英语六年级下册Module1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat练习卷

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英语六年级下册Module1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat练习卷_第1页
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英语六年级下册Module1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . dog ( )A狗B苹果2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AbigBmonsterCsmall3 . It was time for _.( )AbreakfastBhave lunchCto lunch选出每组单词中不同类的一项。4 . AMarchBSundayCJuly5 . AweekBMondayCFriday6 . AsecondBfifteenthCfifty7 . AhourBminuteCtime8 . AeleventhBelevenCten9 . The twins _ in Dalian last year. They _ here now. ( )Aare; wereBwere; areCwas; are10 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AthatBthisCwhat11 . In China, spring is from _to_.( )AOctober; DecemberBApril; JuneCMarch; May12 . _are your feet? ( )_.AHow big; Size 20BWhat big; Size 20CHow big; 20 size13 . Beijing is in the _ of China. ( )AsouthBnorthCeast读句子,根据图片情境选择正确的选项。14 . Let me put up the_. ( )ApictureBmap15 . Go to the_and watch TV. ( )Aliving roomBkitchen16 . Put the ruler_the pencil box. ( )AUnderBin17 . I can cut the_. ( )AKnifeBvegetables18 . Jack is_.( )Ashort and strongBtall and thin19 . This is my_.( )Ababy brotherBbaby sister二、填空题20 . 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tim usually _ (keep) his room clean and tidy. 2.Lily, you look so _ (sad). Whats the matter?I _ (lose) my new bike just now.3.Sam, you _ (drive). Dont talk on the phone!4.Please talk _ (quiet). My little brother _ (sleep) in the room now.5._ (know) more about the city, Li Hai will look for some books about it.按要求填空21 . just now(同义词)_22 . shop(动名词) _23 . that(复数)_24 . good(副词) _25 . cloudy(名词)_26 . real(副词)_27 . take (过去式)_28 . child (复数)_29 . theyre (完整形式)_30 . wear(过去式) _读一读,选词填空完成句子。单词可多次选用。is are do does31 . Listen to the pigs! They _ so loud! _ they hungry?32 . _ you like birds, Amy?Yes, I _.33 . _ this your dog, Mary?Yes, it _.34 . _ your cat sleep in your bedroom?No, he _ not. He sleeps in his basket in the living room.35 . 根据音标补全句子。(12分)(1)Please _/hrI/ up.(2)Look at the library _/rulz/.(3)Go _ /streIt/ on.(4)Dont walk on the _ /rs/.36 . 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1What are you doing?I am _(skate).2The wind blows the _ (leaf)off the trees.3Jenny wants to _ (put)on her winter jacket because its cold.4This is spring. Spring is warm and_(rain).5My mum can_ (cook)fish for us.三、句型转换37 . I want five bottles of juice. (对划线部分提问)_38 . The juice looks good.(改为否定句)The juice _ good.39 . Do you want orange juice or milk?(作出回答)_40 . That is big hamburger.(改为复数句)_ big_.四、匹配题41 . 读一读,选一选。(_) 1. Is it hot?AIts on the second floor (_) 2. What s the weather like in Beijing?BIts warm and sunny.(_) 3. Where is the library?CIts 6 oclock.(_) 4. What time is it?DNo, it isnt.(_) 5. Do you have a computer room?EYes, we do.第 6 页 共 6 页


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