英语五年级下册Unit 1 Cinderella 单元测试卷

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英语五年级下册Unit 1 Cinderella 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Do you go to the zoo _ bus? ( )No, I dont. I _ the subway.Aby; byBby; takeCtake; by2 . -_ are they? ( )-Thirty-four yuan.AHow manyBWhatCHow much3 . A: _ do you go to bed, Jim? ( )B: At nine oclock. ( )AWhatBWhereCWhen4 . Hedrankwateryesterdayafternoon. ( )ABC5 . The shoes fit every one. ( )AdoesntBdontCisnt6 . Im _, A sandwich, please. ( )AhungryBthirstyChappy7 . Come! Its time for bed. ( )AonBinCto8 . It is not polite (礼貌) to _ the old people. ( )Alook atBspeak toClaugh atDtalk with9 . Whats the weather like? ( ) _AIts Summer.BIts windy.CIt windy.10 . -When is your fathers birthday? ( )-in June.AThere areBItsCThey are11 . _ your favourite subject? ( )AWhatBWhat subjectCWhats12 . I _nine. ( )AisBamCare13 . What are_?( )Theyre football pictures.AthisBthoseCthat14 . Therea new football club in our school. ( )AhasBareCis15 . How old are you? _ ( )AIm fine.BIm ten.CHow old are you?16 . 选择正确的英语表达方式。(20分)( )(1)打扰了,凯特。这个用英语怎么说?AExcuse me,Kate. Whats that in English?BExcuse me,Kate. Whats this in English?( )(2)在附近有一匹小马驹。AThere is a foal nearby. BThere is a calf nearby.( )(3)在那边的是绵羊吗?AIs that a goat over there? BIs that a sheep over there?( )(4)你很聪明。AYou are very clever. BYou are beautiful.( )(5)你叫它什么?AWhat do you call it? BWhats this in English?17 . dont you buy a new uniform? ( ) Because I dont have.AWhen, money enoughBWhy, enough moneyCHow, money enoughDWhat, enough money18 . Peter and Mary _ in the classroom. ( )AamBisCare19 . What are you going to do? ( )Im going to run _.Aevery dayBeverydayCevery days20 . I _ sing.( )AcanntBcantCcat二、填空题21 . 填入适当的词1. fairy(复数) _ 2. party(复数) _ 3. bad(反义词) _4. try(三单) _ 5. take(现在分词) _ 6. have(三单) _7. foot(复数) _ 8. cant (完全形式) _ 9. angry(反义词) _10. story(复数) _ 11. fly(三单式) _ 12. happy(反义词) _13. cold (反义词) _ 14. after(反义词) _三、英汉混合22 . 英汉互译1.for example _ 2.遵守规则_3.find out _ 4.认真学习_5.some day _ 6.过马路_7.zebra crossing _ 8.环游世界_9.at a time_ 10.从那时起_四、匹配题23 . 选出句子相对应的图片。ABCDE(_)1.I play football on Sundays. (_)2.I sleep in the morning. (_)3.I go swimming in the morning. (_)4.I watch TV in the afternoon. (_)5.I ride my bike on Sundays. 五、连词成句连词成句。24 . are old you How(?)_25 . likericeIdsome(.)_26 . eraserIanhave(.)_27 . apuppetLetsmake(.)_28 . someCanhaveIjuice(?)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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