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广州市2019版九年级上学期期末英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . See, my dream is to buy _iPad.Oh, you can ask your parents to buy _ for you.Aa, it.Ban, itCa, oneDan, one2 . We_for school in ten minutes, Have you packed your school things yet, son?Of course,Mom.AleaveBhave leftCwill leaveDwere leaving3 . (题文)Foxes and lions are _during the night, and we can see them walking.AawakeBaloneCasleepDwake4 . Youd betteryour cigarette(香烟). Smoking is bad for you.Sorry. I will go somewhere else.Aput onBput inCput outDput up5 . Stephen Hawking has _ great success as a scientist.AallowedBachievedCpracticedDpromised6 . Lily often_us interesting stories. We all love her.AtellsBspeaksCtalksDsays7 . _ people prefer HUAWEI phones, and about _ them are adults.AThe number of; four-fifthsBA number of; four-fifthCA number of; four-fifths8 . I get up , I always take a shower firstAAfterBWhenCBecause9 . John, are you _ tonight? Yes, I must _ the airport right now.Aleaving;leaveBleaving;leave forCleaving for;leave forDleaving for;leave10 . -What about those two new shirts ?-I like them, _ of them looks good on me.AAllBeachCbothDnone11 . Some _went to Japan to help when they knew that many _ lost their homes in the earthquake.AGermen; JapaneseBFrenchmen; JapanesesCGermans; Japanese12 . Lucy, dont turn off the computer before closing all programs, _you could have problems.AorBandCbutDso13 . We have four lessons _ the morning.AinBonCatDfor14 . Ive _ finished my homework, but I havent handed it in_.Aalready; alreadyByet; alreadyCalready; yet15 . My home is 2 km away from my school. _ is your home from the school? Get closer. The distance is _ as long as yours.AHow far; twiceBHow long; two thirdsCHow long; twiceDHow far; two thirds二、补全短文5选5Mike, Frank, Anna and Rose are classmates.16 . Mike is an English boy. He likes wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans. His favorite color is black.17 . Frank is an American boy. He likes sports very much. His favorite sport is soccer. He often plays soccer with his classmates after class. 18 . Anna comes from Canada. She likes listening to music in her free time. She works hard at school.19 . She thinks it is interesting.Rose is a little fat. She comes from Australia. She has some bad eating habits. She likes hamburgers very much.20 . She doesnt like vegetables at all. She never eats them.阅读短文, 根据短文内容把下面的选项还原到原文中,使短文意思通顺, 结构完整.AHer favorite subject is history.BHe thinks it is cool.CShe often has them for dinner.DThey are from different countries.E. He can play it well.三、完型填空On April 20th, a big earthquake happened in Yaan, Sichuan. Many buildings were_Many people lost their relatives and their homes. A lot of people were injured, about 200 people died. All the Chinese people felt very sad. But,_, love is around us. Thousands of soldiers arrived there as quickly as they could. Many people gave them a hand. Lots of people volunteered to help them. Some raised money for them, some bought something for them, some went there_the sad children up.Im deeply moved by these people. As a middle school student, what I can do is_my pocket money to the quake stricken area. I have also made some beautiful cards with some encouraging words_help to cheer up the kids who are of the same age as we are. Im sure no difficulty will beat us!21 . AdestroyedBdiscoveredCfallenDfound22 . AfortunateBfortunatelyCunluckilyDlucky23 . AcheerBto cheer upCto cheering upDto cheer24 . Ato donateBdonateCto be given awayDgive away25 . Ain order thatBso thatCin order toDsuch that四、阅读单选Better think twice before choosing apasswordfor e-mail, online bank or shopping. Simple passwords are easy to be stolen.A password is like a key to your home. If someone steals it, hell get chances to steal something else. We use passwords everywhere in our life. We are so used to passwords that we dont pay any attention to them until we lose or forget one. A study of 28,000 passwords recently stolen from a popular website showed that people often do the easy thing. It found that 16 percent took a first name as a password. Another 14 percent used the easiest keyboard combinations such as “12345678” or QWERTY. Five percent of the stolen passwords were