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吉林省2020年中考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Listen! The girl in the room. She often English songs.Asings; is singingBsings; singsCis singing; singsDis sing; is singing2 . The word “drops” with _.AmapBdressCcropsDbuses3 . My father isnt in good health now. I think he should pay attention_ exercise.Ato takeBfor takingCto takingDin taking4 . Do you live with your family here, Mr. Wang? Yes. I live with my family _ a flat _ a quiet street.Ain; atBon; atCin; onDon; in5 . In Britain, cars _ keep to the left according to the traffic rules.AmustBmayCcanDneed6 . When Tom arrived, he learned the TV play _ for half an hour.Ahad begunBhad been onChad set offDhad started7 . I hear that a new school _ near our neighborhood next year.Awill buildBwill be builtCis builtDwas built8 . _ of them has arrived. So _ has arrived on time.ANobody; noneBNo one; nobodyCNone; no oneDNone; not any one9 . Where is my food, Tom?Sorry, I _ .Aate up itBhave eaten up itChave eaten it upDate it up10 . Jason was ill yesterday, _ he didnt go to school.AorBbutCforDso11 . 2018年上海宝山、嘉定二模A: Shall we go to Professor Tenders lecture tonight?B: _ His lectures are always excellent.AI dont quite agree with you.BThank you for telling me so.CThat sounds great!DI am glad you like it.12 . -Jim, do you think the washing machine is _ useful invention?-Yes. We will have to wash our clothes by_ hand without it.Aa, theBan, theCan, / D, a, /13 . Sherlock Holmes is a famous _stories,who solves many cases.AdetectiveBangelCactorDsuperstar14 . _ the girl is playing _!AHow well; pianoBWhat good; the pianoCHow well; the pianoDWhat good; piano15 . Her mother looked at that moment when she heard the good news.AsadBhappyCsadlyDhappily16 . Marys parents want her milk every day.AdrinkBdrinksCdrinkingDto drink17 . With the help of their teachers, they have made _ mistakes this term than before.AlessBa littleCfewerDa few18 . My parents didnt get angry with me and they encouraged me to study hard _ I failed my test.They love you and dont want you to feel sad.AthoughBsinceCuntil19 . -I like your new dress. - _.AOh, no. Its not good.BNot at all.CThank you.DIt doesnt matter.20 . -Whats _ name?-Maria.AsheBshesCherDyou二、完型填空Many students like_very much. But _Monday to Friday, they must go to school. So on Saturday and Sunday they_ at home and watch TV from morning to night. They dont know its bad for their eyes. Usually children like to eat meat. They dont like vegetables _fruit. They dont know_ more vegetables and fruit is _ than eating meat. At school the children only do a few minutes of sport or _ do any sport. The teachers must know it isnt good for_health. We always think of ways to keep _. We must eat _vegetables and fruits, and do enough sport every day. And we should watch TV and read in right ways.21 . Awatch TVBwatch the TVCwatching TVDwatching the TV22 . AofBandCfromDto23 . AstayBliveCgoDleave24 . AandBwithCorDbut25 . AbuyingBeatingCgettingDkeeping26 . AgoodBbetterCbadDworse27 . AoftenBsometimesCusuallyDnever28 . AthemBtheyCtheirDtheirs29 . AhealthBhealthyCbusyDfree30 . AnoBmuchCa lotDmany三、阅读单选阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。31 . If you are a fan of the Korean actor, you may go toin AprilABeijingBShanghaiCGuangzhouDNanjing32 . Part 2 is probably fromAa novelBa university posterCa science bookDa textbook四、句型转换Sentence transformation33 . English is very useful.(感叹句)_ useful subject English is!34 . Be brave, or you will lose your chance.(保持句意不变)_ you _ brave, youll lose your chance.35 . This swimming pool is 15 meters deep.(保持句意不变)This swimming pool is 15 meters _.36 . This document is very important to us.保持句意不变This document is _ to us.37 . Tom set out early in order to catch the first bus.(划线提问)_ Tom set out early?38 . Jim broke the glass just now.(改为被动语态)The glass _by Jim just now39 . Have you decided if you will attend that meeting?(改为简单句)Have you decided _ attend that meeting40 . These scientists have no time to do experiments these days.(保持句意不变)These scientists _ time to do experiments these days.41 . Factory workers need rain water.(改为反意疑问句)Factory workers need rain water, _?42 . “I will try to do it again tomorrow, my sister said. (改为宾语从句)My sister said that _ try to do it again the next day43 . Sometimes kids are so young that they can t tell the bad from the good.(改为同义句)Sometimes kids arent_to tell the bad from the good.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,将答案写在答卷上。