七年级英语下册练习:Unit 7 topic2 Can you sing an English song

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七年级英语下册练习:Unit 7 topic2 Can you sing an English song姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You cant go _ the road when the traffic lights are red.AcrossBacrossCcrossingDcrossed2 . Theresome bread and two cakes in the plate.AisBareChasDhave3 . Can you play ping-pong _ basketball? I can play ping-pong.AandBorCbutDwith4 . There is stillplenty ofroom in my bag. You can put your books into it.Aa few ofBa large amount ofCa large number of5 . Could you please _ loudly here?Emma is doing her homework.Adont talkBnot talkCtalkDnot to talk6 . -Thank you for helping me so much-_.Ayou are welcomeBAll rightCdont say soDDont thank me7 . I dont mind telling you what I know.You _. Im not asking you for it.Amay notBcantCmustntDdont have to8 . Im looking forward to _ Paris some day.AvisitBvisitingCvisitedDto visit9 . Were you at home _?No, I was at school.Atwo days beforeBtwo days agoCbefore two daysDago two days10 . One year _, she couldnt fly a kite _.Abefore, at allBago, a littleCago, at allDbefore, a little11 . I can play the guitar._ can you do?I can also sing English songs.AHow elseBWhat elseCWho elseDWhere else12 . _ youre tired; youve been walking for hours.AIn wonderBDo wondersCNot wonderDNo wonder13 . _ of people are dancing over there. Two _ students are from our school.AHundred; hundredBHundred; hundredsCHundreds; hundredDHundreds; hundreds14 . Lucy, tomorrow is October 1st. Im going to Kunming for the holidays(假日)._AThats OK.BHave a good time.CDont tell me.DThank you.15 . I get up _. Im never late _ school.Alate; toBearly; toClate; forDearly; for二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。16 . I liked to _ (聊天) with my aunt when I was young.17 . John wants to invite all his good friends to his _ (婚礼)18 . The _ (风俗) in America are quite different from ours.19 . The woman rushed out _ (立刻) when she heard the news that her child was hurt.20 . Would you please take out the _ (垃圾) , Tim?OK, Mom.三、完成句子完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。21 . 在字典中查阅新单词是个好习惯。Its a good habit to _ the new words in a dictionary.22 . “厉害了,我的国!” 这句话表达了我们对祖国迅速发展的自豪感。“My country is amazing!” shows that we _ of the fast development of our country.23 . 如果地震发生时你在户外,远离高楼,输电线和树木。If you are outdoors when the earthquake happens, _ from buildings, powerlines and trees.24 . 济南在城市的中心地带建了更多公园,以提高人们的生活质量。Jinan has _ more parks in the _ part of the city to improve peoples life.25 . 我很惊讶地发现孩子们在物理课上使用这些很平常的材料发电。I was surprised to see the children used these common _ to _ electricity in their physics class.第 3 页 共 3 页

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