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太原市2019-2020年度六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(一)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选择单词的划线部分发音与其余三个不同选项:( )AacrossBappearCaboutDApril2 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AhereBhersCher3 . Im twelve years old. I can _.( )Atake care meBtake care of meCtake care of myself4 . My family usually _ the moon _the Mid-Autumn Festival. ( )Asees, atBlook at, onClook at, at选出每组单词中发音不同的一项。5 . AtravelBstreetCtrafficDdress6 . AtaxiBprettyCusuallyDMike7 . AparkBbasketCcardDwarm8 . AreallyBbreadCbreakfastDmetro9 . AdearBhearCwearDnear10 . AfromBfrontConDstop11 . AmoonBfootCcookDbook12 . AhorseBshortCworkDfor13 . AwaterBherCteacherDdoctor14 . AbecauseBboysCsisterDhis15 . 选出下列每组单词画线部分读音与众不同的一项。(_)1Ashop Bcome Cmother(_)2Aglass Bclass Cbanana(_)3Afast Bback Chas(_)4Awhose Bwho Cwhere(_)5Afish Bidea Ctiger16 . Can you_ ?AskatesBskateCskating17 . - _ did you finish your piano lessons ?( )- Last week.AWhereBWhatCWhen18 . ( )AreadBdance19 . My new teacher isnt old. She is _. ( )AoldByoungCtall20 . Mr Black _ his son_school every day. ( )Atakes; toBtake; forCtook; to21 . 请从A、B、C三个选项中选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的选项。(_) 1. eat A. weather B. bread C. meal(_) 2. babyA. happyB. skyC. fly(_) 3. cake A. agoB. make C. bag(_) 4. doctorA. race B. country C. cinema(_) 5. roses A. music B. walksC. picnics(_) 6. foodA. school B. good C. book(_) 7. rubbishA. cut B. museum C. put(_) 8. signA. public B. like C. litter22 . Well , turn _the light. ( )AonBwithCto23 . I like the rain, _I dont like to get wet.AandBbutCor24 . ( )AThis is John.BThis is May.25 . Do you want _to a Chinese restaurant? ( )AgoBto goCwent26 . I can see a _ after the rain. ( )AmountainBrainbowCforest二、完形填空On Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings _ the end of their beds before they go to bed. _ they want Father Christmas to give them some presents. Father Christmas is _ very kind man. He _ on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day always begins _ breakfast. The children _ very early. They cant _ to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up _ parents and say “Merry Christmas!” Christmas Day is the birthday _ Jesus Christ. When Christ was born,many people gave him _So today,people still do the same thing.27 . A. at B. in C. of28 . A. But B. And C. Because29 . A. a B. an C. /30 . A. come B. comes C. to come31 . A. after B. for C. before32 . A. wake up B. go to bed C. get up33 . A. wait B. to wait C. wait to34 . A. they B. them C. their35 . A. of B. for C. with36 . A. present B. presents C. with present三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。37 . I want _ (drink) some water.38 . We _ (have) an English lesson now.39 . Look! Su Hai and Su Yang _ (sit) under a tree.40 . Lets _ (clean) the table after dinner.41 . What are you doing, Helen? I _ (do) the housework with my mother.42 . Is your sister _ (wash) clothes now?43 . Yang Ling likes _ (play) the guitar.44 . There _ (be not) any books on the desk.四、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断正误Hello,everyone!LetmesaysomethingaboutmyfriendTom.TomisAmerican.Hecomeshere,becausehisfatherworksinChina.Now,Tomstudiesinourclass.HeisgoodatEnglish.ButheneedshelpinChinese.Chineseishardforhim.Buthelikesitwellbeforelong.HelikesChinesepeopleandChinesefood.Hemakessomegoodfriendshere.Afterschoolintheafternoon,heoftenplaysfootballorbasketballwithus.45 . TomisEnglish.(_)46 . HisfatherworksinChina.(_)47 . HeisgoodatChinese.(_)48 . HelikesChinesepeopleandChinesefood.(_)49 . Tom oftenplaysfootballorbasketball.(_)读短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正(T)误(F)。Hello! Im Peter. Im nine years old. Im a pupil of Grade Three. I have got a small room. Its clean. There is a blue desk in my room. I have got a big bag on the desk. I have got many books in the bag. I have got a new pencil-box. There are many pencils, two rubbers and a long ruler in the pencil-box.50 . Peter is nine years old. (_)51 . Peter has got a big room. (_)52 . There is a blue chair in my room. (_)53 . Peter has got a lot of books in the bag. (_)54 . Peter is a teacher. (_)五、选内容补全对话55 . 选词填空。began Greece stopped until BCThe ancient Olympic Games 【小题1】 about 3 000 years ago. Olympia, a city in ancient 【小题2】, held the first Olympic Games in 776 【小题3】. Only men could take part. Then the Games 【小题4】 in Greece about 1 600 years ago. There were no games for about 1 500 years 【小题5】 1896.六、匹配题选择正确的应答语。A.I often go shopping.B. Id like some tomatoes.C.I eat dinner at 6:30 p.m.D. Great!E. Yes, I do.56 . When do you eat dinner? (_)57 . What do you do on the weekend? (_)58 . Lets go shopping together. (_)59 . What would you like for lunch? (_)60 . Do you go to school at 7:00? (_)七、连词成句61 . 连词成句1. is, it, forty, eight (.)_2. is, rabbit, the, winner (.)_3. forty-five, is, it (.)_4. is, how, and, much, sixteen, seven (?)_5. how, is, much, twenty, thirty, and (?)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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