names of television shows or stars popular with young people. Three percent of the passwords expressed feelings like “I dont care,” “Whatever,” “I love you,” or their opposite, “I hate you.”Robert Graham, who did the study, advises people to choose a password that is longer than eight characters with one capital letter(大写字母) and one symbol.Of course, safe passwords dont mean those hard to remember. Forgetting your password is sometimes a big headache for you. Maybe, the perfect password is easy for you and hard for others.26 . The underlined word “password” in Paragraph 1 means _.A标志B护照C密码D口诀27 . About 40% passwords are easily stolen because the users are _.AbusyBlazyCstupidDcareful28 . Which of the following passwords is considered the safest?AZXCVBN.Bpassword56.Cwy64#0Mv.DI hate you.Air is always around us. It is around us when we walk and play. From the time we are born, air is around us. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air.All the animals and plants need air. Living things cant live without air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we can not live for more than a few minutes without air. We breathe in air. When we are walking or running, we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air.We live in air, but we cant see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold and open a book in you hand in front of your face. Close it quickly! What you feel is the air.29 . _ need air.ASome of the animalsBAll the thingsCSome of the plantsDAll the animals and plants30 . We can live for a few days _.Awithout airBwithout food or waterCwithout food or airDwithout air or water31 . We need _ air when we are asleep.AlessBnoCmostDa lot of32 . Which of the following sentences is TRUE(对的)?ASometimes we dont live in air.BAir is not around us when we go to bed.CWe can live happily without air.DWe need more air when we are working or running.33 . We live in air, but we cant _ it.AlookBseeCgetDfeelGlobal English Club English training in four skills:listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 4-month(800 yuan), 6-month(1,400 yuan) and one year(2,500 yuan) courses. Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon.-Fri. All native teachers from Canada and USA. Tel:8872806 Add: 306 Xinhua RoadBody-building Club All facilities(设备) supplied. On the top floor of Sunny Hotel. Every evening from 6:00 to 9:00, Mon.-Sun. Drinks and fruits ready for you during breaks. Tel: 6353188 Add: 369 Dunhuang RoadPiano Club One-to-one training on Sat.&Sun. From 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (150 yuan per hour) Experienced teachers. Pianos supplied(设备) for free. Convenient transportations. Tel: 8756038 Add: 808 Park Road34 . In English training class you will have teachers.ACanadianBFrenchCChineseDItalian .35 . If you want to improve your English, you will .Adial 6353188Bhave classes either in the morning or in the eveningCgo to 808 Park RoadDhave classes both in the morning and in the evening36 . How much do you need to pay for one-to-one piano training every time?A300 yuanB150 yuanC450 yuanD800 yuan37 . If Jim is exercising in the Body-building Club, where can you find him?A808 Park RoadBon the highest floor of Sunny HotelC696 Dunhuang RoadD306 Xinhua Road38 . Which of the following is not true according to the advertisement above?AYou have to pay 800 yuan for 4-month English training.BYou have to pay more for using the piano supplied in the class.CIt is very convenient to get to the Piano Club.DYou can enjoy drinks and fruits after body-building exercises.Five more minutes is the first thought of many people when their alarms ring in the morning. This first thought is usually followed by hitting the snooze button(小睡催醒按钮)and falling back asleep for a few more moments. Hitting the snooze button has become a habit for millions of people, but it is time to examine this habit and develop new habits for feeling more rested during the day.Though hitting the snooze button allows people a few more minutes of sleep, it causes unhealthy sleep patterns(模式)Most people think if they are tired when they first wake up, they need more sleep. However, they are mistaken when they conclude that any sleep is good sleep. Sleeping is a process with