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西宁市2020版英语二年级下册Module5单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Today is Sunday! _ ( )I usually clean my room.AWhere do you usually go on the weekend?BWhy are you shopping today?CWhat do you do on the weekend?2 . Mybrother _sports. ( )AlikeBlikesCliking3 . Daming _ playing football. ( )AlikesBlikingCliked4 . The stones are very_.( )AshortBhard5 . Do you want milk or juice? ( )A你想喝牛奶还是果汁?B你想喝水还是果汁?看一看,选一选。6 . ( )AlibraryBteachers office7 . ( )AgardenBmusic room8 . ( )AplaygroundBlunch root9 . ( )AgymBart room10 . ( )Amusic roomBcomputer room11 . Last Sunday, my friends and I went to the zoo. We _ some pandas, monkeys and many other animals. ( )AsawBseeCbought给单词选择正确的汉语意思。12 . front ( )A背面B侧面C正面13 . house ( )A搬家B老鼠C房子14 . dirty ( )A弄乱B脏的C干净的15 . live ( )A住所B喜欢C居住16 . their ( )A他们的B他们C它们17 . Point to your hand. ( )A指向你的头。B指向你的手。18 . Are you going to_?( )AskiingBski19 . “他在唱歌”应译为_( )AShes singing.BIts singing.CHes singing.20 . _( )AsevenBeight21 . What _ he_ when his mother opened the door?Adid, doBhad, doneCwill, doDwas, doing22 . -Do you have any pens? ( )-Yes, _.AI haveBI doCI dont23 . _ in the classroom? ( )There is a blackboard.AWhosBWhatsCHows24 . Sam is _ pictures. ( )AtakingBtakeCtakes25 . What _ the animals doing? ( )AamBisCare26 . We should turn _ the TV and computer at 9 p.m.( )AoffBofCon27 . Dontlate! ( )AisBareCbe找出不同类的词。28 . AfreshBsweetCthinDdelicious29 . AbedroomBchickenCkitchenDbathroom30 . AyoungBkindCshortDclass31 . AinBoldConDunder32 . ASaturdayBSundayCFridayDsunny33 . My school is close to a park. ( )AB找出不同类的单词。34 . AeggBearChand35 . AwaterBjuiceCbread36 . ArulerBfishCbook37 . AriceBcakeCjuice38 . AbrownBorangeCwater选出每组中不同类的单词。39 . AdogBpigCbag40 . AhandBpandaCeye41 . AheadBelephantCduck42 . AredBbearCyellow43 . AbearBrulerCpencil44 . Stop walking! The car is _! ( )AcomeBto comeCto comingDcoming二、匹配题45 . 找出与下列短语相对应的汉语意思。(_) 1. on footA过来(_) 2. each otherB骑自行车(_) 3. come hereC牛奶公司(_) 4. milk companyD步行(_) 5. by bikeE互相三、连词成句46 . 连词成句。(1)all they in garden day can the play_(2)you do our home like new_连词成句(注意大小写和标点符号)。47 . have, do, computer, a, you, room, (?)48 . is, library, the, that, (.)49 . the, it, floor, on, is, first, (.)50 . music, the, is, room, this, yes, is, it, (?), (.)连词成句。51 . do, you, what, think (?)_52 . will, find, you, many, things, interesting, Australia, in (.)_53 . we, will, Australia, about, week, next, learn (.)_54 . we, ask, Mr Green, tomorrow, will (.)_55 . will, she, the, go, to, library, next, week (.)_56 . 连词成句。(1) lessons do what you have today_?(2) like I Music Art and_.57 . 连词成句。1. postcards, from, China, these, are (.)_2. there, dancing, in, is, Chinese, Chinatown (.)_3. lets, Huangshan, to, the, go, Mountain, now (.)_4. there, lots of, in, are, China, lakes, beautiful (.)_5. are, of, computers, lots, in, there, classroom, the (.)_第 8 页 共 8 页

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