNY, its gr8.Can you understand this sentence? If you cant, dont feel too bad: neither could the middle school teacher in England who received this as homework. This is Netspeak: the language of computerized communication found on Internet or cellphones. To newcomers, it can look like a completely foreign language. So, what is the translation of the sentence above? My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother his girlfriend, and their three screaming kids face to face. I love New York, its great.School teachers and parents say this new form of writing is harming the English language. Increasing spelling and grammatical mistakes can be seen in students writing. They fear the language could become corrupted(面目全非的).Everyone should just relax, say linguists(语言学家).They believe Netspeak is in fact more of a good thing. David Crystal, from the University of Wales, argues that Netspeak and Internet create a new language use and the almost lost art of diary writing has been picked up again. Geoffrey Nunberg, from Stanford University, agrees. People get better at writing by writing, he says. Kids who are now doing text messaging, e-mail, and instant messages will write at least as well as, and possibly better than, their parents.”Linguist James Milroy says, for centuries, it is believed without exception that young people are harming the language. And you can bet your bottom dollar that when todays teenagers become tomorrows parents, they too will think this way. Milroy argues that languages do not and cannot become corrupted, they simply change to meet the new needsHowever, Netspeakers do agree that it is important to teach young people how to speak and write Standard(/E)English. Cynthia Me Vey says, I can understand Netspeak worries teachers and its important that they get across to their pupils that text messaging is for fun, but that learning to write proper English is a must for their future.”Perhaps, we should give teenagers a little more trust anyway. Erin, age 12, says, I wouldnt use text language in my homework. Text is just for fun.”45 . What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?ATo give an example of a foreign language.BTo show an example of creative methodCTo express worries about using Netspeak.DTo start the topic of Netspeak through an example.46 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?ACynthia McVey points out teenagers can deal with Netspeak properlyBGeoffrey Nunberg believes Netspeakers can write Standard EnglishCDavid Crystal thinks Netspeak helps develop the habit of writingDJames Milroy says that language is changing and improving47 . The expression bet your bottom dollar in paragraph means_.Abe quite sureBbe greatly surprisedCthink it a pityDfind it interesting48 . What can be the best title for the passage?ANetspeak: A Widely-used Language on InternetBNetspeak Harming the English Language?CIs Netspeak Helpful in Language Learning?DNetspeak: Advantages and Disadvantages四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。)49 . I paid a lot of money for that car. (改为否定句)I _ much money for that car.50 . He has lived in London since he was born. (对划线部分提问)_has he lived in London?51 . John is rarely late for school. (改为反义疑问句)John is rarely late for school, _?52 . We have done many things to protect our environment. (改为被动语态)Many things have _to protect our environment.53 . Susan didnt go to school yesterday. She stayed in hospital. (合并为一句)Susan stayed in hospital _ of _ to school yesterday.54 . The factory decided to increase production to meet the needs of more customers.(保持原句意思)The factory decided to increase production to _ the _ of more customers.55 . has, owning a car, it, both advantages and disadvantages, seems (连词成句)_.五、填写适当的单词补全句子A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。56 . I have rich travel_( 经历 ) and outstanding leadership, so I want to be a tour guide.57 . My mother and I always have different views, and I hope I can be_( 理解 )by her.58 . Over the past 30 years, the Chinese womens volleyball team has_(to gain with effort/ be successful at) as many as 10 championship championships in the worlds three major competitions.59 . The new coronavirus has_(cover a large area) to all parts of the country, even abroad, at a rapid rate.60 . Chinese people usually celebrate the Spring Festival in January or_.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子. 语法专项(二选一)61 . Dont you let _help you?(I and my friend/my friend and me)62 . She gave the erasers to Lucy and _.(I/me)63 . We bought _ English-Chinese dictionaries.