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兰州市2019版九年级上学期期中英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Bill wont start the experiment until he _ how to do it.Awill showBshowsCwill be showedDis showed2 . am a boy.name is Frank.AI ; IBMy ; ICI; My3 . Is your father _ chess with Mr. Green right now? Yes. Last Sunday, Mr. Green also_ to play chess with my father.Aplays; cameBplaying; cameCplaying; comes4 . Thanks a lotinviting me to your party. Youre welcome.AbyBonCofDfor5 . water do they need for the sports meeting?They30 bottles because more than 20 students are in the sports meeting.AHow many; will buyBHow much; will buyCHow many; shall buyDHow much; shall buy6 . I like dancing, _ I dont have enough time to practice it.AorBsoCbutDbecause7 . May I use your bike?-Of course you _, but you _ give it back to me on time.Amay, canBcan, needCcan, mustDmy, need8 . -I called you last night, but no one answered. -Sorry, Grace. I _I am a singer when the phone rang.Aam watchingBwas watchingChave watchedDwill watch9 . Nancy isof the three girls, but she is the youngest.AtallBtallerCtallest.Dthe tallest10 . Hurry up, Tom,well be late for the movie.Ok, I will.AbutBorCandDSo11 . _?Its ten to six.AWhat day is itBWhat time is itCWhats itDWhats the date12 . I dont rememberthe keys yesterday.Awhere I putBwhere did I putCwhere have I putDwhere I have put二、完型填空One afternoon I decided to pick up my mother from work. I got there a little early, so I stopped my car by a small park, and _for her. When I looked out of the car window, I saw a little boy, about two years old on the grass. His mother watched him _freely from a short distance. The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been set free from some a prison. Suddenly the boy fell down on the grass, then_up without looking back at his mother. Again with a smile on his face, he still ran as _as he could as if nothing had happened.At that moment, I thought to myself, “Why arent most adults like this way?” Most adults, when they fall down, make a big deal out of it and dont even have a second try. They would be so _ that they would not try again if someone saw them fall .Or, because they fall, they would find a good _ for themselves. They would _trying again for fear of failure.However, for kids, when they fall down, they dont consider their falling down as a failure, instead, they treat it as a _experience. They try again and again _they succeed .The answer must be that they have not connected“falling down” with the word “failure”. Besides, they probably think to themselves that its quite normal to fall down and that its not wrong to do so. In other words, they allow themselves to make _, so they remain energetic.I was deeply impressed by the boys persistence (坚持不懈) and the manner in which he did.13 . AlookedBcaredCboughtDwaited14 . ArunningBto runCranDruning15 . AstandBgotCwalkedDput16 . AsoonBwellCfastDmore quickly17 . AexcitedBtiredCsurprisedDembarrassed18 . AexcuseBadviceCideaDdifficulty19 . Agive awayBgive upCgive outDput up20 . AlearningBrunningCteachingDfalling21 . Aas ifBifCuntilDbecause22 . AwishesBplansCmistakesDdecisions三、阅读单选Everyone knows that chickens lay eggs. Most people know that all the other birds do as well. But have you ever thought about other animals that lay eggs? They include bees, snakes and some sea animals. When a mother lays eggs, many more babies can be born at once, or in a few days, because there is very little development inside the parent. Animals that do not lay eggs often have fewer babies. Animals lay many eggs because other animals may eat the babies. However, even though some of their babies are eaten, they will still have some more to continue their family.Some animals that lay eggs do not take care of their young. Turtles come onto the beach and dig holes. Then they put their eggs in the sand and leave. A turtle mother can lay as many as 150 eggs. When the babies come out of the eggs, they must find their own way to the ocean. They must learn how to live on their own. Many young turtles get eaten by other animals.Most eggs have an outside shell that keeps the growing animal inside safe. The egg shellalso keeps the young animal from drying out. After the animal is fully developed, it comes out of the egg.The animal grows bigger and bigger. Then it can have its own young.23 . Which animals lay eggs? snakes turtles camels bees chickensABCD24 . Why do animals lay many eggs?ABecause other animals may eat their babies.BBecause they use their eggs for food.CBecause they want to have fewer babies.DBecause they want to eat their babies.25 . What do we know about turtles?AThey dont look after their babies.BBaby turtles hate their mother.COther animals cant eat turtle babies.DTurtle babies cant take care of themselves.26 . Egg shells can be used to_.Amake eggs more beautifulBmake eggs more tastyClet the young animals dryDprotect the young animals27 . The passage is probably from_.Aa newspaperBa science bookCa sports magazineDa story bookThere have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live. The first great invention was the one that is still very important today-the wheel. This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distance.For hundreds of years after that, there were few inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. People didnt have to explore much any more. They began to work instead to make life better.In the second half of the 19th century, many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the light and the radio. These all play a big part in our daily life today. The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter(直升机) in 1909, movies with sound in 1926, the computer in 1928, jet planes(喷气式飞机) in 1930. This was also a time when a new material was first made. Nylon(尼龙) came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wore.The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over diseases. They worked very well. They made people healthier and allowed them to live longer. By the 1960s most people could expect to live to be at least 60.By this time most people in developed countries had a very good life. Of course new inventions continued to be made. But man now had a desire(渴望) to explore