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四年级上册期中教学水平调研英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Do you have_uncles? ( )AsomeBaCany2 . 选出与所给单词同类的单词。(_) 1. pink A. taro B. blue C. tree D. cake E. brown(_) 2. auntA. sister B. chicken C. green D. grandmother E. soup(_) 3. peach A. noodles B. juice C. lemon D. pear E. girl(_) 4. nurse A. fisherman B. fish C. father D. meat E. cook(_) 5. dog A. flower B. bird C. autumn D. frog E. kite3 . Where did you gothe winter holiday? ( )AWithBatCover4 . Welcome _ my home, Tom! ( )AinBatCto5 . Lijie _ some postcards from Canada. ( )Ahave gotBhas gotChavent got6 . do the cars stop? ( )an old men is crossing the road.AWhat, SoBWhy, BecauseCWhy, So二、任务型阅读读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。Uncle Bill is a factory worker. The factory is not far from his home. So Uncle Bill usually goes to work by bike. Sometimes, he goes there on foot. He never goes there by car. Today, he wants to walk there. He thinks it is very healthy to go to work on foot. Its good exercise.7 . Uncle Bill is a businessman.(_)8 . The factory is not far from Uncle Bills home.(_)9 . Uncle Bill sometimes goes to work by car.(_)10 . Uncle Bill usually goes to work by bike.(_)11 . Uncle Bill thinks its not healthy to walk to work.(_)三、选内容补全对话选择合适的选项,完成对话。A. Lets go shopping.B. Are you busy?C. What time is it now?D. What do you want to buy?E. Can you help me?Wang Tao: 12 . Li Ning: Its 9:30.Wang Tao: 13 . Li Ning: No, Im not.Wang Tao: 14 . Li Ning: Okay, lets go.Wang Tao: 15 . Li Ning: I want to buy a book for my father. What about you?Wang Tao: I want to buy a toy panda for my sister. But its too big. 16 . .Li Ning: Sure.四、匹配题17 . Look and choose. (根据问句,选择正确的答句) ( ) 1. How are you feeling now?AHe is 130cm tall.( ) 2. Whats your new English teacher like? BShe is young and strong.( ) 3. Does your father go to work by bus every day?CVery well.( ) 4. Where does your sister work?DBy plane.( ) 5. Whats your friends hobby?ENo, there isnt.( ) 6. Where is your school?FHe likes collecting stamps.( ) 7. When are you going to the bookstore?GNo, he doesnt.( ) 8. Is there a science museum near here?H. Near the post office.( ) 9. How do people go to Beijing?I. She works in a bank.( ) 10. How tall is your brother?J. At three oclock on Saturday afternoon.第 4 页 共 4 页

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