英语一年级上册Unit 4 Is this a teddy 练习卷(B)

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英语一年级上册Unit 4 Is this a teddy 练习卷(B)_第1页
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英语一年级上册Unit 4 Is this a teddy 练习卷(B)_第3页
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英语一年级上册Unit 4 Is this a teddy 练习卷(B)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Is it a cap?( )_AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.2 . Have you got a book about Chinaa book about America?( )AorBandCbut3 . -Hello, _Yang Ling. ( )-Hi, Yang Ling.AIBIm4 . -_ a ruler? ( )- Yes.AIs thisBThis is二、判断题5 . 看图,判断对( T )错( F ):Hes a doctor. (_)三、匹配题根据课文内容,选择每个月份让Mr. Moon把它当作生日所在月份的理由。A. We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday!B. We are cold months. Its fun to play in the snow! C. There is rain, and trees are green in April.D. I am the first.E. Its nice and cool in September and October.F. The weather is warm and sunny in March,G. Childrens Day is fun.H. The Spring Festival often comes in February.I. The flowers are beautiful in May.6 . January(_)7 . February(_)8 . March(_)9 . April(_)10 . May(_)11 . June(_)12 . July and August(_)13 . September and October(_)14 . November and December(_)四、连线题15 . 连线题。1. pen_il a. 2. _ra_on b. 3. r_l_r c. 4. p_n d. 5. p_nc_l b_x e. 16 . Read and tick.连线。(1) womanA(2) girlB(3) boyC(4) giraffeD(5) monkeyE. 第 3 页 共 3 页

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