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银川市2019-2020年度六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(一)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The book isnt thin. Its _. ( )AsoftBthickClong2 . My favorite sport is _. ( )AfootballBbasketballCtable tennis3 . How water there? ( )Amany, isBmuch, areCmuch, is4 . It was nice_ your email. ( )AgettingBto getCgot5 . There are many _ in the zoo. ( )AduckBcowCsheep6 . We went to a childrens theatre. ( )AB7 . Ann _ dance class at nine oclock in the Sunday morning. ( )AhaveBdoesChas8 . 在街上不要拿陌生人的食物。( )ADont take any money from strangers in the street.BDont take any candy from strangers in the street.CDont take any food from strangers in the street.9 . Whats _ with you?( )AwrongBerrorCmistakeDquestion选择不同类的一项。10 . AbearBbodyCbird11 . AkiteBcrayonCpen12 . AanimalBelephantCmonkey13 . AarmBfootCnoodle14 . AbrownBwhatCorange15 . Where _ Sam? ( )AareBamCis选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的单词。16 . play ( )AcleverBplan17 . please ( )AplaneBcloud18 . plate ( )ApleaseBcloudy19 . clock ( )AcleanBeggplant20 . cake ( )AplateBrat二、阅读选择阅读理解。Look, the train is stopping at a small station. A man is looking out of the window and sees a woman. She is selling cakes. The man wants to buy a cake, but he doesnt want to go out in the train. Soon, the man sees a boy. The boy is near the window. “Come here, Boy!” the man says. “Do you know how much the cake is?” “Twenty cents.” The boy says. The man gives the boy forty cents and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one is for me.” He says to the boy.Several minutes later, the boy comes back. Hes eating a cake. He gives the man twenty cents and says, “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”21 . The man is _.( )Aon the busBin the trainCin the room22 . _ is selling cakes. ( )AA manBA boyCA woman23 . The man doesnt want to buy the cakes because _.( )Aits rainingBthe woman is oldCthe boy is near the window24 . How much is a cake? ( )ATwenty cents.BForty cents.CWe dont know.25 . The man has _ at last. ( )Aone cakeBno cakeCtwo cakes三、完形填空完形填空。Im Liu Tao. Im 12 years old. My pen pal Mike is _ the United States. _ is the same age as me. He is a middle school student in Shanghai. There are _ people in his family. His father is a _. He _ English in a high school in Shanghai. His mother is an English teacher too. But they work in different schools. Mike goes to school _ his mothers car every day. They all like Chinese food. Mikes father likes Cantonese (广东的) food. He thinks it is _. Mikes mother _ Sichuan food. _ Mike doesnt like Sichuan food. He thinks it is too hot. They often _ out at weekends.26 . AinBfromCat27 . AItBSheCHe28 . AtwoBthreeCfour29 . AteacherBdoctorCpoliceman30 . AteachesBteachCteaching31 . AinBbyCon32 . AbadBsaltyCtasty33 . AlikeBlikesClook34 . ASoBButCBecause35 . AplayBgoCeat四、填空题36 . 计算算式,用英文单词写出得数:11-6=_37 . 看图片,写单词,补全句子:I _fish yesterday.五、排序题38 . 用1.2.3将下列句子排列成段通顺的对话。_Whats she like?_Yes, I do._Do you know the woman over there?_Do you like her?_Yes. Shes my maths teacher._Shes nice and helpful.39 . 给下列句子排排队。( )Across from the street, you can see it.( )See you.( )Its my great pleasure.( )Thank you very much.( )Excuse me, where is the supermarket?六、任务型阅读读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。I am Lucy. I ikes bags very much. I have two bags now. One is big and heavy. The bag is black. My father bought it ten years ago. And it has got no wheels and no pockets. And the other bag is yellow. Its big but light. I bought it last year when I went to Beijing. It has got two wheels and three pockets. And it also has got a cute bear on it. 40 . Lucyhastwobags.(_)41 . Herfatherboughtayellowbagforher.(_)42 . Theblackbagisbigandheavy.(_)43 . Theyellowbaghasgotnowheels.(_)44 . Lucyboughttheyellowbaglastyear.(_)七、选内容补全对话从方框中选择句子补全下面的对话。A.Youre so helpful.B. When do you get up on Saturdays?C. What do you do on the weekend? D. But I often play computer games.E. What about you?Tom: Hi, Jim. 45 . Jim: I get up at 6:30. 46 . Tom: Usually at 6:00. 47 . Jim: I often my clothes and clean the window.Tom: Wow! 48 . Jim: Do you do other housework, too?Tom: Yes, sometimes. 49 . Jim: That sounds like a lot of fun.八、匹配题50 . 为下列词组选择正确的汉语意思。A.捡起 B.立刻 C.在路上 D.愿意做某事 E.一会儿A.捡起 B.立刻 C.在路上 D.愿意做某事 E.一会儿(_)1.on the way(_)2.for a minute(_)3.at once(_)4.be ready to(_)5.pick up51 . 连线(英汉配对)。1. hospital a. 早到的2. sea b. 医院3. early c. 穿4. wear d. 大海九、抄写题52 . 抄写下列单词1. January 2. October 3. December 4. February 5. November十、书面表达53 . 书面表达, 小朋友,你家的生活和过去比较有哪些变化呢?写出来和大家共享吧。(不少于40个单词)提示词汇:five years ago one television a computer a bright (明亮的) house a nice car第 8 页 共 8 页


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