英语五年级下册Unit 6 In the kitchen 单元测试卷A

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英语五年级下册Unit 6 In the kitchen 单元测试卷A姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . It was Childrens Day yesterday. The children were very _.They played _at the party. ( )Aexcited ; happilyBexcitedly ; happyCexcited ; happy2 . Some are _ in the river and some are _ games. ( )Aswim, playingBswiming, playingCswimming, playingDswimming, play3 . I liked to _ in winter before. ( )Aice-skatingBgoing ice-skatingCice-skate4 . They_ young then.Now,they are old.AareBwasCwere5 . Lily, look my new shoes. ( )Theyre very nice.AinBatCon6 . Beijing _got about twenty million people. ( )AhaveBisChas7 . There _ many books. ( )AisBamCare8 . I come home _ a football match. ( )AatBforCfrom9 . This is _duck.AmyBanCyou10 . Read and choose阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上(每句(2)分,共(1)0分)Sarah: Hi, Mike. _?Mike: Well, in China I like winter best, because its not very cold._?Sarah: I like fall best.Mike: _?Sarah: Because I can fly kites. _?Mike: Yes, I can.Sarah: Lets fly kites together.Mike: Ok, see you.Sarah: _. 二、阅读选择阅读理解。English breakfast is a very big mealeggs, bread, tomato soup, tea, coffee and so on. For many people, lunch is a quick meal. In cities, there are a lot of fast food restaurants(餐馆). People can buy sandwiches there. Students usually have lunch at school. Many students just take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home. “Tea” means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes or some bread. They usually have supper between(在之间) 6:00 p.m. and 8:00p.m., and often all the family eat together. People often get take-away meals they buy the food and then bring(带来) it home to eat.11 . Many people in England have a _ breakfast and a _ lunch. ( )Abig; quickBsmall; quickCbig; slowDsmall; slow12 . Students usually have lunch _. ( )Aat homeBat schoolCoutsideDin the restaurants13 . What dont they have for afternoon tea? ( )ASandwichesBChickenCCakesDBread14 . When do they usually have supper? ( )ABetween 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.BBetween 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.CBetween 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.DBetween 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.15 . When people get a take-away meal, they eat it _. ( )Aat homeBin the schoolCoutsideDin the restaurants三、完形填空完形填空Today is Saturday. I have no_ , I am in the zoo. Its a very big zoo. There are many _in the zoo, such as elephants, giraffes, _and bears. Look, the elephant is so big. It is_ , but slowly. A horse is _too, it runs fast. A giraffe is_leaves(叶子). Its neck is very_. It can get the leaves on the tall_. The monkeys are eating bananas. They are so cute. Look at the bear family. Father bear is sleeping, mother bear is eating fruit. The baby bears are_ a tree. Oh, there is a_house. I can see a lion eating some meat in its house. All the animals are lovely.16 . AfoodBlessonsCdrinks17 . AtoysBroomsCanimals18 . ApearsBmonkeysCclothes19 . ArunBsittingCrunning20 . AswimmingBrunningCeating21 . AeatingBdrinkingCseeing22 . AthinBfatClong23 . AhouseBtreeCwall24 . AclimbingBwashingCsitting25 . AlionBbearCtiger四、填空题26 . 选词填空。1. We _(is/are) strong.2. We have beef noodles and fish _(sandwichs/sandwiches) today.3. Can you play _(x/the ) ping-pong?No, I cant. But I can play _(x/ the ) piano.4. Are there _(any/ some) buildings here?5. _(Is/Are ) there a river in the picture?6. There is a bridge _(in/ on) the river.7. Lets go _(boat/ boating).8. _(There is/There are) so many fish in the river.9. Id like some _(chicken/ noodle).根据首字母或汉语提示填空。27 . My grandpa_(捉) some fish.28 . Liu Tao is very a_, because he has no new bike.29 . Sams ladybirds d_ the bad ladybirds and the pests away.30 . Su Hai often h_ me with my homework.31 . There are seven_(斑点) on the ladybird.32 . My sister likes eating_(葡萄).33 . My mother usually c_ some soup for the family.五、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正误Mary is an American girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. Mary doesnt know Chinese, but she is studying Chinese. She often speaks Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they dont understand(懂) her because(因为) she cant speak Chinese well. Its Sunday morning. She goes out. She is walking in the street. She is going to zoo to see elephants and monkeys, but she doesnt know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy cant understand her. Then she takes out(拿出) a pen and a piece of paper(一张纸). She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands now, and he shows Mary the way to the zoo.34 . Mary is studying Chinese.(_)35 . Mary can speak Chinese well.(_)36 . Mary wants to go to the park on Sunday morning.(_)37 . Mary shows a picture of an elephant to the boy.(_)38 . Mary knows how to go to the zoo at last(最后).(_)六、英汉混合英汉互译39 . 吵醒她_40 . 从那时起_41 . 咬网_42 . 伤心地走_43 . 兴奋地喊_44 . 第二天_45 . 锋利的牙齿_46 . 擅长跑步_47 . a big lollipop_48 . two Chinese idiom books_七、句型转换49 . 按要求改写句子。(10分)(1)What about you?(改为同义句)_about_?(2)Women enjoy themselves at the party.(改为同义句)Women_ _ _ _at the party.(3)Its rainy today.(就画线部分提问)_the weather_today?(4)There are four seasons in a year.(就画线部分提问)_ _seasons are there in a year?八、改错50 . Read and correct the wrong word:What are you going to go this winter?(_) _A B C第 7 页 共 7 页

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