西安市2020版英语五年级下册Module 4 Travel Unit 7 练习卷(I)卷

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西安市2020版英语五年级下册Module 4 Travel Unit 7 练习卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_are you going to get there? ( )-By ship.AWhatBHowCWhere2 . Is it a big bird? ( )ANo, it isnt.BYes, I do.3 . How do you go school?( )AtoBinCDat4 . What will you do Shenzhen? ( )AtoBatCinDforRead and find. (火眼金睛找不同。)5 . AbreadBoneCrice6 . AsevenBeightCwater7 . AjuiceBtenCmilk8 . AcatBnineCsix9 . AdogBmonkeyCnine10 . AfishBblueCegg11 . AthreeBtwoCcake12 . AoneBfourCred13 . AblueByellowCmany14 . AfootBheadCgreen选出下列单词中属于不同类的。15 . AoldBshyCyoung16 . AsometimesBoftenCwill17 . AwashBcomicCspeak18 . AfoodBsaladChamburger19 . AbetweenBhandCbehind20 . They will leave _ November 3rd. ( )AonBatCin21 . They usually go to school _. ( )Aby bikeBon bikeCin bike22 . Can Tom _ any kungfu? ( )Yes, he likes _ kungfu.Adoes, doingBdoing, doesCdo, doing二、填空题23 . 读单词,根据已给单词,再写出两个同类词语(答案不唯一)【小题1】first second third_【小题2】bigger taller higher _【小题3】saw coughed went_【小题4】Mothers day Childrens day National Day _【小题5】worker stronaut engineer _三、任务型阅读阅读短文 ,根据短文内容填空。 (每空一词)My name is Ben. I am an English boy. There are my father, my mother, my sister and me in my family. This summer holiday we will fly to Australia. We will visit the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge there. We will also go to some beautiful farms. We can eat fresh vegetables and fruit. And we can see kangaroos there. I think theyre very cute. I cant wait to visit the beautiful country. I am sure we will have a good time.24 . Ben is from _ .25 . There are _ people in Bens family.26 . Bens family will travel in _ this summer holiday.27 . They will go travelling by _ .28 . They will eat _ and _ during the travelling.四、填内容补全对话用恰当的单词补全对话。 (每空一词)A :What are you d29 . , Ben?B: Im m30 . a plan for the summer holiday. I w31 . visit Kunming.A: H32 . will you go there?B: B33 . plane. I am going to l34 . on July 17th.A: W35 . are you going to do there?B: I am going to v36 . the flower show. And Ill c37 . the mountain.A: W38 . will you come back home?B: O39 . July 23rd.A: I hope you will h40 . a good time.B: Thank y41 . .五、匹配题英汉对对碰。A我不知道。B看!这是我的新英语老师。C绿色的包在哪里?DA:它是一把椅子吗?B:是的, 它是。EA:它在桌子里面吗?B:不, 它不在。42 . Where is the green bag?(_)43 . I dont know. (_)44 . A: Is it in the desk? B: No, it isnt. (_)45 . A: Is it a chair? B: Yes, it is. (_)46 . Look! This is my new English teacher. (_)47 . 根据图片及所给信息对号入座。(_) (1) (_) (2) (_) (3) (_) (4) (_) (5)a. We give beautiful flowers to our teacher on Teachers Day.b. The cat is the first in the race. The dog is the second. The panda is the third.c. I write on the blackboard.d. Its rainy today. Im at home.e. The wind blows (吹) the leaves off the tree.第 5 页 共 5 页

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