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吉林省2020版中考一模英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Youve done a good job. _.AThank youBYoure welcomeCI dont think soDNo, I don do well enough2 . The library is a good _ to read booksAtimeBhabitCruleDplace3 . Do you know the man wearing a pair of glasses?Yes. Hes a teacher of _. He teaches _ History.Ame; usBmy; ourCmine; usDmine; our4 . Jim is a _ boy and he can do his exercises _.Acarefully; carefulBcarefully; carefullyCcareful; carefullyDcarefully; careful5 . Chen Hui_computer games, but now he gives them up and concentrates on study.Ais used to playingBis used to playCused to playDis used for playing6 . It is known that the spelling of some words in America is different from _ in England.AitBthatConeDthose7 . Whos that man _ a white shirt?AonBatCforDin8 . _ is everything going? Not bad.AHowBWhenCWhere9 . The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler than _ in Shanghai.AthisBitCthatDone10 . How many times_ you_to the Century Park?Ahave, goneBhas, goneChave, beenDhas, been11 . -Good morning,sir!Can I help you? -Im just having a lookAYes,you canBYes,pleaseCNo,thank youDSure12 . Is that man your father? You look _him.AatBlikeCfor13 . _I use your dictionary, TomSure, no problem.AMustBMayCNeedDWill14 . We cant keep up with the developing situation _ we study harder .AifBuntilCunlessDsince15 . Would you please pass me_book on the right?Athe thirdBthe threeCthreeDthird16 . How do you like the movie? I like it very much and it can _me _to work hard.Aconnect; withBcheer; upCwake; upDlet; down17 . The TV show is _. I dont like it.AinterestingBexcitingCboringDfun18 . -Did you watch the opening ceremony(开幕式) of the 2016 Olympic Games?-Yeah. It was on TV.AincludedBcoveredCreceivedDdirected19 . - May I speak to John?- Sorry, he _Japan. But he _in two days.Ahas been to, will come backBhas gone to, will be backChas been in, would come backDhas gone to, wont cone back20 . 一Sam, could you help to care _your grandma this evening?一Sure.AforBwithCabout二、阅读单选Hello and welcome to “Words and Their Stories”. We will research into some commonly used words and expressions. Compared to other languages, American English is rich in expressions that come from animals. Wolves are important animals in the traditions and stories of America. Today we will talk about the wolf.To begin with, there is an expression lone wolf. If we call somebody a lone wolf, he isnt a bad person, but he may like to do things by himself. In fact, he sometimes make you think he doesnt want to be around people because he dislikes them.Now, lets move on to the home. When having a meal, parents always tell their children not to wolf down their food. The expression “wolf down food” shows the child eats too quickly and without care. It can be bad for health.A wolf call is the noise made by a man to show that he likes the way a woman looks. But a wolf call is not a nice thing. These men sound rude. And in fact, most women dont like wolf calls at all.By the way, there is a popular expression about wolf from a very old story: a wolf in sheeps clothing. A wolf in sheep s clothing describes someone who acts and looks nice on the outside but is bad on the inside. It tells us that appearances can lie to people.21 . How many expressions can we read about wolf in the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.22 . If a person is called a lone wolf, what is he probably going to do?AHelp classmates to finish homework.BMake many friends with people around.CBreak the window if nobody is watching.DCo to see a movie by himself after school.23 . Which of the following in NOT true?Awolf call is really popular to women.BAppearances dont always tell the truth to us.CChildren had better not wolf down food at meal time.DAmerican English has a lot of expressions with animals.24 . Where is it possible for us to find the passage above?AA science report.BA story about American history.CA book for travel guide.DA program for English learning.Surprisingly,the dates and ways of the celebration of Fathers Day are not the same everywhere.Fathers Day is celebrated to thank fathers and express gratitude (感激) for their love.In Canada,it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.People wear roses to express thanks and love for their fathers.This is also a time for a family reunion (团聚),because children often stay away from their family and this is a good time for them to get together with their fathers and other loved ones.But in Australia,it is celebrated on the first Sunday in September.The day is celebrated only in families.A rich breakfast for families is a good way to celebrate Fathers Day.In Thailand,Fathers Day falls on December 5 every year.All the people have a oneday holiday.You can see many people are in yellow and the streets are decorated in yellow because Fathers Day is also the Kings birthday.Some clubs,schools and cultural societies in the United Kingdom and Ireland,Australia,South Africa organize Fathers Day parties to provide people an opportunity to celebrate the day to show the importance of fathers role in the family and the society.25 . People have Fathers Day because they want to _.Ahave a gettogetherBshow thanks to their fathersCsend gifts to their fathersDhave a family party26 . The Canadians celebrate Fathers Day by _.Awearing rosesBdressing nicelyCsending fathers many giftsDworking harder27 . When is Fathers Day celebrated in Australia?AOn the third Sunday in June.BOn the first Sunday in September.COn December 5.DOn May 31.28 . What does the passage mainly tell us?AThe Australians celebrate Fathers Day in the morning.BHow the Canadians celebrate Fathers Day.CWhy people in Thailand celebrate Fathers Day on December 5.DPeople celebrate Fathers Day in different ways and on different dates.