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兰州市2020年(春秋版)九年级下学期3月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . A lot of accidents happen because people are too_ in their everyday life.AcarefulBcarelessCawfulDuseless2 . Why was Mrs. Li taken to the police station?Because she_stealing a lot of things from her neighbor.Atreated herself toBtricked intoCwas accused of3 . People are really _ when they listen to music .ArelaxedBrelaxingCrelaxDto relax4 . Would you like to play King of Glory with me? Oh, no. Thats the _ thing in the world I want to do.AloudBlargeClastDlost5 . Lucy, I will take part in the speech contest next week.Break a leg! I believe that you will be successful.AHurt your legBWhat a pityCGood luck6 . Where did you have breakfast this morning?In KFC. But_, I have it at home.Aas a resultBin generalCin total7 . This pair of shoes doesnt _ me well. Can you show me another?AfitBconsiderCfoldDrise8 . Do you really think you can learn that much in only a couple of hours?Yes. We will try a very useful _ of dealing with memory problems.AmannerBprocessCmethodDactivity9 . Fuzhou is known_the City of Banian(榕树) and it is also famous_its hot springs.Ato; forBfor; toCas; for10 . Theres something wrong with my stomach. The food here is too hot.Sorry to hear that. Months later, youll _ it.Aget used toBturn overCfix on11 . Do you know the Pakistani girl Malala?Of course, her _ makes the whole world shocked and she becomes the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.AadvantageBagreementCattentionDachievement12 . Please call us when you _.AarriveBarrive inCget toDreach13 . Steven has made great progress in English recently.Yes. He achieved A grades for several times.AincreasedBbeen interestedCimproved a lot14 . What caused the traffic accident?The drivers carelessness. He has regretted driving too fast.AadmittedBfelt sorry aboutCshame15 . She is prepared to help those in trouble anytime anywhere.So she is. Everybody would like to make friends with her.Agets ready toBfinds no difficulty inCis willing to二、完型填空The lion is called the king of all animals. Once it was also called as the king of the desert (沙漠). However, lions _ live in any desert now. Their colour may _ different from yellow to brown and males (雄性动物) can be from blond to black. The male lions _ up to 190 kg and are about 1.20 metres tall while the females(雌性动物)weigh nearly 130 kg and are 1 metre tall. They _ beautiful fur, strong legs with sharp claws and a long tail.Panthera Leo (非洲狮) lives in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. _ it feeds on many kinds of animals. When its _ its food, it can reach the speed of 60 km per hour and jump even 12 metres. The lion likes to eat its food at once, _sometimes it has to hide the food because of hyenas (土狼). Hyenas are the only animals which kill lions for food. The lion lives in small families_20 to 30 members. In each family there is usually one _ male with two or three females with small baby lions. _, the lion population is in great danger mainly because of peoples hunting.16 . AneverBalwaysCsometimesDusually17 . AisBareCamDbe18 . AeatBweighCgrowDhold19 . AwantBneedChaveDlike20 . AWhereBHereCThereDWhich21 . Achasing(追逐)BwatchingCenjoyingDthinking22 . AsoBbutCandDbecause23 . Amade fromBmade ofCmade up withDmade in24 . AhealthyBbeautifulCyoungDgrown(成年的)25 . ALuckilyBSuddenlyCUnluckilyDCheerfully三、阅读单选Think of the animal world. and a group of colorful wild animals will spring to mind: a parrots rainbow feathers or the showy scales of sea fish. But, many mammals(哺乳动物) on the planet come in only two colors: black and white. Spend some time exploring what science has discovered about these animals appearances, and you ll see that basic black and white isnt so basic at all.The pandas white body helps it hide in snowy areas. The arms and legs are black, helping it hide in forests. The markings on its head are not used to hide, but to communicate. Black ears can act as a warning to enemies.Depending on the species, black skunks(臭鼬) may wear white spots that act as covering or white stripes that signal enemies to be aware of their smelly spray, which causes no real harm to its victims, but it makes them uncomfortable.Zebras thin coats make them more vulnerable than long-haired animals to biting flies that carry disease, but the coats stripes prevent flies from landing on them, for reasons that scientists are still studying. Further, their attractiveness to flies increases with stripe width. No two zebras