different cycles. To feel fully rested, the body must go through all the sleep cycles. Falling back asleep after hitting the snooze button restarts the process, but when the alarm rings again several minutes later, the process is interrupted. The body has not gone through all the cycles, and this can cause the body to feel sleepy for the rest of the day. This sleepiness can affect memory, the ability to make choices, and performance at work or school.Sleepiness may also happen if the bodys biological rhythm(规律)is interrupted. People normally fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning because their rhythms are operating naturally. The rhythms are affected by repeated use of the snooze button, which can cause feelings of sleepiness during the day and an inability to fall asleep at night.Rather than depending on the snooze button, people need to consider developing different routines. The easiest choice is to put the alarm on the other side of the room. Having to get out of bed to turn it off decreases the possibility of hitting the snooze button. Another choice, if your routine allows it, is to just reset the alarm. Setting your alarm for 30 minutes later will make the whole sleep process longer instead of always restarting it. However, it must be stressed that getting up 30 minutes later in the morning is not an excuse to stay up 30 minutes later the night before.Though a few extra minutes of sleep may seem to promise a better start to the day, hitting that snooze button creates an unhealthy sleep pattern.39 . The second paragraph is mainly about.Awhat unhealthy sleep patterns most people haveBwhat people should do to feel fully rested in the day timeCwhy people feel like going back to sleep after first waking upDwhy a few minutes of sleep after first waking up causes bad effects40 . What can we learn from the passage?AHitting the snooze button helps people fall asleep at night.BPeople wake up because their biological rhythms are interrupted.CGetting up several minutes later helps people feel more energetic.DPutting the alarm a bit far from the bed helps form healthy sleep habits.41 . Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?ADont Wake Up Late!BDont Use Alarm Clocks!CDont Touch That Button!DDont Change Sleep Patterns!五、单词填空Mo Yan,the w_ of 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature,is very popular now. He is c_ as one of the greatest writers in China. Mo Yan is fifty seven,and his real name is Guan Moye. The name of Mo Yan m_ “Dont Speak”. The writer said he chose the name t_ remember to stop his tongue from getting himself in trouble. Mo Yan began w_ in the 1970s,and his f_ novel was Falling Rain on a Spring Night,published in 1981. Then his second and more books were published, including Red Sorghum(红高梁)and Big Breasts and Wide Hips. CCTV reporter Dong Qian once said to him,“I always feel that a writer is l_ a hen,and his works are like eggs. We may not always wonder w_ the hen looks like while we eat eggs. But this time,its a golden eggs. So naturally,everybody becomes curious about this hen who laid a golden egg. Thats why youve drawn so m_ attention. ”China is celebrating the success of this native son. Minutes a_the award was announced,millions of Chinese expressed pleasure and pride for Mo Yan in their own ways.42 . _43 . _44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _51 . _六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据图示及所给的提示词,每幅图写一句话,用上所给的提示词。52 . be, since, three years _.53 . cut, harmful _.54 . movie, show, tonight_.55 . honor, speech_.56 . not, allow, in pubic_.七、话题作文57 . 书面表达假设你的朋友是孙文,今天英语口语课上的话题是“Help Your Friends Solve Problems”。请根据以下提示,跟大家分享以下你是如何帮助朋友解决问题的。提示:1. What was your friends problem?2. How did you solve it?要求:1. 语句通顺,符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2. 70词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Sun Wen is one of my good friends. He had a problem once. _I was very happy to help my friend solve his problem.八、其他根据情景提示,写出句子。58 . 你的朋友告诉你明天他将参加一场很重要的比赛,你会这么对他说:Wish you_!59 . 你想知道Jane在法国待了多长时间,你可以这样问:_?60 . 老师说树可以防止水土流失,她可以这么说:_ .61 . 你想知道电动汽车是由谁发明的,你可以这么问:_ by?62 . 你想问你朋友手中的东西是用来干什么的,你可以这么问:I wonder_.第 12 页 共 12 页

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