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青海省2020版六年级上册期中测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . your sister late for school? ( )AIsBAreCDoDDoes2 . My brother _her face at 7:00 in the morning. ( )AwashBwashesCwashing.3 . How do you go to Beijing? ( ).AEvery dayBOftenCBy plane4 . Im 5 _ older than you. ( )AyearsBcmCyear5 . -_did the girl shout? ( )-Because she saw a lion.AWhatBWhyCWhere6 . I usually play _ violin after school. ( )AtheBaC不填7 . Do you have _ brothers _ sisters? ( )Aany; andBany; orCsome; and8 . This sweater_me_.( )Afit; wellBfits; goodCfits; well9 . Im going_ you in three weeks. ( )AseeBsawCto see10 . What is your sister_? ( )He is _with her friends.Adoing; runningBdo; runCdoing; run11 . I have a magic _. ( )Let me see.AstoneBgooseCstones12 . My hand_ five little fingers(手指). ( )AhaveBhasCis13 . -What is_dinner? ( ) - Chicken and vegetables.AtoBatCfor14 . Im a pupil. ( )A我是一名小学生。B我是一名教师。15 . Thank you. ( ) AYoure welcome.BI am sorry.CHow are you?16 . The tiger is _. The duck is _.( )Abig/ smallBsmall/ smallCsmall/ big17 . are they doing? ( )They are singing songs.A.HowBWhatsCWhat18 . I want _ my yellow dress. ( )Ato wearBwearCwears19 . You should _ to the zoo with your parents.( )AgoesBgoCgoing20 . -Whats _ matter? ( )-Ive got a cold.AtheBaC/21 . 选择最合适的,将序号写在前面的括号里。( )1 .Lets_to school.A. go B. come C. goes( )2. Excuse me, _you Helen?A. isB. areC. am( )3. May I come_?A. in B. onC. under( )4. Do you come to school_bike? A. at B. by C. to二、阅读选择22 . 根据短文内容选择正确的答案。Jane often gets to school early. She likes to talk to her friends before class. After school, she doesnt go home early. She goes to all kinds of pet shops. She likes to see the dogs. One little brown dog plays in the window of a pet shop. Jane likes it, and she stands there for about an hour every day. One day, her father and mother ask why she is late. She tells them about the brown dog in the shop. Today is Janes birthday. After school she goes to shop to see the lovely dog. But its not there. She feels unhappy. She runs home. Her mother gives her a big birthday cake and tells her that her father is going to give her a birthday surprise. Father takes her to the garden. There sits the brown dog. Its really a happy surprise.(1)Jane goes to school early.A.to see the dogsB.to say something to her friendsC.to visit her friends D.to play games with her friends(2)Jane doesnt go back home early. She.A.plays with her friendsB.doesnt like her familyC.does her homework in schoolD.goes to pet shops(3)The little brown dog is lovely. Jane often.A.plays with it in the street B.plays with it in the shop windowC.stands beside it in the shop windowD.goes to see it(4)Jane is very happy because.A.its her birthdayB.she comes home earlyC.she has the little brown dog at home nowD.she is surprise(5)Jane tells her parents.A.shes going to buy the dogB.she loves the little dogC.shes going to take the dog home D.she wants the for birthday present三、填空题23 . Read and write.读一读,选词填空。AmetBfirstCalsoDfrom E. places F. signI 1. _ an interesting girl in the underground today. She was 2. _ the UK. She came to Shanghai for the 3. _ time. She found many things different from the ones in the UK. She told me the 4. _ for the underground station in the UK is a big red circle. People can see the word “UNDERGROUND” in the middle. She 5. _ told me some special signs in the UK. People can see signs for animals in some 6. _, because sometimes animals use the roads too.24 . On Sunday Ill play the_. (drum)四、单词拼写补全下列单词25 . f_ot26 . ic_ cre_m27 . j_ice28 . h_nd29 . Read and fill with words.(读一读,填单词,首字母已给出)What do you w_ for d_?I want s_ noodles.H_ you are.Thank you.五、匹配题选择下列句子的答语。AThank you.BHe goes swimming in summer.CNo, I dont.DTheyre dumplings.EYes, they do.30 . Do you like bananas?(_)31 . What are these?(_)32 . Here you are.(_)33 . Do they like apples?(_)34 . What does he do in summer?(_)六、连词成句35 . 连词成句1. are, these, flowers, paper (.)_2. my, is, this, new, drawing (.)_3. is, present, you, for, it a (.)_4. is, picture, a, it, nice (.)_5. beautiful, flowers, are, they (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页


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