stripes are exactly the same.26 . According to the passage, which of the following sentences is TRUE?AThe pandas white parts help it hide against snow.BBoth white spots and white stripes help skunks kill their victims.CZebras with wider stripes are less attractive to flies.DScientists have already known all the secrets about the stripes.27 . What does the underlined word vulnerable mean?ABeing easily landed.BBeing easily attracted.CBeing easily discovered.DBeing easily attacked.28 . Which could be the best title of the passage?AWhy Animal Stripes Come in Different ShapesBWhy So Many Animals Wear Black-and-White CoatsCHow Wild Animals Protect Themselves from EnemiesDHow Black and White Become Basic Colors in Animal WorldSpread of EbolaEbola began in the West African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The World Health Organization reported that more than 20,000 people might have been infected (感染). Thousands of children lost their parents because of the illness and millions more no longer attended school.Ebola got worldwide attention when international medical workers in West Africa became infected and returned home for treatment. The spread of Ebola led to worldwide efforts to develop new medicine. The international community raised money and workers to deal with it. However, about 8,000 people have died from Ebola so far and doctors expect many more deaths.Fear of flyingIn early March, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared. The plane carried 239 people. It was flying from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur. Nine months later, the plane remains lost though China has been searching from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean.In July, Malaysia Airlines had another accident. A missile (导弹) hit Flight 17 as it flew over Ukraine. All 298 passengers and crew (全体工作人员) were killed.A few days later, a TransAsia Airways plane crashed (坠毁) in bad weather in Taiwan, China. Forty-eight people were killed. The next day, July 24, there was another terrible plane crash. An Air Algerie flight crashed in northern Mali killing all 116 people on the plane.The year ended with the crash of AirAsia Indonesia Flight 8501 into the Java Sea. All 162 passengers and crew are believed to have been killed.29 . How many people died from Ebola?AMore than 20,000.B116.CAround 8,000.D239.30 . From the first passage, we know _.AEbola began in the West Asian countriesBEbola made thousands of children not attend schoolCdoctors say there wont be new cases of EbolaDpeople are trying to develop new medicine for Ebola31 . There are _ plane accidents mentioned in the second passage.A3B4C5D632 . Which plane crashed into the Java Sea?AAirAsia Indonesia Flight 8501.BMalaysia Airlines Flight 370.CMalaysia Airlines Flight 17.DA TransAsia Airways plane.33 . Where can we read the passages?AIn a medical report.BIn the newspaper.CIn a scientific book.DIn a music magazine.Do you have a pet?Many children like pets and even treat them like humans sometimes. They may like to kiss or hug(拥抱)their pets. But this can make you sick, according to DailyMail.Kissing or hugging pets such as dogs and cats can cause people to take in drugresistant bacteria(耐药细菌), British scientists said.Many pet owners give their pets antibiotics (抗生素) when they get sick. But taking antibiotics too often can affect(影响)the bacteria inside your pet. The bacteria can become drugresistant. When people kiss or hug their pets, this kind of bacteria can move to them and make them sick.Close relationships between pet owners and their pets are important. But if pet owners follow the rules below, they will not get sick.Rules for playingDo not kiss your pets on the mouth.Do not let your pets lick(舔)your mouth or nose.Wash your hands after touching or playing with your pets.If you have a wound(伤口), cover(遮盖)it.In this way, bacteria cannot pass on to you from your pet.34 . According to DailyMail, kissing or hugging pets can make people _.AsadBsickChappyDsleepy35 . Why is it dangerous to take in drugresistant bacteria from pets?ABecause humans cant use antibiotics.BBecause these bacteria arent harmful to people.CBecause pets may die if they lose these bacteria.DBecause antibiotics cant be used against these bacteria.36 . Many pet owners like to kiss or hug their pets to _.Aimprove their relationshipsBrecall how they felt when they were youngCmake their pets feel importantDshow their true love to them37 . What lesson does the story teach us?ADont kiss or hug our pets.BDont give antibiotics to our pets.CDont keep pets inside your home.DDont become drugresistant.Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey in the past, staying in a small inn(旅店) at the foot of a hill. One year, however, Mr. Smith made a lot of money in his business, so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around that famous city.They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening. They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in that small inn in New Jersey, no meals were served after seven. They were therefore surprised when the man who received them in the hall asked whether they would take dinner there that night.“Are you still serving dinner?” asked Mr Smith.“Yes, certainly, sir,” answered the man. “We serve it until half past nine.”“What are the times of meals then?” asked Mr Smith.“Well, sir,” answered the man, “We serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven inthe morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, tea from four to five, and dinner from six to half past nine.”“But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London!” said Mrs Smith.38 . The couple mentioned in the passage always spent their holidays in _before thy made a lot of money.ANew JerseyBNew YorkCLondonDWashington39 . They went to London by _.Aplane.BseaCtrainDbus40 . From the story we know that this was the _time for them to go to London.AthirdBfirstCsecondDfourth41 . When they arrived at the hotel, they found_.Ano meals were served after sevenBdinner was still being servedCtheir plane had arrived too lateDthey had to go to bed hungry42 . What does the sentence But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London mean?AWe have little time to see the sights of London.BWe have enough time to see the sights of London.CWe can see more sights of London.DWe can go to see the sights of London at any time.Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey ( 新泽西) in the past, staying in a small inn(旅店)at the foot of the hill.One year, however, Mr Smith made a lot of money in his business, so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around the famous city.They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening. They had expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in that small inn in New Jersey, no meals were served after seven. They were surprised when the waiter asked whether they would take dinner there that night. “ Are you still serving dinner?” asked Mr Smith. “ Yes, certainly, sir,” answered the waiter. “ We serve it until half past nine.”“ What are the time of the meals then?” asked Mr Smith. “ Well, sir, We serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, tea from four to five, and dinner from six to half past nine.” answered the waiter.“ But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London.” said Mr Smith.43 . Mr and Mrs Smith always spent their holidays inbefore they made a lot of money.A. New York B. LondonC. New Jersey D. Washington44 . They went to London by.A. sea B. plane C. train D. bus45 . From the story we know that this was thetime for Mr and Mrs Smith to go to London.A. first B. secondC. third D. fourth四、语法填空Are you scared to see the dentist in your childhood? Some kids were afraid of 46 . (go) to the dentists, but not me. I had a47 . (fun) dentist. His name was Dr. Smileyface I dont think that was 48 . (reality), but that was49 . he told all the kids who came to see him. He had a cool waiting room. It had video games and 50 . big toy box. Dr. Smileyface always wore amusing hats.Sometimes he had his face51 . (paint ). He asked interesting questions. He made me laugh. One time, he told me this joke, “What has lots of52 . (tooth )but never goes to the dentist?Acomb! When he pulled my tooth, it didnt hurt at all !He also taught me how to take care53 . my decayed tooth because he said he didnt want me to see him too often in the clinic. Before I went home, he always gave me a surprise. Once he gave me a rubber spider54 . (scare)my mom with!55 . wise Dr. Smileyface was. He made it less terrible for kids to see a dentist.五、材料作文56 . 假如你有个朋友叫Jack,他由于长时间玩电脑游戏,坐姿不变,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉,白天上课犯困。请写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并向他提出你的建议。要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,情节可适当发挥;(2)词数:80词左右。参考词汇:play computer games; sit in the same way; sore eyes; feel tired; do eye exercises第 11 页 共 11 页

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