英语六年级下册Unit 3 A healthy diet 单元测试卷B

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英语六年级下册Unit 3 A healthy diet 单元测试卷B姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . He has _ fruit every day, but he drinks _ water. ( )Aa few; a littleBfew; littleCa little; a fewDlittle; much2 . Choose the different/odd one.( )1. A. bed B. pen C. evening( )2. A. head B. ear C. bread3 . -Would you like tea? ( )-Yes, please.AaB/CsomeDany4 . -Do you have _pineapples? ( )-Yes, I do.AsomeBanyCa5 . There _ garden in my fathers old school.Awas notBwere noCwas no6 . May I open the window?.AYes, it is BNo, it is CYes, I am DOf course圈出合适的单词7 . Lets_(go/going) shopping .8 . Your hands are bigger _(than/then) mine.9 . Im the_(taller/tallest) in our class.10 . What_(is/are) you going to do tomorrow?11 . _(What/ Which) is bigger ,the sun or the moon?12 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AbeBwentCsaid【小题2】AwasBwereCare【小题3】AmeBsheChim【小题4】AwroteBmetCsay13 . My mother can _ delicious food.AcookBcooksCcooked14 . Did you hear the _ report?Apolicemen BpolicemensCpolicemensDpolicemens15 . ( ) _ can you do?I can draw pictures.AWhereBWhoCWhat二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择正确答案。When we have formed(形成) a good study habit, we learn things quickly and remember things easily. Do you sometimes copy others homework? It is not good. No matter how difficult the homework is, you must try to do it yourself and finish it on time. If you practice(练习)again and again, nothing will be difficult. When you are having lessons, dont forget to make notes(做笔记). Every evening you must take out the notes and review(复习) what you have learned today. Before doing homework, do not forget to clean your desks. A clean desk will make you feel comfortable.A good study habit is the key to success.16 . If we dont form a good habit, we learn things _. ( )A. easily B. quickly C. slowly17 . It is _ to copy others homework. ( )A. good B. bad C. not bad18 . When you are having a lesson, dont forget to _. ( )A. make notes B. review C. finish19 . Before doing homework, dont forget to _ . ( )A. have dinner B. brush your teeth C. clean your desks20 . Which is right? ( )A. If you practice again and again, everything will be difficult.B. Every evening, you must make notes at home.C. A clean desk will make you feel comfortable.三、填空题21 . 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1._(生活 )was very different many years ago. 2.There _(没有 )any cars ten years ago. 3.She didnt work in the _(田地 ). 4.I _(希望 )you are well. 5.There _(有 )lots of books here yesterday.四、任务型阅读22 . 阅读下面的小故事,根据内容判断正(T)误(F)。Linda is a girl. She is 14 years old . She is 152cm tall . She is quiet. She likes going hiking and listening to music . Last weekend she was ill. She had a bad cold. She had some medicine and a good rest at home. She didnt do homework or housework. Today she feels better .She is doing her homework now .She is going to wash her clothes this afternoon .She will go hiking with her friends next weekend .(1)Linda is a quiet girl.(2)Linda had a fever last weekend .(3)Linda didnt have any medicine last weekend.(4)She did her homework last weekend.(5)She will go hiking next weekend.五、汉译英翻译词组。23 . 健康的饮食_24 . 喜欢做某事_25 . 吃些面包_26 . 作为早餐_27 . 作为午餐_六、英汉混合28 . 英汉互译。1. Chinese people _ 2. 英国人_3. important things _ 4. 在的前面_5. between the two cars _ 6. 看_七、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,填序号。A. Id like some cola and a hamburger.B. Wake up, John.C. You should have a healthy diet, John.D. Whats for breakfast?E. Can I have a cake then?A: 29 . Time for breakfast.B: OK. 30 . A: Some porridge and bread.B: I dont like them. 31 . A: Oh, dear, its not good for your health.B: 32 . A: Sure. 33 . B: All right.八、改错34 . 找出错误,并改正在横线上。(_) 1. (A) Ho! I (B) am (C) a pig._(_) 2. (A) Hello! (B) Hi, (C) Big!_(_) 3. (A) Im(B) a (C) Cat._(_) 4. (A) I (B) am (C) a dig._九、书面表达35 . 写作。每个人都要有健康的饮食,你有吗?请以“My healthy diet”为题,写一篇小短文,介绍自己的饮食习惯。要求:使用一般现在时,不少于5句话。My healthy dietI have a healthy diet._第 6 页 共 6 页

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