44 . Help(you) to some fish, kids.45 . We were(deep) moved by the story.46 . What is the(high) of this building?47 . Twenty-nine(innocence) people died because of the terrorist attacks(恐怖袭击)on March 1,2014 in Kunming.48 . After a long cold winter, the little bear appeared hungry and(healthy).49 . Do you feel much(good) now, Tom?50 . Would you mind(offer) your seat to the old?51 . I really dont know how(solve) the problem.52 . It is blowing heavily outside. Please keep the door(close).53 . We must finish the project in two(week) time.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文It seems that everywhere around the world, people are spending more time at work54 . less time with their families and friends. People are55 . than ever before!In the past in many countries , the father worked and the mother stayed home ,took56 . of the children ,and did the food shopping, cooking and cleaning. At present , in most of the families , parents need work on weekdays, so they57 . have to do the shopping, cooking and cleaning in their free time. Parents dont have as much time with their58 . , however, they often had time in the past. There are also many single-parent(单亲的)families .In these families ,the single parents has to do everything.These days ,many children come home59 . school to an empty apartment or house .A lot of children spend many hours60 . day in front of the television .Even the families are together, it is common for families members to do things by themselves. For example, they61 . programs on separate TVs in different rooms, they use the Internet, they62 . friends on the telephone, and they do other individual by themselves.Isnt it strange? Thanks to technology(科技), people are able to communicate so63 . with people far away, but sometimes they dont communicate with people their own homes.七、单词填空My mother is a Chinese teacher. She usually gets up e64 . on Sundays. After she washes her face, she cooks b65 . for us. Then she waters the f66 . in the garden. After that, she w67 . with the dog in the park for about forty minutes.Then she goes home for breakfast. At about 9:00, she goes to the library to read all k68 . of books. When she goes home, she doesnt take a b69 . . She often goes down the street on foot and e70 . the sunshine(阳光). Sometimes she v71 . her friends. She u72 . cooks dinner for us at home.Then she watches TV. She always has a g73 . time at weekends.八、回答问题阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like?This article will describe a typical high school and its students.A typical American high school has several large buildings and enough space for about 1,500 students.Every student is given a locker(寄物柜)When students arrive at school,they go straight to their lockers first to get their textbooks and hang up their outdoor clothes.American students have different types of school transport.When they turn 16 years old,most of them take a free driving class at school for one term.If students pass their state drivers exam,they can begin driving themselves to school.Each day,students take six or seven classes.They must take science,math,English and social lessons.They can choose art,homemaking,clothes making and other classes.In some schools students are asked to take one or more of the following special classes:health education,physical education or foreign language studies.Students move to different classrooms for each subject.This is because each teacher has his or her own classroom.There is a fiveminute break between classes,giving the students the time to hurry to their next class.The school day usually ends early in the afternoon.After school more than half of the students take part in afterschool activities.These activities include clubs or sportsespecially football,basketball,baseball and soccer.74 . What do they do first when high school students arrive at school?(不超过20个词)_75 . What subjects must high school students study?(不超过10个词)_76 . What do most students in America do after school?(不超过10个词)_九、材料作文77 . Composition Our country is developing fast in the 70 years and having great changes. Every city/ town has many changes too. Write a composition about the changes of your hometown in these years. (80120words)Following points should be included:1. The changes happened to your hometown in these years. (at least 3 changes)2. What are your opinions of the changes of your hometown? (at least 2 points)3. What changes do you think will happen in the future? (at least 2 changes)第 9 页 共 9 页


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