(us/ourselves)64 . A friend of _ came here yesterday.(his/him)65 . I find _is very hardworking.(he/him)66 . I advise _ to come a little earlier.(she/her)用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。每单词或短语限用一次come out come fight make try67 . Mulan takes her fathers place _ in the army.68 . His new book _ last month. I want to buy one.69 . One of my good friends _ from Canada.70 . In the 1930s, Walt Disney _ 87 cartoons with Mickey.71 . Nowadays we _ our best to make our city become a civilized(文明) city.七、单词填空根据各题所给首字母提示,写出一个合适英语单词的完整、正确形式,使短文通顺。CCTV Boys (composed of four f72 . CCTV hosts Kang Hui, Sabenin, Zhu Guangquan, and Nimmatti) made their debut on the stage of Classic Wings , singing the Yueyang Tower by singing Record.The combination of these four men has just ushered in their first debut performance and scrambled to single dissolution on the stage. S73 . a famous scene is a rare occasion! In fact, this time is an important task and goal, CCTV Boys was brought to the scene, that is-sing the text. W74 . referring to the text, many people will think of the 7 words that were m75 . scared during the student period-reciting and writing the full text.Today, the four hosts will be in order to s76 . the problems for the students, the singing method is used to c77 . the difficult-to-remember lesson culture into a melody, sowing the seeds of a t78 . culture for the children to let the inheritance fall to the ground. Because this is the ancient text of one of the most d79 . to learn in middle school, and it has been the motto of aspiring people for thousands of years. At the i80 . of Teng Zijing, he wrote the magnificent masterpiece Yue Yang Lou Ji. With his words, the aura of spirit has satisfied Kang Hui, Sabeining, Zhu Guangquan, and Nigmatiti a81 . the face control, difficulty control, history control, and all the imagination of love.八、回答问题阅读与回答问题Many people in their twenties say that their lives are almost fixed, even if they have dreams in their hearts, they always give up their dreams because of age and realistic reasons. Grandma Van Gogh, she started painting more than 70 years ago, but she was called Van Gogh in rural China by people. She once opened an exhibition in Hong Kong and was invited twice to have an appointment with Lu Yu. Grandma Van Gogh never gave up her dream in her mind, and became a farmer for a lifetime. When she was more than 70 years old, she picked up her beloved paintbrush, looked at the idyllic scenery of her life, and wrote into the painting one by one, warming countless people.Grandma Van Gogh was just an ordinary peasant and an ordinary old woman. Although she had not attended school and knew no words, this did not affect the unique paintings created by Grandma Van Gogh, her painting, although it looks very strong in Van Goghs style, with some very special lines, if you look at it a second time, you can feel it, it is a kind of transparent with Chinese pastoral paintings.Many people know the story of Grandma Van Gogh and have speculated that she could make such paintings in her 70s, she must have been well educated before, at least when she was young, or Grand Van Gogh It was not a farmer in itself, but an educated youth who went to the countryside.Not as netizens guess, Grandma Van Gogh is really an ordinary peasant. Why did she start to contact paintings was mainly because she described to her granddaughter living in the city how beautiful her village was, and how cute it was. Maybe she was with deep nostalgia for the hometown, when creating the painting, Grandma Van Gogh was like painting the body of God.Adapted from Cat Eye Entertainment, The 83-year-old grandma Van Gogh dies, she becomes a painter in her 70s, and cant get an animation pen in the end82 . Why do most contemporary young people give up their dreams?_83 . What was the actual identity of Grandma Van Gogh ?_84 . What do you feel when you go over the painting of Grandma Van Gogh for the second time?_85 . Why did “Grandma Van Gogh” begin to touch the painting?_86 . What do you learn about life from this passage? (请自拟一句话作答)_九、材料作文87 . (题文)(题文)区政府提出“保护环境,打造绿色通州”的号召。请你根据下面表格中的内容提示,写一篇短文拟发表在校刊“英语角”版面,向同学们介绍如何在日常生活中做到绿色环保。如何节水1刷牙时关掉水龙头;2(自拟一点)如何节电 (power)1离开房间时关灯;2(自拟一点)如何减少污染1垃圾分类;2(自拟一点)过绿色生活的建议(自拟至少一条建议)注意:1文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。The government calls on us to protect our environment. People are working hard to make our Tongzhou a greener city. _ _第 14 页 共 14 页


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