西安市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册Unit 3 A healthy diet 单元测试卷B(I)卷

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西安市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册Unit 3 A healthy diet 单元测试卷B(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ a party at the princes house. ( )AhaveBisChas2 . -How do you go to school? ( )- .AYes.I doBHe walks to school.CI go to school on foot.3 . I often _ to the bookstore with my sister on the weekend. But last weekend, I swimming with my dad. ( )Awent, goBgo, wentCwent, went4 . on the earth can live without the sun.AEverythingBNothingCSomethingDEverybody5 . Have you got _ cherries? ( )Yes, I have.AsomeBanyCmuchDa little6 . 找出画线部分发音不同的单词:( )AswimBthinkClike7 . There arent _ apples on the desk. But there _ some milk. ( )Aany; areBany; isCmany; are8 . The woman _ long brown hair is my mother, and shes _ red now.Ahas; inBwith; in Chave; withDhas; with9 . Look! Lucy is _ a new bike today. ( ) AjumpingBrunningCridingDtalking选出画线部分读音不同的选项。10 . AyouBaboutChouseDmouse11 . AvegetableBfewCeggDbed12 . AlittleBdrinkCmilkDrice13 . AmuchBbutCusuallyDcut14 . AmouthBshouldCloudlyDshout15 . She wants to _to the supermarket, do you want to go _her?Agoes, withBgo, withCgo, and二、阅读选择16 . 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Mrs Smith is a friend of mine. She comes from England. She is living in China now. She is on holiday. Yesterday I met her on Wumo Road. She wanted to get to the post office to post a letter to her son, but she didnt know the way. I spoke to her in English. I said she could take bus No. (9) It is next to Wujiang Library, and get off at the fourth stop. Mrs Smith was very happy to see me, she said she was going to the shopping centre later, and I told her the way, too. ( )(1)Where does Mrs Smith come from?A. The UK. B. The USA. C. China.( )(2)Where did Mrs Smith want to go first?A. The post office. B. The library. C. The shopping centre.( )(3)Who did she want to post a letter to? A. Her daughter. B. Her son. C. Her husband.( )(4)How can Mrs Smith go to the post office?A. By bus. B. By Bike. C. Take bus No.(6)( )(5)How was Mrs Smith?.A. She was not happy. B. She was happy. C. Shes forty-one.三、填空题17 . Fill in the blanks with proper words (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1.Here _ (be) some dog food._ (not run) in the classroom.3.- Are the lions _ (tooth) sharp? - Yes.4.My brother is six. He _ (have) many toys.5.-_ (there be) any students in the Century Park? - Yes.6.The crow is very _(full), he wants to eat much food.7.Heres a photo of _ (I ) birthday party.8.In Shanghai, summer is _ (sun), hot and wet.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Food is important in our life. What do you know about food? What is for dinner, fried chicken in a fast food restaurant or chicken cooked in the Chinese way? It seems hard to choose. Maybe you like fast food very much, but its not good for your health.If you have too much deep-fried food, youre more likely to get cancer(癌症). Well, it is not just potato chips that are bad for you. There are other foods that you should worry about, like soda(苏打) and processed foods(加工食品). If you have too much of it, youll get fat.If you want to be healthy, you have to learn which foods are good for you. Scientists divide foods into five different types: dairy(乳制品), meat, grains(谷物), fruit and vegetables. No one food has them all.So we should eat less meat, oil and more fruit, vegetables, especially the deep-colour vegetables. Vegetables are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and other nutrients.18 . Fast food is good for our health. (_)19 . If we have too much soda and processed foods, well get fat. (_)20 . Its easy to get cancer, if you have too much deep-fried food. (_)21 . Potato chips are bad for people. (_)22 . Vegetables arent rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and other nutrients. (_)五、汉译英根据中文完成句子。23 . 我爷爷每天早餐吃一些面包和牛奶。My grandpa _ some bread _ milk _ breakfast _ day.24 . 我们每周必须吃几个鸡蛋。_ must have _ eggs _.25 . 现在我需要许多水。I _ a _ of _ now.26 . 我能喝些橙汁吗?Can _ drink _ juice?27 . 你想和我一起去吗?_ you want _ go _ me?28 . 孩子们不应该喝太多可乐。The children shouldnt drink _ cola.六、英汉混合英汉互译。29 . 吃晚饭_30 . when_31 . after_32 . 进行体育运动_七、选内容补全对话选用所给句子完成对话A: Thank you for your coming first.33 . B: Im fourteen.A: Youre so young, but youre very helpful.34 . B: On the eleventh of May.A:35 . B: When the man was crossing the street, a car hit him and I was just there.A:36 . B: Of course not.A:37 . B: I called the police and the police car arrived quickly. We sent the man to hospital at once. He was saved at last.A: Youre brave enough. Well reward you.AWere you afraid?BWhat did you see?CHow old are you?DWhen did you see the accident?EWhat did you do then?八、改错38 . 改错题。1This is my t-shirt._改为_2Dont throwed it away._改为_3It will is a vase._改为_九、书面表达39 . 写作。每个人都要有健康的饮食,你有吗?请以“My healthy diet”为题,写一篇小短文,介绍自己的饮食习惯。要求:使用一般现在时,不少于5句话。My healthy dietI have a healthy diet._第 7 页 共 7 页


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