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英语三年级下册专项训练:句型与情景交际姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . That sounds like a lot of _. ( )AfunsBfunesCfun2 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词。(_)1. A.readB.lookC.book(_)2. A.threeB.canC.one(_)3. A.catB.sheepC.tree(_)4. A.horseB.headC.hen(_)5. A.oneB.penC.pencil3 . Ill wait _ you return. ( )AtoBfromCforDuntil4 . I saw lots of_ in the zoo.( )AmondeyBbearsCelephant5 . Hello, Im Sam. ( )A喂,我是萨姆。B喂,我是埃米。6 . These _ onions.AamBisCare7 . _ they see any zebras? ( ) Yes, they did.ADoBCanCDid8 . She _ a black sweater.( )AwearBwearsChave9 . How old are you? ( )Im ten _ old.Aa yearByearCyears10 . What festival is in March? ( )Its _.AMothers DayBFathers DayCWomens Day11 . 你有些冷,想让别人关上窗户,你应说:_AClose the door.BClose the window.二、情景交际12 . 你去买东西,服务员会礼貌地对你说:( )AHow old are you?BWhats your name?CCan I help you?13 . 当别人过生日时,你应该说:( )AHappy birthday!BHappy everyday!14 . 你想要一些果汁,你会说: _ ( )AI like some juice.BId like some juice.CId like some Coke.15 . 当你想感叹“好漂亮的房子”时应说:( )AWhat nice a house!BWhat a nice house!16 . 做游戏时,你想让同桌闭上眼睛,你应该说:_( )AClose your eyes.BOpen your mouth.17 . Whose toy car is it? ( )_AIts Peters.BIts Peter.CNo, its not Peters.18 . 当你邀请别人一同上学时,你会说: ( )ALets playBLets go to school.19 . 迈克向对方介绍自己的时候,他可以这样说:_ ( )AOK!BIm Mike.CHello.20 . 当你早晨见到老师时,你应该说:_ ( )AGood afternoon!BGood morning!21 . 你想知道那本书在哪儿,应说:_.( )AWhereisthebook?BWhatisthebook?三、填空题22 . Who can help _ (I).四、排序题23 . Read and order.(_)I will go to see my grandma.(_) In the afternoon.(_)When will you go?(_)No, she wont. She will go to the park.(_)What will you do this weekend?(_)Will your sister go with you?24 . 将下列句子按正确的顺序排列成一段对话。(_) Yes, I do. (_) Welcome to my house, Sam. (_) Lets have some fruit. Do you like apples?(_) Thank you, Tom. (_) Do you like oranges?(_) Sorry, I dont.五、判断题Look at the pictures and tell true or false. (看图,判断句子和图片是(T)否(F)一致。)25 . They are playing basketball. (_)26 . Danny hits his hand. (_)27 . Its difficult for Jenny to fly the kite. (_)28 . They are basketball players. (_)29 . The man is teaching the boy. (_)六、匹配题读句子,给句子选择恰当的图片A. B.C. D. E.30 . Daming took photos of his father.(_)31 . I visited British Museum last week.(_)32 . Lingling dropped her ice cream.(_)33 . Mum bought new T-shirts for us.(_)34 . There are nineteen crayons.(_)七、连词成句连词成句。35 . nice, Rice, is (.)_36 . a, milkshake, Its, fruit (.)_37 . my, too, favourite, Its (.)_38 . they, like, Do, apples (?)_39 . like, you, bananas, Do (?)_第 6 页 共 6 页

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