哈尔滨市2020年英语五年级下册Unit 4 When is the art show Part C 练习卷(I)卷

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哈尔滨市2020年英语五年级下册Unit 4 When is the art show Part C 练习卷(I)卷_第1页
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哈尔滨市2020年英语五年级下册Unit 4 When is the art show Part C 练习卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The kittens _ six years old. ( )AisBareCam2 . Today is my uncles _ (twenty-two) birthday.3 . Their English teacher is teaching them _lesson. ( )AninthBnineCthe ninthDthe nineth4 . May is the_ month of the year. ( )AsixBfiveCfifth读一读,从每组中选出与其它两个单词不同类的单词。5 . AmonkeyBoneCpig6 . AtigerBwaterCcoffee7 . AnineBsixCrubber8 . AbrownBballCdoll二、单词拼写9 . 根据图片补充单词。1. w _ _ _ e _2. f _ _ s _3. s _ _ o _ _4. d _ _ _ k5. t _ _ _ d三、任务型阅读阅读下面短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Many people like football. Football is one of the most interesting sports. Young people and old people both like it very much. It is very exciting. Boys like to play football and girls like to watch football matches (比赛 ). I like to watch football matches on TV. And I often play football with my friends. There ll be a football match on April 6th in our school. I hope our team will win.10 . Many people like basketball (_)11 . Football is interesting. (_)12 . Girls dont like to watch football matches. (_)13 . I like to play games with my students. (_)14 . The football match will be on April 6th. (_)四、连词成句连词成句。15 . have what Thursdays on you do (?)_16 . big is bed there a (.) _17 . play you do sports often (?)_18 . so are pictures there many (!)_19 . restaurant lake there beside is the a (?)_五、连线题20 . 把节日与对应的月份连线1. New Years DayADecember2. Childrens DayBAugust3. the Spring FestivalCJanuary4. Christmas DayDJanuary or February5. the Mid-autumn FestivalE. June第 4 页 共 4 页

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