英语五年级上册Unit 11 I'm sorry. 单元测试卷

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英语五年级上册Unit 11 I'm sorry. 单元测试卷_第1页
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英语五年级上册Unit 11 Im sorry. 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_like an apple? ( )-Yes, please.ADo youBCan youCWould you2 . Lingling feels _ to sing in class.( )AshyBsad3 . The baby sees his ball.He is _.( )AdirtyBhappy4 . 选出不同类单词 (_) 1. A. hello B. hiC. Sam(_) 2. A. you B. hello C. hi(_) 3. A. fine B. good C. thank(_) 4. A. Ling ling B. MikeC. black(_) 5. A. are B. you C. I5 . You can _ my phone friend. ( )AareBbeCis二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Today is Childrens Day. Mike and Tom are excited. They go to the park. They fly kites. Mike has a beautiful butterfly kite. It flies very high. Tom has a fish kite. It flies very high too. But Toms kite runs away. Tom is sad. They go back home. They are tired.6 . Today is the Spring Festival.(_)7 . Mike is excited today.(_)8 . Their kites fly very high.(_)9 . The butterfly kite runs away.(_)10 . Tom is sad.(_)三、匹配题11 . 从II栏中选出与I栏相应的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。III( )1. Whats this?.A Bye-bye,Daming.( )2. How old are you?B Thank you.( )3. How many boys? C Goodmorning.( )4. Wheres the cat ?D Nine.( )5. Is it a monster?E Its a desk.( )6. Goodmorning, F Im five.( )7. Good afternoon.G Good afternoon.( )8. Goodbye,Sam.H Im fine ,thank you.( )9. Happy birthday.I Yes, it is.( )10.How are you?J Its in the bag.12 . 为短语选出对应的图片。(_)1. the spoonA(_)2. the glassesB(_)3. the chopsticksC四、看图题13 . 选择图片完成句子。1. 2.3. 4.1. He is _. 2. She _. 3. I _. 4. They _.五、连词成句连词成句。14 . to are going what you be(?)._15 . pen is this red Sams(.)_16 . can you see what(?)_17 . has got cough she a(?)_18 . am the I winner(.)_第 4 页 共 4 页


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