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海口市2019版英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:一般过去时(选择题)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I _some chocolate to my best friend Mary yesterday. ( )AsendBsendingCsent2 . Where_ my _?( )Aare, shoeBis, shoesCare, shoes3 . What _ your father and mother like to do? ( )Ato doBdoCdoes4 . Yesterday Jiamin_ do well in the Chinese test, so he_a Chinese lesson next weekend. ( )Acould, hasBcant, will haveCcouldnt, will have5 . I bought some apples and _ two. ( )AeatBeatsCate6 . Last Sunday, I _to a shopping centre _my mum. ( )Ago; withBwent; and toCwent; with7 . What _ Toms hobbies? ( )AareBisCam8 . Did you _ TV last night? ( )No, I didnt. I _my clothes.Awatched; washedBwatch; washedCwatch; wash9 . It _ small. ( )AisBamCare10 . He _ the Great wall last week. ( )AvisitedBvisitCvisits11 . Last Sunday, I to the park and an old friend there. ( )Ago;meetBgoes;metCwent;met12 . I _ two apples for breakfast yesterday. ( )AhadBhasChave13 . 找出所给词的同类词。(_) 1. peach A. yesterday B. orange C. station(_) 2. Tuesday A. Saturday B. countryside C. different(_) 3. helpful A. quiet B. newspaper C. always (_) 4. twenty A. pink B. tomorrow C. hundred (_) 5. farmer A. policeman B. long C. river14 . Davids parents _for a walk in the park yesterdayAwentBgoesCgo15 . 读一读,选出正确的翻译。【小题1】supermarket( )A医院B超市C影院D书店【小题2】get to( )A到达B起床C离开D下午【小题3】along( )A孤独B穿过C顺着D跨过【小题4】sofa( )A椅子B沙发C桌子D墙【小题5】bus( )A出租车B自行车C小汽车D公交车16 . The girls_ to the policeman, “Sorry.”( )AsaysBsaidCsay17 . -Can you _ ? ( )-Yes, I _ last night.Adance; dancedBdances; danceCdanced; danced18 . Jack and I_the UK last month.AgoBgo toCwentDwent to19 . Its _bus.AredsBgreenCa blueDyellow a20 . We often go _ a picnic _ spring. ( )Ain; inBon; atCon; in21 . _ you at home yesterday? ( )No, I _.AWere; wasntBDo; dontCWas; wasnt22 . - _ you visit the Great Wall last week? ( )- Yes, it is beautiful and I _ visit it next year.ADid, willBCould, amCWill, canDWere, could23 . -is that? ( )-Its a chairAWhatBWhereCWhat colour24 . What _ he_ when his mother opened the door?Adid, doBhad, doneCwill, doDwas, doing25 . -What _you do last night? ( )-I_my homework.Ado; finishBdo; finishedCdid; finishedDdid; finish26 . The man _dinner at home every day.AhavesBhasChave27 . We_ always be nice to each other. ( )AshouldBwouldCwill28 . What did Tom do last night? ( )He_his homework.AdoBdoesCdid29 . Her hair _short and her eyes _big at the age of one year old. ( )Ais; areBwas; wereCwere; were30 . He. He cant play basketball today. ( )Aam illBis illCis fine31 . They_happy yesterday. ( )AwasBcouldCareDwere32 . They _ some vegetables in the restaurant yesterday. ( )AeatBateCare going to eat33 . How _ your summer holiday? ( )AwasBareCwere34 . It _ sunny yesterday. ( )AwasBisCwill be35 . Yesterday Tom _ in Beijing. Today he _ in Shanghai. ( )Ais, isBwas, wasCwas, is36 . 选出与所给单词同类的一项。(_) 1. A. tiredB. feelC. tell(_) 2. A. chickB. missC. coffee(_) 3. A. hearB. swamC. see(_) 4. A. shoutB. grassC. late(_) 5. A. alwaysB. toiletC. rang37 . ( ) Will you visit _ family?AyourByou38 . Helen _ go to school yesterday.AdontBdoesntCdidnt39 . Lets the cat.Ato helpBhelp toChelp40 . Mike likes_ table tennis. He can_well.Aplaying;playBplaying;playingCplay;playingDplay;play41 . In autumn, trees _ their leaves.Ahave BloseChas42 . _ your school look different now? ( )ADidBDoCDoes43 . How do you know that? ( )I _ on the Internet.Alooked up itBlook at itClooked it up44 . Lingling _ rice and breag last night. ( )AhasBhaveChad45 . Yesterday I _ my bedroom.AcleanBcleanedCcleans46 . We _ to the cinema _ evening.Awent, lastBgo, todaysCgo, nextDwent, yesterday47 . Did youfishing last weekend?No, but Ia bike in Zhongshan park. ( )Awent; rodeBgo; rideCgo; rode48 . -How_you_yoursummervacation?-IvisitedXian.Ado,spendBdid,spendCdid,spent49 . There _ green grass in my school now. ( ) AisBareCwas二、填空题50 . Where _ you _ (go) for the holiday ?第 7 页 共 7 页


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