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英语五年级下册专项训练五:Bye-Bye易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Is it cold in Kunming? ( )_, its warm in Kunming.AYesBNoCOK2 . Its two oclock in the afternoon. The child _ the floor. ( )Ais sweepingBare sweepingCsweepsDsweep读一读,选一选。3 . USA ( )A美国B英国C中国4 . new ( )A好的B新的C旧的5 . friend ( )A朋友B学生C教师6 . today ( )A今天B女孩C男孩7 . UK ( )A加拿大B美国C英国8 . This has got a picture of the Great Wall. ( )AonesBoneCstamps9 . pen is this?( )Its Mikes.AWhatBWhoCWhose10 . In summer people near the sea like to _ in the sea. ( )Ago shoppingBgo swimmingCgo skating11 . 选出不同类的一项。( )AfirstBsecondCthree12 . What are you going to do_Chinese New Year? ( )AonBatCin13 . Dad, there is _ with my bike. ( )Awrong somethingBsome wrongCsomething wrong14 . Where is Daming? ( )Hes writing _ his pen friend.AforBtoCof15 . _coat do you like? ( ) The blue one.AWhichBWhoCWhy16 . 选出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. tallerB. smarterC. short(_) 2. A. cleanB. watchedC. washed(_) 3. A. mineB. herC. yours(_) 4. A. tomorrowB. last nightC. yesterday(_) 5. A. campingB. fishingC. drank17 . Look! The lions _ are sharp. ( )AtoothBmouthsCteeth18 . Go straight and turn left at the _ crossroads. ( )AoneBtwoCthird19 . We play games Tuesday afternoon. ( )AinBatCon20 . What is Sam _? ( )AdoBdoing21 . They are _ storybooks. ( )Amy friendsBmy friendCmy friends22 . _ is in your living room? ( )AWhereBWhatCHow23 . _they having an English class? ( )Yes, they are.AAmBIsCAre24 . What is your mother?( )She is making a cake.AmakeBmakingCmakes25 . apple a day keeps the doctor away. ( )AABAn26 . My uncle gave me a toy, _ I dont like it. ( )AbutBandCor27 . The train leaves in half _ hour.( )AaBanC/28 . Do you often _fruit? ( )ApickBpicks29 . Is it cooler in Beijing than in Shanghai in summer?AYes, it does.BNo, it doesnt.CYes, it is.DNo, it isnt.30 . Springisgood _ winterismyfavoriteseason.( )AandBbecauseCbut31 . -What are you doing?( ) -Imthe ball.AhitBhittingChiting32 . We carry flags and we sing songs Flag Day. ( )AinBonCto33 . My mother got up _ half past six _ last Monday morning. ( )Aat, /Bin, onCat, on34 . This dress is beautiful. I like _ colour. Do you often wear _?( )Aits, itBits, itsCits, it35 . What does it _about my favourite animal? ( )AsayBsaysCsaid36 . At_ time, Im sad to say goodbye to you. ( )AsameBthe sameCdifficult37 . _ will you do this weekend? ( )Ill visit my grandma.AWhereBWhatCWhen38 . My apple is smaller than_. ( )Amy brotherBheCmy brothersDhim39 . May I have a look? _AShe is a teacher.BThree.CSure. Here you are.DYes, it is.40 . We prefer_ and rice. ( )AmangoBmangoesCmangos41 . ( )AThis is John.BThis is May.42 . Its cold _ Lhasa. ( )AunderBinCon43 . What is your mother doing? ( )She _.AcookBis cookingCcooked44 . _juice do you want? ( )AHow muchBHow manyCHow box45 . Lets _ some spoons(勺子) on the table. ( )AputsBto putCput46 . -Did they _ for the music competition?( )-Yes, they did.AcomeBcame47 . I a short ruler, my brother a long ruler. ( )Ahave; haveBhave; hasChas; have第 6 页 共 6 页

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