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六年级下册名校小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(3)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择根据短文理解,选择最恰当的答案。China is a big country. So the weather in the south is quite different from that in the north. In Shanghai, we have warm and wet in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter. But in some parts of China, such as Hainan, Guangzhou and Yunnan, it is always warm and hot there. People never see snow there. In winter, a lot of tourists(游人)come to Hainan and enjoy(享受) the sunshine at the beach. But some people like cold weather. In the north of China, children can make snowman and play with snowballs. It is fun to play outside while it is snowing. Thats why more people come to Harbin in winter to spend their holiday.1 . In Shanghai it often rains in _. ( )AspringBautumnCwinter2 . Many people go to Hainan to _ in winner. ( )Aenjoy the sunshineBplay with snow ballsCsee the sunset3 . It _ in Hainan. ( )Aoften snowsBdoesnt snowCdoesnt rain4 . Children can make snowman when it _. ( )Ais rainingBis windyCis snowing5 . The weather is so _ in China, because our country is very large. ( )Athe sameBdifferentCcold二、完形填空Choose the best words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)Albert Einstein was born in Germany_1879.As a boy he was not happy at school. He seemed to be_than others and he often didnt pass his exams. Most of his teachers did not like him. His_, however, loved him very much. They often said to the teachers, Albert is a clever boy. He didnt pass some of the exams because he had no interest in those subjects. They_their son would do something great. One day, the Einsteins and their friends were having a picnic by the riverside. Someone said, See_happily the other children are playing and laughing, but not Albert. He is just sitting and looking at the river. Alberts mother heard this and said, Albert is quiet, because hes thinking. Lets wait and see. Hell become a great scientist, I believe.She was_Later, Albert became one of the greatest scientists in the world. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in1921.6 . AinBonCatDfrom7 . AcleverBmore intelligentCslowerDfaster8 . AclassmatesBteachersCfriendsDparents9 . AbelieveBbelievedCtrustDtrusted10 . AhowBwhatCwhereDwho11 . AsureBwrongCrightDclever三、任务型阅读12 . 读一读,按出现的场所的顺序用“1-5”编号,写在相应的圆圈内):A: Welcome to our city. Its nice.B: Is there a post office?A: Yes. You can send letters there.B: Is there a restaurant?A: Yes. Its big. There are many people there.B: What are they?A: They are tall trees. They are in a park. Its a big and nice park. Its near Lemon Road.B: Is this a cinema?A: No, its a library. Its in Star Primary School.B: Oh, where can I buy the food?A: You can go to the supermarket.B: Oh, thank you so much.A: Its my pleasure.阅读短文,判断正误:LiYing likes English very much .She works hard (努力学习),She reads English every morning .She likes speaking English .She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening .Does she like dancing ?No,she doesnt .But she likes drawing and singing .Her parents likes her .And all the teachers and her friends like her ,too.13 . LiYing likes English(_)14 . She watches TV every evening .(_)15 . She reads Chinese every morning .(_)16 . All the teachers like her .(_)17 . LiYing is good at dancing(_)四、填内容补全对话18 . 看图读对话,并补全句子,将单词填写在图片下面的横线上。(首字母已给出)。1. s_ 2. a_, e_ 3. L_ 4. A_ , Y_根据图片和上下文提示写单词,补全短文。Today is19 . .Its20 . . I have some21 . and22 . for breakfast. Then I read a23 . , watch24 . and play25 . games. Tomorrow is26 . . 星期-. We will have27 . and music. I like28 . very much.五、匹配题29 . 你知道它们的答语吗?(_) 1. Whats the weather like in Kunming?(_) 2. Let me close the window.(_) 3. Can I put on my new jacket?AOK.BNo, you cant.CIts warm.六、书面表达30 . 书面表达请根据图片提示,以“My Winter Holiday为题,描述一下你的寒假计划。不少于5句话。_第 6 页 共 6 页

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