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西安市2019-2020学年四年级上册期中模拟测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Are these _? ( )AtomatosBtomatoesCtomato2 . Lets_.( )Ago to the schoolBgo to schoolCgo school3 . What are these? _AThey are box.BThey are boxes.CIts a box.DYes, they are.4 . _ will you come back? ( )At seven oclock.AWhereBWhatCWhen5 . Would you like orange car ? ( )AaBanC/6 . You can see kangaroos _ in China. ( )Ain shopsBin zoosCin schools7 . -Shall we go and see a film this Saturday? ( )-_AOK.BNo, we cant.CYes, we should.DNo, I dont8 . I watch TV in the _( )AbedroomBstudyCliving room9 . Whats your favorite day?_ASunday.BTea.CWeekend.10 . On Old MacDonalds farm he has _.( )AhorsesBlionsCmonsters11 . She is good. ( )Aat danceBat dancingCin dancing12 . Im afraid of _ alone.( )AsleepingBsleep二、情景交际13 . 你想问公园里有没有动物,你应该回答:( )AAre there any animals in the park?BThere are many animals in the park.CI like animals.14 . 情景交际。1.如果你想问Qiqi正在做什么,你应该说:_2.如果你想知道她喜欢打篮球吗,你应该说:_15 . 当你问谁会用电脑时,可以说:_AWho can use the computer?BWhat can use the computer?16 . 当你想询问照片上的女人是谁时,可以问:_。A、Who is this woman?B、Who is this man?C、She is my teacher.三、填空题17 . Read and write. This is _ (Mark) book.18 . 看图,写出1-10。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._6._ 7._ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _四、任务型阅读阅读材料Lilys familyLily is an American girl . She lives in Beijing with her parents and her brother.Lily and her brother are students. They study in the same school. Lily is twelve years old. She likes making kites and playing the piano. Lilys brother is 10 years old. He likes playing football. They often goes hiking on the weekends.Lilys father is tall and strong. He is a teacher. He teaches math in a high school. He often goes to work by bike. When it rains ,he drives to work. Lilys mother is very beautiful. She is a writer. She writes the TV show for the actors. She always stays at home because she only needs to write the TV show on the computer. Lilys grandparents are farmers. They live in a small village in America.They have a small farm. And they plant potatoes and many other vegetables on their farm.Yesterday Lilys grandparents came to Beijing by plane. Lily and her brother met them at the airport. Then Lily and her grandparents climbed the Great Wall ,visited the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum together. They all enjoyed themselves.能力测试根据短文内容判断正(T),误()19 . Lily is from Canada. (_)20 . Her father goes to work by car when it rains. (_)21 . Her mother is an actress. (_)22 . Lilys grandparents plant potatoes on their farm. (_)23 . Lily went to the Great Wall with her friends.(_)五、句型转换24 . 按要求完成句子。【小题1】You shouldnt play football on the road. (改为祈使句)_ play football on the road.【小题2】My cat got some fish for dinner. (改为一般疑问句)_your cat_fish for dinner?【小题3】She does housework every day. (改为否定句)She _ housework every day.【小题4】We caught the birds with a net. (对划线部分提问)_ did you _ the birds?【小题5】The flowers are very beautiful. (感叹句)_ flowers they are!六、看图题看图,根据首字母提示,写出句子中所缺的单词。25 . This is a s_.26 . This is a c_t_. 27 . This is a c_.28 . There is a l_r_. 29 . This is a s_.30 . I have a l_k_. 31 . This is a picture of a h_. 32 . This is a b_g_. 第 6 页 共 6 页


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