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银川市2019-2020学年四年级下册期中测试英语试卷(四)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . In autumn, it is_ . ( )AcoolBwarmChot2 . They_ a dog. ( )Adont haveBdoesnt haveCdont hasDdoesnt has3 . The girl _ walk then. ( )AcanBcouldntCcantDisnt4 . What _Kitty and Alice want to be? ( )They want to be _.Adoes, policemenBdo, policemenCdo, policeman选出正确的译文。5 . Good morning, Im Mike. ( )A早上好,迈克。B早上好,我是迈克。6 . Shes my grandma. ( )A他是我的祖母。B她是我的祖母。7 . Are you Liu Tao? ( )A你是刘涛吗?B你是刘涛。8 . Shes my friend too. ( )A她是我的朋友。B她也是我的朋友。9 . This is my family. ( )A这是我的家庭。B这是我的朋友。10 . Hes my brother. ( )A他是我的哥哥。B她是我的姐姐。11 . Whats _ this big box? ( ) Sorry, I cant see anything.AinBonCat12 . Is that your mother? ( )AYes, she is.BYes, I do.CNo, she is.13 . -Amy, look at Toms little sister. ( )-_.AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.COh, shes cute.二、填空题选择正确的单词填空。14 . My PE teacher is_(young/delicious).15 . I am thirsty. Id like some_(water/salad),16 . I like sugar(糖).Its_(sweet/fresh).17 . I often_(do/have) kung fu on Sundays.18 . _(Hamburger/Cartoons) are my favourite.三、阅读回答问题根据短文内容,回答问题。This is RDZ, the working robot. RDZ lives with the Spacy family in Spaceville(太空村). He helps the family with the housework every day. He cleans the house, washes the clothes and dishes. He knows how to cook well. RDZ doesnt eat normal(普通的) food. He eats tins and watches and he drinks oil. Do Mr. and Mrs. Spacy eat these things? Never. RDZ often helps Mr. and Mrs. Spacys children with their homework. This year he is teaching them Space language. The children are very clever. The Spacy family are holiday on Mars(火星). They will come back home in two days. So RDZ has a wonderful time. He wont clean. He can sit in front of the TV and eat a lot of food.19 . Where does The Spacy family live? _20 . Can you eat RDZs food?_21 . Is RDZ teaching Mr. and Mrs. Spacys children English? _22 . Does RDZ have a wonderful time?_23 . When will Mr. and Mrs. Spacy be back? _四、英汉混合24 . 英汉互译。1.一些好习惯_ 2. hit the ball hard _3.一个健康的饮食_ 4. eat a few eggs _5.某一天_ 6. so many balls _7.当心_ 8. put his things in order _9.马路安全_ 10. follow the rules _五、填内容补全对话25 . 根据日期提示,补全对话。1. 一月一日 -When is New Years Day? -Its on January 1st.2. 六月一日 -When is _? -Its on _.3. 十月一日 -When is _? -Its on _.4. 五月一日 -When is _? -Its on _.读一读,根据提示和首字母完成短文。There was a strong l26 . in the forest. One day a mouse w27 . b28 . and w29 . the lion up. The lion w30 . to eat that mouse, but he l31 . the mouse go at last. The next day, two men c32 . the lion w33 . a n34 . . He c35 . go out. The mouse s36 . him and h37 . him go out. Then, the lion and the mouse b38 . good friends.六、匹配题选出相对应的答语。A. Its red.B. Thank you.C. Happy New Year!D. Yes, please.E. Its a doll.F. Its nice.39 . Whats this? (_)40 . Would you like this CD? (_)41 . Happy New Year to you all. (_)42 . This robot is for you. (_)43 . Look at my new cap. (_)44 . What colour is the ice cream? (_)第 5 页 共 5 页


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