英语一年级上册Module 7 单元测试卷

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英语一年级上册Module 7 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What colour is his chair? ( )_AIts blue.BIts a chair.CIts two.2 . The brown cat is as _ as the black cat. ( )AfatBfatterCthinner3 . - _ you run fast? ( )-Yes, I can.ADoBCanCcan4 . -are they talking about? ( )-A pen pal.AWhereBWhomCWhat5 . When do you wake up? ( )_ .AI have breakfast.BAt half past six.CYes, I do.6 . I write a story _ Monday morning. ( )AinBonCat7 . This giraffe is short and thin. But that giraffe is _and fat.AsmallBtallCred8 . 选出与所给单词类别相同的一项:me ( )AthemBheCwe9 . Look! Mary_ doing _homework.Ais; onesBis; herCare; his10 . I have _ pen. ( )AanBaC/11 . ( ) (1) What _ Mike _ at weekends?Ado;doBis;doCdoes;doRead and find the odd one. 读一读,选出不同类的一个。12 . AbreadBjuiceCwaterDCoke13 . AmouthBarmCfootDsofa14 . AmonkeyBcandyCbirdDtiger15 . AbowlBforkCknifeDtoy16 . AEnglishBChineseCfridgeDmaths选出不同类的单词。17 . AquietBdeliciousCwatchDkind18 . AreadBdoCplayDweekend19 . AscienceBteacherCmusicDEnglish20 . AsaladBjuiceCmilkDtea21 . AfreshBhotCfinishDsweet22 . What colour is it? ( )Its blue.AB23 . They can go to the park . ( )Aride a bikeBride to thereCride a busDby bike24 . _ name is Danny. ( )AYouBYourCI从下面各题三个单词中找出一个与其他词不同类的。25 . AredBcapCcoat26 . ArideBreadChead27 . AniceBboredChobby28 . AdressBshortCT-shirt29 . AmagicianBsweaterCfirefighter二、情景交际30 . 新年走亲访友,可以说:( )AHappy New Year!BNice to meet you!31 . 你想告诉朋友你有两只小狗时,你可以说: ( )AIhavetwodogs.BIhavedogs, too.32 . 我妈妈是一个老师,应该说什么?AMy mother is a pupil.BMy mother is a teacher.三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。33 . I like tea, and she _(like) tea too.34 . Su Yang and Su Hai _(都有) lessons.35 . Is there _(some) juice in the glass?36 . How many _(cup) of tea on the table?37 . There is a lot of _(soup) in the bowl.写出下列单词的复数形式。38 . this_39 . cow_40 . sheep_41 . tomato_42 . that_43 . horse_44 . potato_45 . animal _看图,选择相应的单词补全句子。orange box body dog46 . Look at the _. Its so cute.47 . The cat is in the _.48 . Id like an _.49 . The elephant has a fat _.四、改错50 . Have you got any stamps from Chinese?_五、匹配题将人体各部位的名称序号填在括号里A. foot B. leg C. hand D. knee E. finger51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _六、看图题56 . 看图完成句子,每空填一个词They _ old man. She _ tall then.They were _. She was _.He _ naughty then. It _ fat then.He was _. It was _.57 . Read and write “T” or “F”:Its a red bag.(_)根据提示写词,完成句子(每空一词)58 . The womans t_ but the mans t_.59 . The bears b_ but the elephants _.60 . The papers l_ and the pumpkins h_.61 . This sign _ _! You must stay away. 62 . Its very h_ in s_ in Nanjing and its very c_ in w_, too. 63 . This mans _ PE, so hes very s_.七、连线题64 . 你能把相对应的两句话连起来吗?看看谁最快?(1) Have some more.ANo, Im not. (2) Are you sick?BNo, thanks. Im full.(3) I like sandwiches.CAll right.(4) Im thirsty.DHave some milk.(5) Now, lets clean up.E. Me, too.65 . 找朋友( )1.My father is a policemanA他是一位医生( ) 2.Good morning!B她是一位护士( ) 3. Hes a doctorC我爸爸是一位警察( ) 4.Shes a nurseD早上好!( ) 5.Im a pupilE.我是一个小学生第 8 页 共 8 页

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