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昆明市2020年(春秋版)七年级上学期10月月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lucy, is Jenny. Shes my sister.ASheBthisCit2 . -_?-Its Thursday.AWhat is it tomorrowBWhat day is it tomorrowCIt is Thursday tomorrowDDo you like Sunday3 . - Im OK, thank you.AWhats this?BHello!CHow are you?DNice to meet you!4 . -Whats this _ the wall? - Its a photo _ my family.Ain, inBon, ofCin, ofDon, on5 . - Is this kite _, Tom?- Yes, its mine. It is made by _. Ayours; myselfBmine; myselfCours; himself6 . - _ are the socks?- _ black.AWhat color, ItsBWhat size, ItsCWhat color, TheyreDWhat size, Theyre7 . Heremy family photos.AisBhaveCareDhas8 . My father _ drive his car to work, but now he _ riding to work.Aused to; is used toBused to; used toCis used to; used to9 . Good evening, Bob!_, Linda!AGood morningBGood afternoonCGood nightDGood evening10 . How much _ those blue shorts? _twenty dollars.Aare; TheyreBare; These areCare; ItsDis; Its11 . Who are these? .AThey are my friendsBHe is my friendsCThose are my friendsDThese are my friends12 . I haveumbrella.umbrella is pink .Aa; TheBan ; aCthe ; aDan ; The13 . “Whats this in English?” “_.”AIts desk.BThats OK.CIts blue.DIts a desk.14 . You must help him.He has little _ in it.AexperienceBadviceCstepDdifference15 . This is Linda. She _ an English girl. And she and I _ good friends.Ais;areBis;amCare; areDis;is二、补全对话5选5A:Good afternoon , Dale !B:16 . Alice.A:17 . B:Im fine ,thanks.A:18 . B:Its a pen.A:19 . B:P-E-N.A:20 . B:Youre welcome (不客气) .ASpell it pieaseBHow are you?CGood afternoon,DWhats this in English?EThank you.三、完型填空My name is Betty. Im _America. Now Im in a Dalian school in China. I am in Class 1 Grade 1. I can _Chinese and English . Can I play _ tennis? Sorry, I cant _I can sing English and Chinese songs. Tom is _ friend .He is from London. He is ten years old. He likes Dalian. His favourite _ is Chinese noodles and _ is his favourite sport. His mother is in Dalian with him. _ is a teacher in his school. Tom and I _good friends. We often _ computer games together.21 . AinBatCfromDto22 . AspeakBsayCtalkDtell23 . AaBanCtheD/24 . AandBbutCorDso25 . AmyBhisCherDhes26 . AcolourBfoodCsportDmeat27 . AreadingBlisteningCopeningDswimming28 . ASheBHeCTheyDIt29 . AisBareCamDarent30 . AdrawBsingCplayDrun四、阅读单选Dear Peter,My name is Frank. I am from (来自) America. Here is a picture of my class. We are in Class One, Grade Seven.You can see my friends in the picture. Jimmy likes to play basketball. He likes to eat apples and French fries. Helen likes math. Her favorite food is hamburgers. Sandra doesnt like math. But she can speak French (法语). She likes pingpong. Sally is a black girl. She likes to swim (游泳). She likes to eat ice cream. I like math, too. Can you find me? I like to eat bananas. Maria likes to study computer very much. She plays computer games very well. Nick is fun. He is good at playing football. He likes strawberries best.Can you send (发送) me a picture of your class.Yours,Frank31 . How many friends does Frank have in the picture?AFiveBSixCSevenDEight32 . _ like(s) sports.AJimmy, Sandra and SallyBMaria, Nick and JimmyCJimmy, Sandra, Sally and NickDFrank, Maria, Nick and Jimmy33 . _ like(s) math.AHelen and FrankBSandra and PeterCHelen and SandraDNick and Peter34 . Who is the efriend of Frank?ASallyBSandraCPeterDJimmyDear Bill,Thank you for your letter.You tell me