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英语三年级上册专项训练:常考易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_did you go on your holiday?( )- Shanghai.AWhatBwhenCHowDWhere2 . 当你想让别人出示棕色时,你可以说:( ) AShow me blue.BShow me brown.3 . 读一读,连线。(1) The parents visitAis warm and wet.(2) The weather in SanyaBtidy the room up.(3) The Lee family willCdo this summer?(4) What are you going toDmove to a new place.(5) Lets help MumEthe blue trousers.(6) Sam wants to try onFthe art room first.选择与对话相符的图片。4 . Where is the ball? ( )Its under the chair.AB5 . What would you like for dinner? ( )Id like some fish, soup and rice.AB6 . How many people are there in your family? ( )There are six.AB7 . Whats her job? ( )Oh, she is a teacher.AB8 . Is that a light? ( )No, it isnt. Its a fan.AB9 . Whats this ? ( )This is a _ookie. .AeBfCcDg10 . There are _ trees in our school. ( )AaBmanyCmuch11 . _ some more. ( )AHavingBHasCHave12 . I _ an elephant.AhaveBhandCheadDhi二、情景交际13 . 你和Lisa都喜欢唱歌,你想提议和她一起唱歌,你可以说:( )ALets sing!BCan you sing?CI can sing.14 . 你想表达我们一起去看看,你应该说:_ALet me go and see.BLets go and see.CLet them go and see.15 . 你想知道蓝色的书在哪儿,应问:AWhere is the green book?BWhere is the blue book?16 . 朋友想问你这是不是你的尺子,他可以问:( )AIs this your ruler?BIs that your ruler?CThis is your ruler.17 . 当别人对你说“Good bye!”时,你应说( )ABye!BMorning!三、填空题18 . 读一读,选词填空。stones place Saturday see thousand1. What will we _ there?Well see lots of very big _.2. On _, were going to see Stonehenge.3. Its a very old _. Its about five _ years old.四、排序题19 . 将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话。(_)Good afternoon.(_)No, Im not. Im Liu Tao.(_)Good afternoon.(_)Hi, Liu Tao.(_)Are you Mike?五、改错20 . 找出下列各句中的错误,将序号填在括号内并在横线上改正。( )1. The football is underthe teachers desk.A B C( )2. There are manysheepson the farm. . A B C( )3. I havemany moneyin my pocket(口袋)A B C( )4. Lily are cleaning the blackboard.A B C( )5. He canplay the volleyball. _ A B C六、字母题21 . 按正确格式书写大小写字母Aa-Ee七、连线题22 . 匹配所对应的时间,连线。(1) Its nine oclock.A6:20.(2) Its eleven ten.B9:00.(3) Its six twenty.C3:05.(4) Its three five.D11:10.23 . 英汉短语连线。(1) some milkA多吃点(2) all rightB整理,收拾(3) have some moreC好的(4) clean upD橙汁(5) orange juiceE. 一些牛奶八、其他24 . 根据句意圈出正确的单词。1. (He/She) is my mother.2. She is a (pupil/pencil).3. This is my (brother/black).4. My (name/present) is Sam.5. My grandma is a (doctor/dog).第 5 页 共 5 页

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