英语四年级下册Unit 7 What's the matter_单元测试卷

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英语四年级下册Unit 7 Whats the matter_单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The flowers like days. Its warm. ( )AsunBrainyCsunny2 . Im thirsty. I want _ some water. I want _ drink some water. ( )A/; /Bto; /C/; to3 . Igood at English. ( )AamBisCare4 . Is the book on the sofa? ( )AYes, it is.BNo, it is.CYes, it isnt.5 . _hethirty?( )AIsBAreCAm6 . Heres some water. ( ) Im not thirsty. Im hungry.AButBSoCAnd7 . -What can we do _our bedroom clean? ( )-We can throw the rubbish in the bin.AkeepBkeepsCkeepingDto keep8 . - Hi, do you like English?- _ ( )AYes, I do.BYes, she is.CI have an English class today.9 . _ can you do?I can jump and swim.AWhenBHowCWhat10 . Whats_ favourite food?A.Amy B. Amys C.Amy is二、单词拼写11 . 补全单词,并在括号内写出相应的中文。1.m_e( )2. t_e( )3. f_sh( )4. En_l_sh( )5. li_tn( )三、汉译英根据中文提示完成句子。12 . 请不要开窗。我有点冷。_ the window, please. Im a little _.13 . 怎么了?我饿了。我想要一个热狗。Whats the _?Im _. Id _ a hot dog.14 . 这儿是一些水。_ some water.15 . 我不开心,我没有一些玩具。Im not _. I _ have _ toys.四、英汉混合英汉互译。16 . 又小又弱_17 . 锋利的牙齿_18 . 把水倒入洞里_-19 . 在地上_20 . 有一些坏习惯_21 . walk fast_22 . show around_23 . see some drinks _24 . drink too much cola_25 . wake her up_五、句型转换26 . 根据要求完成句子。1. vegetables / have / I / some (.) ( 连词成句 )_2. They are all coming over there . ( 改为一般疑问句 )_3. It s a horse . ( 对画线部分提问 )_4. This is a big farm. ( 改为感叹句 )_5. Would you like some cakes or some hot dogs ? ( 对问句进行回答 )_六、填内容补全对话根据首字母提示完成对话。A: W27 . the matter?B: I am t28 . . I want to g29 . to bed.七、匹配题30 . 在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的答语把它的编号写在左边的括号中。(_)1. Can I help you?AOK, Miss Liu.(_)2. What colour is your pen?BThank you.(_)3. Here you are.CIts green.(_)4. Come here, Rex.DYes, I lost my pencil.第 4 页 共 4 页

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