something about your family. Now, Ill talk about my family.I have a happy family. We love each other. My grandparents are doctors. They work in Canada now. My parents are both teachers. They teach English at Guangzhou International School. My sister and I are in China with them.Im 13 years old. Im a student in Grade Seven. I like China and Chinese. I want to be a Chinese teacher when I grow up(长大), Now I can speak Chinese. My sister, Amy, is only three years old. She is fat with blue eyes. She is lovely. We all love her.China is very beautiful. Welcome to ChinaBest wishes!Yours,Tina35 . Where are Tinas grandparents now? A.They are in Canada.AThey are in China.BThey are in the USA.CThey are in Japan.36 . What do Tinas parents do?AThey are farmers.BThey are doctors.CThey are teachers.DThey are workers.37 . What colour are Amys eyes?ABrownBBlueCGreenDBlack38 . This is a(an)_.Aad(广告)BstoryCnotice(布告)Dletter五、句型转换按要求完成下列各题39 . What s the price of the dictionary?(改为同义句)_ is the dictionary?40 . Jim wants to buy a T-shirt.(对划线部分提问) _ Jim want to buy?41 . Sally likes the blue skirt.(改为否定句)Sally _ the blue skirt.42 . The store sells clothes for boys.(改为一般疑问句) _ the store_ clothes for boys?43 . Are these socks eight dollars?(补全对话)Yes, _.44 . That jacket is black and white.(改为复数形式)_ black and white.45 . The hat is 15 dollars.(改为一般疑问句)_ 15 dollars?46 . Those are blue T-shirts.(对划线部分提问)_ those?47 . How much is the clock?(改为同义句)_ the clock?48 . How about the blue shoes?(改为同义句)_ the blue shoes? 六、用单词的正确形式完成短文AfriendsBinCdifferentDplayEtooFcousinsGEnglishBob has an uncle. His daughter is Sue. Bob and Sue are _ . They are also in the same school, but _ classes. After school, Bob and Sue often_ games with their friends. The class begins at eight in the morning. Now Bob and Sue are in their own(自己的)classrooms. They are listening to their teachers. Bobs having an_lesson. His teacher is talking_English. Sues having a Chinese lesson. Her teacher is talking about writing. They love their teachers and they like their school, _.49 . _50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _七、句子配对口语应答55 . Whats this?AIm fine, thank you.56 . Good evening!AB-O-O-K.57 . How are you?AIts 023-66226754.58 . Good bye!AHello.59 . Whats his name?AIts an apple.60 . Hello.AGood evening.61 . Whats her phone number?AHis names Jim.62 . Nice to meet you! H. Its green.63 . Spell it, please. I. Byebye.64 . What color is it? J. Nice to meet you, too.八、多任务混合问题任务型阅读。Im Mary. This is my room. (A)A_bed, a_desk, a_chair, a_bookcase_and_a_dresser(梳妆台)_are_in_it. What are on my desk? (B)在它上面有一台电脑和一本英语书。A nice alarm clock is on the dresser. My school ID card and keys are in the drawer. My pencils are not on the desk. Where are they? They are in my pencil box and the pencil box is in my backpack(背包). 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。任务一:翻译句子。65 . 将画线部分(A)处翻译成汉语。_66 . 将画线部分(B)处翻译成英语。_任务二:判断正(T)误(F)。67 . The pencils are in the pencil box.68 . The school ID card is on the desk. 任务三:回答问题。69 . Where is the nice alarm clock?_九、材料作文70 . 书面表达假如你是贾斯汀(Justin),刚和父母搬到了南京,在29中就读,这是你第一次向班上的同学介绍自己,请根据以下要点,写一篇不少于70词的自我介绍(可适当补充),开头结尾不计入总词数。(注意:要点中的省略号部分需自己补充)1. 今年13岁,和爸爸妈妈住在学校附近的公寓中,我.上学(交通工具)。2. 我喜欢., 并擅长于., 在空闲的时候,我通常.。3. 我们的学校., 老师和同学们.。Hello everyone:This is me, a kind and friendly boy. I hope to make friends with you soon.第 10 页 共 10 页

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