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英语六年级下册期末专项训练:单选姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The stones are big. But from the sky they will look _.( )AbigBsmallChigh2 . How the glass feel? ( )AdoBdoesCis3 . Where _you last week? ( )AareBwereCwas4 . I _ a small rabbit. ( )AhaveBisChas5 . Look _ the traffic lights. ( )AinBonCat6 . It is taller than _ of us together. ( )AoneBsecondCboth7 . This book is beautiful, but that book is_interesting_this one. ( )So most of the students like to read that one.Amore;thanBmuch; thanCas;asDnot so;as8 . Imy meat yesterday. ( )AloseBbuyClost9 . There _ some water on the table ten minutes ago . ( )AwasBwereCareDis10 . 一will you stay in Beijing?一For two weeks.AHow longBWhenCHowDWhat11 . There is a dinosaur show _ the museum today.AinBonCof12 . Did your brother _ basketball with your friends yesterday? ( )AplaysBplayedCplay13 . Look _ my cap.( )AinBonCat14 . It takes him about an hour_to school.( )AgetBgetsCto getDgetting15 . What _ he _ this morning? ( )Adoes; eatBdid; eatCdid; ate16 . My mother was a teacher. She _ English. ( )AteachBtaughtCteached17 . _ feel bad. ( )AIBMeCMy18 . There _milk in the fridge. ( )Aare noBis anyCisnt someDisnt any19 . How was your birthday party?AIt is fun.BYes, it is.CIt was fun.20 . 选出有所给单词相同的一项:run( )AfastBjumpCold21 . Summer didnt come. Autumn didnt come .( )AeitherBtooCalso22 . No _ you like drawing. ( )AreasonBwhyCwonder23 . Kitty _ herself last summer holiday. ( )Ais enjoyedBenjoyedCenjoying24 . He is 5cm _ than his brother. ( )AlongerBtaller25 . I didnt eat _bananas. ( )AmanyBsomeCany26 . -_plates? ( )-FiveAHowmanyBHowCWhatmany27 . Lucy is ten. Kate is nine years old. So Lucy is _ than Kate. ( )AyoungerByoungestColderDoldest28 . I _ some photos of the flowers. ( )AtookBtakedCtake29 . 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( )1.A.loudly B.look C.hear( )2.A.ring B.stops C.waits( )3.A.phone B.bell C.ring( )4.A.drew B.wrote C.see( )5.A.blind B.hearC.deaf30 . Is your home near the school?_ANo, its near .BNo, it isnt .CYes, its far .31 . ( ) My mother _ a new dress yesterday.AbuyBbuysCbought32 . I swim_, but she swims_. ( )Agood; badlyBgood; wellCbadly; well选出每组单词中不同类的一项。33 . AbasketBgiftCbought34 . AfellBrideCtook35 . AbeachBfarCwarm36 . AdinosaurBpictureCrabbit37 . AfishingBsingCshopping38 . Lettryon. ( )Awe; themBus; theyCme; themDyou; they39 . What did you _ for lunch? ( )I _ noodles.Ahave; haveBhave; hadChad; had40 . How to _ a good student? ( )AisBareCbe41 . Marylikes_.( )AswimBswimmingCswiming42 . You were _ a green T-shirt. ( )AwearBwearsCwearing43 . There must be something wrong with her. She is _ singing the same song. ( )AusuallyBoftenCsometimesDalways44 . I _ this newspaper last Sunday.AprintBprintingCprinted45 . - -is your bike? ( )- Red.AHow manyBWhatCHow muchDWhat colour46 . Its _ than the first one. ( )AbiggerBbiggestCbigger47 . Whats?( )AisBthisCdo48 . Im sorry _hear that. ( )AtoBforCof二、情景交际49 . 当你想知道对方吃了什么时,问:_( )AWhat will you eat?BWhat did you eat?CWhat are you eating?50 . 如果你的朋友在家能干很多家务活,可以对他/她说:_AIm helpful.BYou are helpful.51 . 当你想说“这儿有两间卧室和一个书房。”时,你应说:( )AThere are two bedrooms and a study.BThere are two bedrooms and a living room.52 . 你想说 “我是伊芙”,应该说:( )AI am Eve.BAre you Eve?53 . 当你想告诉别人约翰的鞋子是蓝色的,应该说:( )AHis shoes are brown.BHer shoes are blue.CHis shoes are blue.54 . 如果你想知道吉姆的鞋有多大,你应该问:_ ( )AWhat size are your shoes?BHow big are your shoes?CHow long are your shoes?55 . 当你想说“这是一盏灯”的时候,你应说:_( )AIts a board.BIts a light.56 . 应该怎样询问别人姓名呢?( )AWhat is your name?BHow old are you?57 . 你上学迟到了,你说:_ ( )AIwanttosleep.BImlateforschool.CItstimetogotoschool58 . 你发现学习英语很有趣,你会说:_( )AIts so fun.BIts English.第 7 页 共 7 页

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