广州市2020年英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears 单元测试卷(I)卷

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广州市2020年英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears 单元测试卷(I)卷_第1页
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广州市2020年英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears 单元测试卷(I)卷_第3页
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广州市2020年英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look at my _.( )AplantBbagCbook2 . Is this a nice dress? ( ) _AI think so.BGreat!CYoure wrong.3 . 选择不同类的单词。(_)1. A. whereB. whatC. winter(_)2. A. footB. feetC. hand(_)3. A. badB. goodC. well(_)4. A. dogB. beachC. mule(_)5. A. laughedB. deliciousC. cute4 . _ the vegetables. ( )ACutBPassCUse5 . How manyare there? - So many.AstrawberrysBstrawberriesCstrawberry6 . Do you like grapes? ( )Yes, _.AI dontBI doCI am7 . 读一读,选出与其他不同类的选项:( )AfirstBsecondCplayground二、情景交际8 . 当你想问你的朋友是否读过这本书的时候,你会说: “ _ ” ( )ADo you read this book?BDid you read this book?CDid you reading this book?9 . 根据实际情况回答问题:AreyougoingtomiddleschoolthisSeptember?_10 . 你向别人介绍自己的朋友,应该说:( )AThis is my family.BThis is my friend.11 . 当你想喝果汁时,你应该说:_AI like the juice.BI have some juice.CCan I have some juice?12 . “我可以看一看吗?” “好的。”A :_ I have a _?B : Yes .三、排序题13 . 读一读,给下列句子排序。( ) Sure, here you are.( ) Have some fruit, please.( ) Do you like oranges, dear?( ) Im hungry, Mom!( ) Sorry, I dont like oranges.( ) Can I have some apples, please?( ) Thank you, Mom!四、任务型阅读14 . Read and match. Sarah一家正在吃水果,阅读他们的对话,找到他们喜欢的水果并连线。Aunt: Have some fruit, children!Sarah& Sam: Thanks.Sam: Can I have a banana, please?Aunt: Here you are.Sam: Thank you.Aunt: Do you like bananas, Sarah?Sarah: Sorry, I dont like bananas. Can I have some watermelons?Aunt: Here you are.Sarah: Uncle, have some watermelons.Uncle: Thanks. I like watermelons.Sarah: Me too. Do you like watermelons?Aunt: Uh No, I dont. I like apples.(1) A(2) B(3) C(4) D五、选内容补全对话读一读,选一选。A. Can I have some grapes, please?B. Grapes and bananas.C. Do you like oranges, Lucy?Mum: 15 . Lucy: Sorry, I dont like oranges. 16 . Mum: OK. What about you, Lily?Lily: I like bananas.Mum: Here you are. 17 . Lucy and Lily: Thank you, mum!六、匹配题读一读,给下面的图片选择合适的对话,将序号填入括号内。A-Hello! Im Sarah. -Hi! Im Chen Jie.B-Lets paint. -Great.C-Good afternoon. -Good afternoon.D-Goodbye, Mum. -Bye.E-Miss White, this is my dad. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too.18 . (_)19 . (_)20 . (_)21 . (_)22 . (_)23 . 选择正确的答语或问句。( ) 1. _ Im going to London.( ) 2. When will you go home? _( ) 3. _ By bike.( ) 4. _ I like Physics best.AHow will you go to school?BIll go home at 4:00. CWhats your favorite subject?DWhere are you going this summer?找出各国的代表性动物A.eagle B.panda C.kangarooD.Australia E.China F.USA24 . (_)_25 . (_)_26 . (_)_七、连词成句连词成句。27 . is, hat, Mums, new, cute.(.)_28 . fly, go, kite, lets, and, the(!)_29 . pair, do, of, trousers, you, this, like(?)_30 . bike, whats, with, matter, your, the(?)_31 . shoes, wash, Amys, did, you(?)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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