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太原市2020年六年级下册期末测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Hello, _.( )ASamBLinglingCyou选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。2 . ApoliteBcleverChelp3 . AtheyBheCher4 . AChineseBEnglishCMr5 . AshyBlikeChave6 . AhardworkingBoldCfriend7 . It is hot.( )AB8 . My friends will show us Shanghai in May. ( )AatBaroundCtoDfor9 . ( ) Colin _ some ships.AhaveBhasCAre10 . Its time _ go to school. Its time _ Chinese class. ( )Ato; forBto; toCfor; for11 . She _ to the cinema, for I saw her just now. ( )Amustnt have goneBmay not goCcant have goneDneednt go12 . I _ some rice and vegetables today. ( )Ahave onlyBhas onlyConly have13 . You mustnt _ the road now. You must _ the green light.( )Across; wait forBto cross; to waitCcross; to wait for14 . What you going to this evening? ( )Aare, doingBis, toCare, do二、阅读选择15 . There is a telephone on my desk. Its my good friend. It helps me a lot. My telephone number is 8445816 . Sometimes when I have something to talk about with my classmates. I dont need to go out. I call them. I write down many telephone numbers of my friends. My best friend Johns number is 8459471 . When I cant remember my homework, I ask him by telephone. There are some Telephone Messages beside my telephone. When I am out, my mother writes down the massages for me.( )1. Whose telephone number is 8445816?A. Johns mothers. B. His own. C. His classmates. D. Johns.( )2. What time does he call his classmates?A. When he doesnt know how to do his homework.B. When he doesn t remember the telephone numbers of others.C. When he forgets what the homework is.D. When he doesnt need to go out.( )3. Why does mother write down the massage for him? Because _.A. he isnt out B. he is working at his lessonsC. he forgets the phone number D. he isnt in( )4. What does he think of the telephone?A. Useless B. Important C. Best friend D. Helpless( )5. Where is the telephone?A. In his office. B. In his house. C. In his classroom. D. In his room.三、完形填空完形填空。The chicken and the duck were friends. They lived on a _. They walked around together. They _near the pool (池塘)together. They talked about many things. They talked about the _. They thought the cat was tricky (狡猾的) and _. Because the cat looked at them a lot. They didnt believe(相信) the cat. We must always keep our eyes _when the cat is around,they both agreed. They talked about the dog. The dog was very friendly. The dog had _energy (精力) . It barked (吠叫) a lot and ran around a lot. They both _the dog. They _the farmer. Thanks to the farmer, they had food to eat. The farmer looked after them. The farmer looked after all the _. He fed (喂养)the cow, the pig, the sheep and the rabbit. They liked the farmer, because he looked after everyone well. He was a _man. The farmer is good,said the chicken. We need the farmer,said the duck.16 . AfarmBschoolCparkDhouse17 . AateBplayedCswamDsaw18 . AdogBpigCtigerDcat19 . AsmallBdangerousCcleverDbusy20 . AredBopenCsmallDbig21 . Aa littleBa fewCa lotDlots of22 . AmissedBfoundClikedDcaught23 . Atalked aboutBput onCplayed withDlooked for24 . ApeopleBanimalsCstudentsDworkers25 . AbusyBrelaxedClazyDnice四、填空题26 . 选择填空,再译一译,读一读。1. Mikes birthday is _ ( in, on) May 6th.2. _ ( When What) is Mid-Autumn Day?3. What do you often do _(in, on) Friday?4. Our singing contest _(is, are) on April 19th.五、任务型阅读读下面这段话,判断正“T”误“F”。Hi, boys and girls. My name is Kate. Im ten years old. I have a dog. Its name is Sam. I like red very much. I like noodles. I like jam and bread, too. I have a big and nice bedroom. There is a white dress on the bed. A yellow scarf is on the chair. Its from my mum.27 . Kate is nine years old.(_)28 . Kate has a dog named Sam. (_)29 . Kate likes noodles but she doesnt like jam or bread. (_)30 . Kate has a small bedroom. (_)31 . There is a yellow dress on the bed. (_)六、汉译英32 . 我在七点钟起床。I _at seven oclock.七、英汉混合33 . 英汉短语互译。1. be home_ 2. 在3点钟_3. watch the cartoons_ 4. 在一年里_5. go ice-skating_ 6. 去野营_7. in winter_ 8. 在春天里_9. so blue_ 10. 堆雪人_八、句型转换句型转换34 . Mike is behind the door.(对划线部分提问)_ behind the door?35 . I draw pictures on the wall.(变为否定句)I_ pictures on the wall.36 . My keys are on the sofa.(对划线部分提问)_ my keys?37 . His dresser is next to his bed.(变为否定句)His dresser_ next to his bed.38 . His baseball is under the table.(变为一般疑问句)_his baseball_ the table?九、匹配题39 . 根据问句选择合适的答语。1. (_)Whose house is it?AIts me.2. (_)Will it be hot in Haikou?BNo, I wasnt.3. (_)Who is that little girl?CIts the Queens house.4. (_)Were you at home yesterday?DNo, I didnt.5. (_)Did you play football yesterday?ENo, it wont.十、音标题40 . 判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同1.(_) how window2.(_) mouse house3. (_) brown now4. (_) Monday today5.(_) funny Tuesday十一、书面表达41 . 书面表达, 以Have a picnic为题,写一篇短文,不少于60个单词。第 7 页 共 7 页


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