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广西壮族自治区2019版中考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . In fact, the Englishman didnt understand the three questions _ were asked in French.AthatBwhereCwhoDin which2 . - Is there a fast train to Shenzhen today? I wonder if you could _ for me.- Sorry, the last train left just 15 minutes ago.Alook for itBconnect with itCpick it upDlook it up3 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?AHow do you pronounce this word?BThis fountain welcomes all visitors.CWhich country would you like to visit next year?DIts difficult to climb the Yellow Mountain.4 . During the Spring Festival, Li Lei got a red envelop with 500 yuan. He spent his lucky money on his hobbies. According to the following table, do you know how much he left? A190B240C3405 . People have a special party_ the evening_ October 31 to celebrate Halloween.Aon, inBon, ofCin, ofDin, in6 . These_want to have some fish for lunch ,so they decide to catch many _AGermans;fishesBGremans;fishCGermen;fishes7 . My grandparents play _baseball for _hour every day.Athe; aB/ ; anCthe; anD/ ; a8 . Be quick, _ well be late for school.AandBbutCorDso9 . Kitty _ to Beijing and she wont come back until next Monday.Ahas beenBhad goneCwentDhas gone10 . There are _ days in May and Mothers Day is on _ Sunday.Athirty-one; the secondBthirty-one; secondCthe thirty- first; the second11 . 找出划线部分读音与其它两个不同的单词:AclockBnoCnot12 . The boss made his workersover 10 hours a day. That was against the law.AworkedBworkingCto workDwork13 . Would you like some orange juice, Millie?_. Its my favourite.ANo, Im not thirstyBNo, thanksCYes, I doDYes, please14 . ApollutionBenergyCrememberDAmerica15 . Where _ Frank come from?He _ from the United States. Ais; isBdoes; comeCdoes; isDis; comes16 . In the West, people like to finish a meal with _.Asweet somethingBsomething sweetCsome sweetDanything sweet17 . - Is this your dog? - No. Tom is its _.AdriverBmasterCworkerDteacher18 . _ important computers are to everybody in a modern city!AWhatBHowCWhat anDHow an19 . Wechat (微信) really influences (影响) peoples life._. Its easier for people to make friends with others.AMostlyBExactlyCPossiblyDMainly20 . Father asked _.Awhat was wrong with meBwhats wrong with meCwhat wrong was with meDwhat wrong with me was二、补全对话7选5根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。Peter: Hello, John. This is Peter speaking. John: Hello. You sound sad. I heard you had a bad cold.21 . Peter: No. Im feeling much worse.22 . It makes me so tense. Do you think Im going to die?John: No, Peter. Calm down and take more exercise. You just had the flu.23 . Peter: But I hate to go to the hospital.24 . John: Dont be afraid! You are the bravest boy.25 . Peter: Thanks, John.AAre you feeling better?BYou should go to see the doctor.CIm afraid of taking medicine. It tastes terrible.DIm afraid of catching bad diseases.EI would like to go home.FFollow the doctors advice and youll get well soon.GYou shouldnt see a doctor.三、完型填空Being safe(安全的)at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge(知识). If you remember the following information, your life will be much _Always _ the environment(环境)around you. You shouldnt walk alone(独自)outside. _ you know where the public phones are. If _ dangerous happens, you can find them quickly. Dont use earphones(耳机)when running in the schoolyard or on the street. You will keep yourself away from the outside world and it _ be dangerous. Schoolbags should be carried(携带)towards the _ of your body instead of(而不是)putting them on your back. When buses are crowded,it is easy enough for thieves to steal the things in your bags on your back. If you are followed by a stranger, _ the street and go in the other direction(方向). Let the stranger _ that you know he or she is there. Next, go and get help from _ if it is necessary. Dont go home directly. You are safer in the street than you are in your home or in a lift. If you have to take a bus to a place far away,try to get to the stop a few minutes before the buses leave. This prevents(阻止)a stranger _ following you. On buses, dont sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with friends. Dont sleep.26 . AeasierBearlierCsaferDhappier27 . AlistenBnoticeCseeDlook28 . AMake upBMake itCMake outDMake sure29 . AsomeoneBnothingCeverythingDanything30 . AcanBshouldCcantDneed31 . AbackBfrontCtopDbottom32 . AgoBcomeCcrossDget33 . AknowsBto knowCknowDknowing34 . AotherBothersCthe otherDanother35 . AfromBonCinDfor四、阅读单选Kits voiceNarrator(旁白):-Many animals live on the farm. Every morning,they hear Kit:Cockadoododoo!Cow:Kit,can you keep quiet in the morning?Pig &Duck:Yes. Please let us sleep some more.Narrator:Kit is sad. No one likes his voice. So the next morning,Kit does not make the sound. Later.Cow:Im hungry!Wheres my breakfast?Duck:Oh no,the farmer is still sleeping.Pig:Kit,please let us hear your beautiful voice again.Kit:.Cockadoododoo!Narrator:With that sound,the farmer wakes up. He quickly gets up and feeds(喂)the animals. Now,everyone is happy with Kits voice.36 . What animal is Kit?AA chicken.BA cow.CA duck.DA pig37 . At the beginning, the other animals do NOT like _ .AKits farmBKits foodCKitDKits voice.38 . On the second day, the other animals are worried because _.Athey are tiredBthey are hungryCKit is not happyDthey can sleep more39 . Who gives food to the animals?AKit.BDuck.CPig.DThe farmer.40 . What is TRUE about Kits voice?AIt is very low.BIt is very soft.CIt is very loud.DIt is very weak.We all know that exercise is good for your health. But some kinds of exercise may be better than others. Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems. Running may also help you live longer.Recently, researchers studied more than 55,000 adults. About a quarter of the adults have a good habit of running. The study found these runners were much healthier than non-runners. In fact, the runners lived, on average(平均), three years longer than the non-runners.Running may be good exercise, but it can be difficult on the body. Here are commonly shared ideas among fitness experts(健身专家) to lower the risk of injury(受伤) for people who are new to running.Take it easy.Do not run too much, too soon or too fast. Most people get running injuries when they push themselves too hard. The body needs time to get used to increases in distance(里程) or speed. Get good running shoes.There is no single best shoe for every runner. You should find the shoe that offers the best fit and support for your feet. More importantly, you should have a new pair of shoes every 500 to 800 kilometers.Take good notes.Take time after each run to write down notes about what you did and how you felt. Look for things that happen again and again. For example, you may find that your knees hurt when you run sometimes. But perhaps you feel great when you have a rest between running days. These notes will help you make the best plan for running.41 . The writer wants to tell us in the first paragraph _.Agood health comes from runningBrunning is the best exerciseChealth problem can be solved by good exerciseDnot all exercise is equally(同样的)good42 . In the second paragraph, we know _.Aa good habit of running may help you live longerBthe number of non-runners was getting smallerCthree quarters of 55,000 adults were new to runningDthe hope to live three years longer drives people to exercise43 . The purpose of taking notes is to _.Aremind you of where to have new shoesBhelp you find the way of running that fits youCtake a rest between running daysDhelp you do some research on exercise44 . The passage is written to _.Aprovide information for the researchers to work betterBwarn the non-runners of the dangers in runningChelp runners to exercise in a scientific wayDencourage as many people as possible to join in runningChoose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案. )Summer is a great time to improve your childs reading!Reading over the summer can help your child keep up his reading gains during the past school year AND also help prepare him for the next year!How to sign up:We are inviting you to sign up for free to help your child be an active reader this summer!Go to www. readfun orgSelect Parent ( NOT Teacher )Click on the blue Sign UpWhat we provide:We provide you with thousands of free, high-quality articles with questions and activities. To make summer reading easy, we have selected interesting and knowledge-filled articles of different levels. You can go to www. Readfun.org/summer-reading to download and print the articles for free.How to use:TIP 1: Articles for summer reading should be accessible, so be sure to choose articles at your childs reading level. Dont be afraid to star with articles of lower grade levels. The important thing is that he reads, reads, reads!TIP 2: Its also important to help your kid develop good reading habits. Help him keep a good record of his summer reading. Besides, encourage him to discuss what he has read with family members. That way, you will all have a good time.We wish you and your family a great summer!45 . The first two sentences of the text above are about_.Adifferent types of booksBthe coming school yearCthe importance of summer readingDgood places for summer reading46 . One of the steps for parents to sign up on www. readfun.org is to_.Aselect “Parent Bfinish a testCchoose a tipDprint an article47 . What does www. readfun.org provide?AOnline teachers.BPen friends information.CInteresting videosDArticles of different levels48 . The underlined word accessible in the text means easy to_”.AwriteBdiscussCunderstandDcompare49 . According to TIP 2, parents should help their kids develop _ good reading habit(s).A1B2C3D450 . The text above is written to _.Aintroduce a reading programmeBsell books to school kidsCencourage parents to read moreDshare reading experience五、阅读判断This is a true story that happened in my childhood.One day,I was trying to catch a butterfly in a garden.I tried many times to catch it but couldnt succeed.Just then a men came and asked me,“Why are you trying to catch this butterfly?” I said innocently (天真地),“I like it.” Hearing this he held my wrist (手腕) hard.“Youre hurting me,” I said with tears in my eyes.“So you feel pain,” he said with a mischievous (不怀好意的) smile and held my wrist more tightly (更紧地)“Why are you doing this to me? Im hurting,” I said and started crying.“I want you to feel the pain you are trying to impose(强加于) on the butterfly,” he said and then released my wrist.“If you caught the butterfly,you would hurt it as what I did hurt you.So dont do this and let it go.”He kissed me on both cheeks,patted me on the head and went away.So I didnt catch the butterfly any more.Since then whenever I want to do something bad or I refuse to help a needy person,I think,“What if it happens to me?” Then I stop all my bad actions and do the right things.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。51 . The writer was trying to catch a butterfly in a garden when he met a man.52 . The man held the writers wrist to teach him how to catch the butterfly.53 . The writer started crying when the man held his wrist more tightly.54 . After the man left,the writer caught the butterfly.55 . The mans behavior had a good influence on the writer.