again. The earth was known to man but the stars were not. Man began looking for ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then United States took a step. Since then other countries, including China and Japan, have made their own steps into space.In 1969 man took his biggest step away from earth. Americans first walked on the moon. This is certainly just a beginning, though. New inventions will some day allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.28 . In the 1800s, people began to work in order to make.AexplorationsBtheir life betterCdiscoveriesDa trip to space29 . Nylon came out of five years later than.AradioBcameraCjet planesDmovies30 . People can live longer lives becausethat help cure diseases have worked very well.Anew waysBdoctorsCmedicinesDnew hospitals31 . This passage talks mainly about.Awhy cars were very importantBhow inventions affect peoples daily lifeCwhen light was inventedDwhich country made the first step into spaceThere were two men who lived next to each other. One of them was a teacher and the other was a doctor. Both of them had planted many different plants in their gardens. The teacher seldom watered his plants and didnt pay a lot of attention to them. But his neighbor was very careful with his plants and watered them often.The teachers plants were small, but still looked okay, while the doctors plants were much bigger and greener. One night, there was heavy rain and wind. The next morning, both of the neighbors came out to check on their gardens. The doctor saw that his plants had been ripped from the ground and were destroyed. But the teachers plants were not damaged at all but stood firmly.The doctor was surprised. He went to ask the teacher. “We both grew the same plants and I cared for my plants better than you did. How could your plants still be okay?” The teacher smiled and said, “Because I gave my plants just a little bit of water, so their roots had to grow deeper to absorb(吸收) more water. That is why my plants didnt die.”32 . _ was very careful with his plants and watered them often.AThe teacherBThe doctorCNobodyDBoth A and B33 . What did the teachers plants look like?ABigBGreenCSmallDBeautiful34 . The underlined word “firmly” in Paragraph 2 probably means_.A摇摇欲坠地B稳固地C更高地D歪倒地35 . The doctor was_ to see that his plants were destroyed.AsurprisedBhappyCexcitedDsad36 . What is the main idea of the story?AGrowing a garden is not as easy as it looks.BA storm can destroy all the plants in your garden.CPlants know how to protect themselves from storms.DToo much care can make us become weak.People in Britain and the USA are taking more interest in modern dance. Dance classes of all kinds are popular; the number of people going to watch modern dance companies is also larger. And perhaps the most popular modern dance company in Britain is the Ballet Rambert. The Ballet Rambert is Britains oldest dance company which began in 1926. In the 1960s, the company didnt have enough money to put on big performances. The directors wanted to encourage new dancers and to keep up their high standards. A change of direction was necessary. They decided to give the ballet a “new look” in 1966. The aim was to provide a chance for new talentfor musicians and designers as well as dancersand to show dance as a modern art form. And although some of the companys fans disliked the change, new audiences came to see the performances. The modern dance pieces and modern music found unexpected popularity. In 1968, the Ballet Rambert was a great success in Londons West End. The company became a good choice for new, progressive talent in the arts. Later, the Ballet Rambert started to introduce young people to modern dance by giving performances at schools, which again, was a success. The Ballet Rambert has managed to make modern dance popular while creating performances different from the old ones. It is considered the oldest dance company in Britain and at the same time one of the most modern!37 . According to the first paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?AIt is popular to learn modern dance.BThe Ballet Rambert is the most popular modern dancer.CMore people go to watch modern dances than before.DPeople in Britain and the USA are interested in modern dance.38 . The Ballet Rambert decided to change because _.Athe company lost its high standardBits fans disliked its performancesCthey were short of money for big showsDits dancers were no longer excellent39 . The underlined word “audiences ” in the second paragraph means _ in Chinese.A舞者B导演C观众D经纪人40 . From the last paragraph, we know that _.Athe Ballet Rambert has succeeded in making modern dance popularBthe Ballet Rambert wanted to become the oldest dance companyCthe Ballet Rambert was the oldest dance company in the worldDthe Ballet Company changed old dances into new ones41 . The passage is mainly about _.Awhy modern dance is popularBhow to train new modern dancersCthe development of the Ballet RambertDthe development of modern dance四、回答问题Some countries are better than others at protecting the environment. In Europe, Germany and northern European countries work very hard to improve the environment. The people in Germany put their rubbish into different bagspaper in one bag, plastic in another bag, etc. The rubbish is then taken away and, if possible, recycled. There are laws that do not allow people to burn too much coal.In the 1970s, as people learned more about environmental problems, the “Green” movement(运动)began and soon spread all over Europe. The “Green” movement tries to get governments to protect the environment. It collects information about how industry is damaging(毁坏)the environment and tells it to the newspapers.42 . Who put rubbish into different bags?(不超过5个词)_43 . When did the “Green” movement begin?(不超过5个词)_44 . What does the “Green” movement try to get governments to do?(不超过5个词)_五、材料作文45 . 书面表达假设下个月几名外国学生来华学习、交流。他们想在你校招募一些志愿者,帮助他们学习中文。假如你是武汉六中的李平,想应征当志愿者,请按要求给该项目负责人Mr.Miller写一封不少于80词的申请信。提示词: volunteer, Chinese culture (中国文化),learn Chinese 1. 申请竞选志愿者;2. 自己擅长与人打交道,非常了解中国文化;3. 乐于助人,经常参加一些志愿者活动;4. 谈谈学好中文的方法:交中国朋友,说中文,看书,听中文歌曲;5. 可适当发挥Dear Mr.Miller,Im Li Ping from Wuhan NO.6 Middle School.第 9 页 共 9 页

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