三、阅读判断Barry and Lucy are brother and sister. But they like different sports. Barry likes soccer. He is in the school soccer club,and he plays soccer every day. He has a soc-cer ball in his bookcase. He also likes volleyball. He has two white volleyballs. But Lucy doesnt like soccer or volleyball. She likes tennis. Tennis is interesting. She is in the school tennis club,and she plays tennis every day. She has seven tennis balls and two tennis bats in her room. She also likes baseball. She has five baseballs:two green baseballs and three yellow baseballs.根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。29 . Barry likes soccer and volleyball.30 . Barry has two soccer balls in his bookcase.31 . Lucy likes tennis,but she doesnt like baseball.32 . Barry is in the school soccer club and Lucy is in the school tennis club.33 . Lucy has seven baseballs and she plays baseball every day.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子(B) 用方框中所给词的填空,不必要进行词形变化。34 . Im sure _ by train must be cheap.35 . Lucy gets up as _ as her sister every morning.36 . Can the students in the back row see the blackboard _?37 . Youd better not _ a bus to Beijing.38 . In our country, most people are ready to do fund _ for the poor children.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文短文填空。从下面方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。按编号将答案依次填入下边表格内。cheer difficulty excite fun gift interest long sick smile thank they twelveAli is a little girl from the USA. Her 39 . birthday was only two weeks away. Mrs. Morgan, her mother, asked her how she would like to spend it. The little girl said she wanted nothing but a birthday card.Ali was born with a serious 40 . . However, she was able to live a normal life until the age of ten. During the following year she became unable to walk and even had great 41 . speaking. At last, the little girl had to leave school and stay home. The doctor said she would not live 42 . than 18 years.To her 43 . , Ali got more than one card for her birthday. In fact, she got over 850! How could it happen? 44 . to the Letters Project website, her story and birthday wish became known on the Internet. Lots of people read her story and sent letters and packages (包裹) 45 . her up. These letters and packages came from Canada, the UK, France, Australia and many other countries. Besides, Ali received a number of 46 . like books, pictures and candy, but cards were always her favorite.“As we opened and read the cards, Ali kept 47 . all the time,” said Mrs. Morgan. “Every card is special to her. I know after her birthday, Ali will go on to get the cards out just to read 48 . again and again.”六、信息归纳49 . Welcome to 2007 Summer Camp2007 Summer Camp opens between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. from July 20th to July 30th. All children aged 7-14 are welcome. Each child can take part in only one of the following activities and needs to pay ¥150 for it.1. Sports (basketball, football, table tennis, etc.)2. Interest Groups (painting, singing, dancing, piano, computer, etc.)3. English World (songs, films, games, plays, etc.)Some American children are coming to the camp. If you really want to spend an interesting summer holiday, please join us for learning with fun. Act now! Book your seat as soon as possible either by phone or by e-mail. Pay before July 18th, then you can have a Mickey T-shirt as a member of the camp. Nanfang Childrens PalaceNo. 23 Dongshan Street, Binhai CityTel: 83212563E-mail: dsbc2007childrenpalace.netInformation Card for 2007 Summer CampOpening time【小题1】Place【小题2】Participants (参加者)【小题3】Pay time【小题4】Main kinds of activities【小题5】七、多任务混合问题My family loves television. My earliest memories are of watching TV with my family. I think we had five or six television sets at home-the bedrooms, the kitchen, everywhere! At least one television was on all of the time. When I went to university, I lived in a dormitory in my first year. Of course I had a TV, so I continued watching my favorite programs. But several weeks later, I realized I had a problem. My courses were hard-much harder than high school, and there was a lot of homework. Also, I felt stressed in my new environment. I started watching more TV to help me have less pressure. Guess what? Soon I was spending more time watching TV than I was on homework. So I didnt have a lot of friends. At the end of my first year, my grades werent very good, and I was really disappointed in myself. At home that summer, I watched television with my family a lot. At first I thought it was great. But then I noticed something. We talked all the time, but always about TV. Something was missing. Television brought us together, but in a way it also kept us away. When I got back to university, I made a decision to do better. I walked into my dormitory, and started to turn the TV on. But then an idea jumped into my head: Stop watching TV! Suddenly it became extremely clear: my old friend television was really my enemy (敌人)! It had kept me from getting good grades, and from making friends. I had to stop watching TV. So I did. I gave away my television, and Ive never looked back. I started doing better in school, made more friends, started having more energy. I dont know if Ill continue to have a TV-free life. But if I do watch television again, it wont be like before. Im sure that television will never again be a major part of my life.50 . 请将右边的两个标题与左边相对应的段落连线。Paragraph 1AStay Away From TVBMy College Life With TVParagraph 2Paragraph 351 . 回答问题。What did his family always talk about during the summer vacation?_.52 . 从原文中找出与所给句子意思接近的句子。Im not sure whether Ill go on living a life without watching TV._.53 . 根据上下文将划线句子an idea jumped into my head译为汉语。_.54 . 根据短文内容,完成下列表格。Reasons of watching TV morea. The courses were (1) _. b. There was a lot of homework.c. He (2) _ in his new environment.Results of watching TV morea. He didnt have a lot of friends. b. His grades (3) _.Results of stopping watching TVHe did better in school,(4) _,(5)_.第 10 页 共 10 页


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