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,是短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一次,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。make kind never small long your big become remember true subject his As teenagers , you have many dreams . These dreams can be very big , such as winning the Nobel Prize , or they can be 56 . . You may just want 57 . the best student in your class . Once you find a dream , what do you do with it ? Do you ever try to 58 . your dream come true ? You may think youre not very good at some school 59 . or it is impossible for you to become a writer. These 60 . of thoughts (想法)stop you from realizing your dream . In fact , everyone can make his dream come 61 . . The first thing you must do is to 62 . what your dream is . Dont let it leave your heart . Keep telling 63 . what you want . Do this step by step and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is made up of many small dreams . You must also64 . give up your dream . There will be difficulties on the road to your dream . But the 65 . difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important . Without dreams, you wont make up your mind to learn more skills.七、选用适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容, 在空白处填入恰当的关系代词(that, who, which)补全对话。A: I dont have many friends in this city. B: Havent you met any people here?A: Of course. But the people66 . Ive met here dont share my interests. I like reading and going for quiet walks. However, the people work with me seem to like parties, watching TV, playing sports and going to restaurants. Their interests 67 . they have been so different from mine. B: Your interests dont involve(涉及) other people. Its hard to do things with other people when your hobbies can be done alone. You should find some interests you can do with other people, like tennis or dancing. A: The activities 68 . involve other people cost money, and I dont have a lot of money. B: There are many parks in this city 69 . have free tennis courts. In fact, there are a lot of things 70 . are free or very cheap in this city. I can give you a list of free activities, if you want. A: Thanks. Id love to have the list.八、填空William Shakespeare is widely considered as the most famous writer and poet of the English language and the worlds excellent dramatist (剧作家). He was born in England in 1564 and died in 1616. The works he left behind are made up of 38 plays, 154 sonnets (十四行诗), 2 long narrative (叙事) poems, and many other poems.However, William Shakespeare is most famous for his plays which have been translated (翻译) into every major (主要的) living language and are performed more often than those of any other dramatist. Some of his well-known plays include A Midsummer Night s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet Romeo and Juliet King Lear, Macbeth, and The Tempest.All of his works remain popular with most of the people who enjoy reading classical English. University students who study English usually have to study at least one of Shakespeares plays.Shakespeare was born to a rich English family and went to a good school. He married a 26-year-old woman when he was only 18. between 1585 and 1592, he began his successful career in London as an actor, a dramatist. It was in London that he wrote most of his plays. Although he was well known in his own day, he was not as famous as he is today.After William Shakespeares death, his fame (荣誉) continued to grow. He was considered to be the best poet and writer of his time, a status (地位) that he still keeps today.71 . William Shakespeare _ in England in 1564.72 . University students who study English usually _ at least one of Shakespeares plays.73 . The Merchant of Venice is one of _.74 . Shakespeare married a 26-year-old woman when _.75 . William Shakespeares fame continued to grow after he _.九、多任务混合问题任务型阅读Draw a giraffe in your mind. How did you draw your giraffe?Does it have a long neck?Does it have long legs?Is it really tall?When people think of giraffes, they think of their long necks. A long neck and four long legs make the giraffe the tallest land animal on the earth. A giraffe is 1. 8 m tall when it is born, and some giraffes get up to 6 m tall when they are all grown up.But did you know that giraffes also have long tongues?你以前看见过长颈鹿的舌头吗?A giraffe has a very long tongue which can hold and wrap(包)around objects. The tongue is designed for feeding, but it can be used in many different ways.For example, a giraffe can close its nose with its long tongue completely to keep out sand and dust. Also, a giraffes tongue is long enough to clean its ears as well!The tongue is black in color to protect it from getting sunburned. It is nearly 56 cm long. Giraffes only eat plants, and a full grown giraffe can eat 33 kg of leaves a day. When giraffes look for some tall trees to eat, they sometimes fight with elephants for food. Giraffes use their tongues to eat leaves from some tall trees.The giraffes tongue is a helpful tool for reaching leaves and breaking off branches.1题完成句子; 23题简略回答问题;4题将文中画线句子译成英语; 5题将文中画线句子译成中文76 . Sometimes a giraffe closes its nose with its longtongue completely in order to_.77 . What is the main idea of the article?_78 . How tall are some adult giraffes?_79 . _80 . _十、书信作文81 . 书面表达。假如你叫Mike, 你的笔友Tom想了解你一天的学校生活。请根据下面的提示内容, 写一封电子邮件告诉Tom你的情况。不少于60词, 可适当发挥。邮件的部分内容已给出, 不计入总词数。Get upgo to schoolStart lessonshave lunch at schoolGo homedo homeworkHi, Tom,This is my school day. _LoveMike第 15 页 共 15 页

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