英语五年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷

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英语五年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I _ a new ruler. Its _ the desk. ( )Ahave; inBhas; onCam; under选出与所给单词同类的选项。2 . her ( )AweBmyChe3 . dinner ( )AbreakfastBbeefCfridge4 . nurse ( )AquietBfloorCdriver5 . uncle ( )AcousinBpeopleCfamily6 . hat ( )AkeyBshoeCtoy给下列图片选择相应的句子。7 . ( )AHow many stickers do you have? I have fifteen stickers.BHow many dolls do you have?I have six dolls.8 . ( )ADo you like monkeys? No, I dont.BDo you like dogs?No, I dont.9 . ( )ACan you swim?No, I cant.BWhere are my skirts?Theyre on the bed.10 . ( )AWhat would you like? Id like some orange juice.BWhat would you like?Id like a cup of tea.11 . ( )ALook at our fruit salad. How nice!BLook at the toy animals. How nice!12 . Can I _ some milk?( )Here you are.AgoBhaveCshow13 . I _much chocolate last night. ( )AeatBateCeats14 . Can you_?( )ApaintBwrite15 . Find the different words. (选出不同类的单词)(_)1. A. What B. How C. That D. Where(_)2. A. play B. read C. run D. jump(_)3. A. day B. afternoon C. night D. morning(_)4. A.your B.me C.our D.his (_)5. A.in B.for C. on D.at16 . -Is there a cinema near here?( )-.AYes, it is.BYes, there is.CNo, there is.17 . Tonys father works near the sea. He is a _.( )AcoachBfishermanCpostman18 . Its time _ get up. ( )AtoBatC/19 . Did you _ your school outing? ( )AenjoyBenjoyedCenjoying20 . Look. How _ theyrun! ( )AfastBwellChighDhappily21 . Point _hello. ( )AtoBisCand22 . 选出单词中不同类的一项: ( )AhungryBthirstyCangry23 . Thereseven days in a week.AisBareCbe24 . I asas John yesterday. ( )Awas, happyBam, happyCwas, happierDam, happier25 . I _goingtogoswimmingOn Sunday. ( )AisBam26 . Its time _ have dinner. ( )AforBtoCwith27 . How will we _ there? ( )AgetBget toCbe28 . The library is the floor. ( )Ain; secondBon; twoCon; second29 . Her parents often _out for a walk after supper. ( )AgoBgoesCgoingDwent30 . Here _ the Zhous.AareBisChave31 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AworkBbusCcar32 . The book is _ the bag.( )AinBonCnear33 . Smokefactories is dirty. ( )AofBmakesCfrom34 . _did you go on your holiday? ( ) I went to Shanghai.AWhereBWhatCWhen35 . This little girl cant _. ( )AwalkingBwalksCwalk36 . Your gloves are on the ground. _, please. ( )APick up themBPick it upCPick them up37 . This crown is for the _. ( )AcraftsmanBworkerCprincess38 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AfootballBbasketballClamp二、填空题填空题。39 . Look! The girl is _ (run) to the classroom.40 . What is she doing? _.41 . Danny is _ (tell) his classmates what he saw.42 . The bird is _ (fly) in the sky.43 . Is the boy _ kung fu? Yes, he is.44 . 用所给词的适当形式完成句子1. There are three _ (ferry) on the river.2. The bank is three _ (minute) walk from here.3. How many _ (foot) does this kind of animal have?4. You can see three _ (temple) on the right.5. They want to live on the _ (five) floor.6. We _ (drive) to the town yesterday.7. We spend two hours _ (do) our homework8. I will visit the supermarket on this _ (come) Saturday.45 . 读一读,补全句子1. Where is the _(科学博物馆)?It is next to the post office.2. _(左转弯)at the cinema.3. How do you come to school?Usually,I come _(乘地铁).4. He lives in Australia, but he_(学习中文).5. You should_(深呼吸)and count to ten.46 . 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1.He_TVeveryevening.(watch)2.Wealways_toschoolonfoot.(go)3.Tom,withhisclassmates,often_footballafterschool.(play)4.Theirclassroom_fourbigwindows.(have)5.Yourshoes_underthebed.(be)6.She_forherfriendsatthebusstopnow.(wait)7.Sorry,I_noenoughmoneywithmenow.(have)8.Mary_thirteennextyear.(be)用所给词的适当形式填空。47 . We _(eat) some rice and fish for dinner just now.48 . How about _(go) skiing with us, Jack?49 . Let me _(show) you some photos.50 . They _(play) basketball tomorrow.51 . John went to the park and _ (take) some pictures.52 . There are six _(apple) trees in the yard.53 . What should we do _(keep) the air clean?54 . My classroom is on the _(one) floor.55 . Now, people work together _(make) the Earth clean.56 . Amy can _(write) a story.57 . Lets _(go)shopping.58 . Where did you go for your _(假期).根据所给词的适当形式填空59 . He _ a model plane yesterday. (make)60 . Id like _basketball with my friends. (play)61 . My mother _to music every evening. (listen)62 . Nancy and Mike _TV now. (watch)63 . Mike _some fish yesterday morning. (eat)64 . Su Yang _a kite to the park last Saturday. (take)65 . Shall we _our English lesson? (start)66 . He usually _emails in the evenings. (write)67 . My mother likes _ newspapers for news in the morning.(read)68 . _Jack at school last Friday?(be)用所给词的适当形式填空。69 . What can you _(see) over there? I can _(see) an apple.70 . What do you like, Sam? I like _(cake).71 . What time _(be) it? Its eight oclock.72 . I do _(I ) homework at six.73 . I usually _(watch) TV at seven every evening.74 . 根据图片,回答问题:-What is this? -Its a _. 75 . Miss Lin_(了解) her well.三、匹配题76 . 我来当翻译,我能将下面英语句子和汉语意思对应起来。A现在你能吃一些水果。B打开灯。C是的,你能。D我能喝一些汤吗?E抱歉,你不能。1. Can I have some soup?(_)2. Sorry, you cant.(_)3. Now you can have some sweets.(_)4. Turn on the light.(_)5. Yes, you can.(_)选出相应的汉语。只填字母序号。A. 我喜欢鸟。B. 这是脸部。C. 生日快乐。D. 这是送给你的玩具。E. 抬起你的腿。77 . Happy birthday.(_)78 . Here is a toy for you.(_)79 . Raise your leg.(_)80 . It is a face.(_)81 . I like a bird.(_)四、连词成句Read and write ( 用正确的形式书写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号)82 . can supergirl paint a picture no she cant but she can run fast_83 . has your brother got a big ball no he hasnt_84 . close your eyes and smell it what have you got Alice_85 . 连词成句(1)draw I can cartoons (.)(2)can What do you (?)(3)you play Can basketball (?)(4)can He English speak (.)(5)How you about (?)连词成句。86 . your us tell school about( . )_87 . youcould computerplay( ? )_88 . ournotheregymwasschool in( . )_89 . playI love park to the in badminton( . )_90 . anAmy dreamhadinterestingnightlast( . )_91 . Rearrange the words. (连词成句。)1. know you do how that (.)_2.was there library no my in school old (.)_3.couldnt my bike ride I(.)_4.am I class in active very now(.)_5.no gym there was my school in ago years twenty(.)_第 11 页 共 11 页


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