英语六年级上册 Module 9 单元测试卷

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英语六年级上册 Module 9 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出每组单词中不同类的一项。1 . ASanyaBTurpanCfamily2 . AbeachBwarmCcold3 . AhadBbeautifulCgreat4 . AlikeBwentCtook5 . AtooBbadCfar6 . Im going to _.( )APark Middle SchoolBPark middle schoolCpark Middle School请选出不同类的单词。7 . ApineappleBlionCpear8 . AwhiteBappleCmango9 . AcarBcrayonCbike10 . AtwelveBthirteenCmonkey11 . AswimBbasketballCJump12 . How _ Jack go to school? ( )AisBdoCdoes13 . A:.B: Not very often.Not very often.AWhat do you do on Spring Festival?BDo you like noodles?CDo you often go to see the film?14 . She to go to Shanghai. ( )AwantBwantsCwanted15 . _ can we get to the museum? ( ) Go straight and turn left at the traffic lights.AWhereBHowCWhat16 . Someone _ singing in the room. Can you _ it? ( )Aare; hearBis; hearCis; listen toDis; listen17 . CanIhave_water?( )Yes,please.AaBsomeCany18 . How do you come to the park?( )_.ABy bus. BBy a bus.COn a bus二、阅读选择阅读,根据短文内容选择正确答案。It is a Sunday morning. The sun is shining. We have no classes. We are playing in the park. Some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree. Some boys are climbing the hill. Tom is drawing by the lake. Mike and John are swimming in the lake. Where are Betty and Mary? They are sitting under a small tree. They are reading a picture book. We are very happy.19 . Whats the weather like on Sunday? ( )AIts Sunday.BIts fine.CIts raining.20 . Where are they playing? ( )AIn the park.BOn the pond.COn the farm.21 . Who is climbing the hill? ( )ASome girls.BSome boys.CSome teachers.22 . Where are Betty and Mary? ( )AThey are in the tree.BThey are under the tree.CThey are in the lake.23 . What are Betty and Mary doing? ( )AThey are reading a picture book.BThey are dancing.CThey are playing.三、填空题按要求写词。24 . dont(完全形式)_25 . walk (第三人称单数)_26 . run(现在分词)_27 . do(过去式)_28 . they(宾格)_29 . different(反义词)_30 . one(序数词)_31 . salt(形容词)_32 . work(名词)_33 . tomato(复数)_34 . 选择适当的短语,完成句子。writing goodbye letters forty ducks every day writing an email write the name of【小题1】Im _ to my father.【小题2】Lingling is_ to her friends at school.【小题3】First I_ the city.【小题4】Wishing you happiness_.【小题5】There are about_ here.四、英译汉35 . 带来和平_联合国大楼_许多_在内_全世界_照相 _五、句型转换36 . 按要求改句子。1. look, the, some, leaves, students, are, for, beautiful, going, to ( . )(连词成句)_2. study, healthy, should, we, hard, stay, and ( . )(连词成句)_3. What do you like? (drawing cartoons)(根据提示回答)_4. Amy is doing word puzzles.(就划线部分提问)_5. I go to school on foot.(就划线部分提问)_6. The girl plays sports on the weekends.(改为否定句)_7. There are some trees near my house.(改为一般疑问句,并作出否定回答)_8. They are postmen.(改为单数句)_六、匹配题37 . 为下列句子选择正确的答语。( ) (1) Where is my bag?ASure. Here you are.( ) (2) Can I use your ruler?BHes my teacher.( ) (3) Whos that man?CGreat( ) (4) Where are you?DIts under the chair.( ) (5) Lets play hide and seekEIm in the supermarket.七、连词成句38 . 连词成句:school, it, us, to, the, took (.)_八、书面表达39 . 书面表达。题目:A visit to the zoo提示词:buy tickets;take a bath;naughty;thirsty;first;then;nextIts Sunday morning. _第 6 页 共 6 页


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