郑州市2020版英语六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now 单元测试卷(I)卷

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郑州市2020版英语六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _do you feel now? ( )I feel bad. I should go to see the_.AWhat, doctorBHow, teacherCHow, doctor2 . The nurse _ the old man have dinner.AhelpsBhelpChelping3 . A rabbit is _ on the grass (草地).ArunningBrunCruning4 . _many apples do you have? ( )AHowBWhatCWhere5 . Read and choose.(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。)( )1. A. dining hall B. cinema C. coke( )2. A. go cycling B. Play badminton C. went skiing( )3. A. cleaned B. slept C. evening( )4. A. ten years ago B. tomorrow C. Last month( )5.A. took B. woke C. tell6 . Look the clock on the wall. ( )AforBtoCat7 . Read and choose.(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。)( )1. A. looked B. watched C. gym( )2. A. dining hall B. gym C. could( )3. A. two years ago B. Five months ago C. dining hall( )4. A. Internet B. was C. were( )5.A. now B. before C. there8 . _ you cross the road with other people just now? ( )ACanBDidCDo9 . ( ) What did the players _to do.Ahas BhadChave10 . What _you _last Sunday? ( )Ado; doBdoes; doCdid; do二、填空题11 . 选出适当的单词1.Whats this ( at, on, in ) English?2.Christmas is ( at, on, in ) the 25th of December.3.The man ( with, on, in ) black is Su Hais father.4.He doesnt do well ( at, on, in ) PE.5.Look at those birds ( on, in ) the tree.6.We are going to meet ( at, on, in ) the bus stop ( at, on, in ) half past ten.7.Is there a cat ( under, behind, in ) the door?8. Helens writing paper is ( in, in front of ) her computer.9.We live ( at, on, in ) a new house now.10.Does it often rain ( at, on, in ) spring there?12 . 按要求写单词。三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,判断正误。I went to Harbin with my family on our holiday. We went there by airplane. It was the first time for me to take the airplane. It was cold in Harbin. We went skiing, we madesnowman. We saw a lot of beautiful ice-lights. And we took many nice pictures. It was a fun holiday.13 . We went to Harbin by train. (_)14 . We made a snowman in Harbin. (_)15 . I was very excited. (_)16 . We rowed the boats.(_)17 . We had a lot of fun. (_)四、英汉混合18 . 单词互译。1.meat_2._高兴地3._它的4. _落下5.a piece of _五、句型转换19 . 根据要求写句子。I light firecrackers in the Spring Festival.1. 翻译句子_2. 对划线部分提问_3. 变为否定句_4. 对时间提问_5. 变为一般疑问句_六、改错20 . 找出错误,并在直线上改正。1.We drink milk and juice yesterday.错误是_,应改为_2. He is very fat then.错误是_,应改为_3. Last Sunday Dad went swim.错误是_,应改为_4. We went in a bike ride yesterday.错误是_,应改为_5. Did you bought some water?错误是_,应改为_七、匹配题21 . 选择恰当的答语。How many pears do you see?_ A OK.Lets read a book._ B I have 20.Look at my new toy car._ C Oh, how beautiful!How many eggs do you have?_ D I see 12.Can you count with me?_ E Sure. 1, 2, 3. . .八、看图题22 . Whats this?_九、书面表达23 . 写作训练。假设你是Linda,在你身上一定发生了不小的变化吧!请以My changes(我的变化)为题,结合表格里的信息来秀秀你的变化吧。beforeshort, short hair, quiet, liked playing ping-pongnow11 years old, tall, 1.60 metres, long hair, active, like playing badminton_第 6 页 共 6 页

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