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济南市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册专项训练:易错题集训(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Would you like to paint the white wall_ blue. ( )AwithBinCofD2 . My grandpa newspapers every day. ( )AreadBreadingCreads3 . The Queens room is the same it was in the past, and the are like they were in 1430. ( )Aas, decorationsBto, decorationCto, decorationsDas, decoration4 . Happy birthday, Jim! ( ) _AThe same to you.BGood luck.CThank you.5 . The actors _ lots of jokes here. ( )AtelledBtoldCtalked6 . Would you like_ a trip? ( )AtakesBtakeCto take7 . I dont have plans for the weekend. ( )AsomeBaCany8 . Will you _ to the library_ me? ( )Good idea.Ago, withBgoing, withCgo, and9 . He became very rich. ( )Ain his fortyBin the fortiesCin his fortiesDin the forty10 . Its not beautiful, _ its helpful. ( )AandBsoCbut11 . I have two pets. is parrot, is a rabbit.( )AOne; the otherBOne; otherCA; one12 . 读下列单词,找出不同类的一项。( )AgoingBdoingCmorning13 . 看英语,选中文。( ) 1.read A.读 B.写( ) 2.dance A.唱歌 B.跳舞( ) 3.jump A.跑 B.跳( ) 4.draw A.画 B.说( ) 5.Touch your arm. A.摸一下你的头. B.摸一下你的手臂.( ) 6.Wave your hand. A.挥一挥手. B.挥一挥书.( ) 7.I can sing. A.我会唱歌. B.我会画画.14 . To be healthy, we should eat _ food and do more exercise. ( )AhealthBhealthyCunhealthy15 . I bought _ exercise books with _ money. ( )Aa few, a fewBa few, a littleCa little, a fewDa little, a little16 . We can meet the bus stop twelve oclock. ( )Aon; onBon; atCat; at17 . _Bob always_ his homework on time? ( )ADid, finishBWill, finishCDoes, finishDDoes, finishes18 . Tom and Jim _ a basketball match now. ( )AwatchBare watchingCare looking atDsee19 . 选出翻译正确的一项。(_) 1. keeping pets. A.养宠物 B. 保持不动(_) 2. climbing rocks. A. 照相。 B. 攀岩(_) 3. taking photos. A. 照相。 B. 唱歌(_) 4. collecting stamps. A. 集邮。 B. 筹钱(_) 5. 试一试. A. have money B. have a try20 . The vegetables are _ for you. ( )AbadBgoodCwell二、阅读选择阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。This is my room. There is a bag on the desk. There are five books in the bag. There is a chair under the desk. There are two balls on the floor. There are three dolls on my bed. There is a cat under the bed.21 . There is a_ on the desk. ( )ApencilBbookCbag22 . There are_ books in the bag. ( )A3B4C523 . There are_ on the floor. ( )Atwo ballsBtwo dogsCtwo dolls24 . There are _dolls on my bed. ( )A3B4C525 . There is a_ under the bed. ( )AdogBdollCcat三、填空题26 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The jacket fits me _( good ).2. They _ (go ) to the park yesterday and _ (fly ) kites there. 3. Did Su Hai _ ( catch ) a bird with her father in the park?4. There _ ( be ) some water in the bottle just now(刚才).5. Mike couldnt _(ride) bikes six years ago. 6. Look, Yang Ling _ ( tell ) a story.7. We _ (watch) a film every Sunday.8. He _ (can ) not write twenty years ago .27 . 选择合适的词填空。1. She _ (have/has) a good time every day.2. Where _ (is/are) my gloves?3. Why cant you _ (goes/go) home now?4. He likes_ (riding/ride) a bike in the park.5. How do I _ (get/getting) to the shop on the Moon Street?6. Whats wrong with _ (she/her)?7. It is five oclock in the afternoon. Tom _ (sweeps/is sweeping) the floor in the classroom.8. Is your father _ (looks/looking) for his new clothes now?9. It is _ (the first/one) of January. Its New Year today.10. She wants _ (wash/to wash) dishes for her parents.四、选内容补全对话28 . Think and choose. AMy house is in front of the zoo.BIts not far (远).CWheres the supermarket, please?DSure!Tom: Jack! Nice to meet you here!Jack: Nice to meet you, too!Tom: _Jack: _Its next to the zoo.Tom: You know the supermarket well, Jack,Jack: _Tom: Why?Jack: _选择正确的单词补全短文,将其写在横线上。Mike is a young man. Five years ago, he was a student. He 29 . (study, studied, studies) very hard. His school 30 . (is, were, was) old. It 31 . (had, has, have) only one small room. But now there 32 . (were, was, are) twenty 33 . (classrooms, classes room, classroom). Teachers 34 . (use, uses, used) chalks and blackboards when they 35 . (teach, taught, teaches) their students before. Now 36 . (they, them, their) have computers and TVs in each classroom. Mike 37 . (think, thinks, thought) the school 38 . (changes, change, changed) every day.五、其他按实际情況回答下列问题。(答案不唯一)39 . Whats your mothers job? _40 . Are there any maps in your classroom? _41 . Is your classroom big or small? _42 . How many subjects do you have? _43 . What do you want to be when you grow up? _第 6 页 共 6 页

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