英语二年级下册Module 5 Unit 1 练习卷

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英语二年级下册Module 5 Unit 1 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I want to buy some things in the_.AcinemaBhomeCsupermarketDschool2 . He went to school _ foot, but he goes there _ bus.Aby, byBon, onCon, by3 . Lucy is hiding and Lily. ( )Ais seekingBseekCseeks4 . Are you cooking the meal? ( )_AYes, I am.BYes, I can.CNo, he isnt.5 . They _ running now. ( )A、isB、amC、are6 . The girl isin the oceam.AswimBreadingCswimming7 . Dont talk here! Please _ talking. ( )AstopBgo onCstopped8 . You must _ cars and bikes in the street. ( )Alook out ofBlook forClook out for二、填空题9 . be动词填空。1. Where _ your mother? She _ at home.2. How _ your father?3. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school.4.Whose dress _ this?5.Whose socks _ they?用所给单词的适当形式填空。10 . Look at these _ (picture).11 . This _ (be) my friend.12 . Amy is _ (take) pictures.13 . Tom is _ (play) with a ball.14 . He _ (like) running.15 . 英汉互译。(1)多少钱_(2)用英语_(3)喝一些茶_(4)迈克的大鞋子_(5)在八点十分_(6)一杯咖啡_(7)have breakfast_(8)See you in the afternoon._ (9)read the new words_(10)Dont worry._16 . 连词成句。(将下列单词组成通顺的句子) (1)we playing in are the footballplayground._(2)them are boys the catching ._(3)am I running my friendwith._(4)is heskipping._(5)catchsome are playing._17 . Think and choose.AwhiteBlittleCwatchingDthisElistening1.They are playing their_ toys.2.He is _to music.3.My parents are _TV at home.4.This is my _sister.5.Is _your camera?三、判断题判断下列句子的描述是否正确,正确的写 “T”, 错误的写 “F”。18 . The cat has a long tail. (_)19 . The rabbit has a long tail. (_)20 . The bear has a big body. (_)21 . The bird has big eyes. (_)22 . The giraffe is tall. (_)23 . The duck is short. (_)24 . The elephant is fat. (_)25 . The monkey is fat. (_)26 . 判断句子描述与图片是(T)否(F)相符:In the past he ran very fast.(_)27 . Look and write (T) or cross (F):Amy met my grandparents last Sunday. (_)28 . 判断下列句子与汉语意思是(T)否(F)相符。 ( )(1)The sun is shining.太阳正在升起。( )(2)The ducks are eating our bread. 鸭子们正在吃我们的面包。( )(3)Please write to me soon.请尽快给我回信。( )(4)Its raining now.现在正在下雨。( )(5)The cows are drinking water. 牛正在喝水。( )(6)We are in the mountains. 我们在山顶上。四、连词成句29 . 连词成句:1. your,doing,what,father,is (?)_2. they, doing,are,what (?)_3. is,Peng,this,Zhang (.)_4. is,in,writing,brother,an.the,my,email,studying (.)_5. grandma,reading,is,the,newspaper (.)_6. Mike,doing,what,is (?)_7. speaking, am,to,I,Chen Jie (?)_用所给单词组句子。30 . the, door, close, please(.)_31 . run, dont, the, in, library(.) _32 . has, four, books, Tom, small(.) _33 . is,this,your,cap(.) _34 . your, box, wheres, lunch(.)_35 . 连词成句。1. thing only do can we now one (.)_2. began laugh to all they(.)_3. youat fishing goodare (?)_五、连线题36 . 对话连线。1. What are you going to buy?a. Six or seven.2. How many cups will you buy?b. By bike.3. How can Tom go to school?c. A new bike.4. Were there any tables in it?d. I want a book.5. What do you want? e. Yes, there were.第 7 页 共 7 页

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