合肥市2020年英语五年级下册Unit 1 My day 单元测试卷(I)卷

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合肥市2020年英语五年级下册Unit 1 My day 单元测试卷(I)卷_第1页
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合肥市2020年英语五年级下册Unit 1 My day 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . We_ some presents_ our family and friends. ( )Abuy, toBbuy, forCbuy, and2 . -What_you do last night? ( )-I_ a film with my sister.Ado; seeBdid; seeCdid; saw3 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AvisitBzooCpark4 . _ontheTV. ( )ATurnBSweepCOpen5 . -Where are you, Sam? ( )-_AIm next to the supermarket.BHes next to the supermarket.CHes in the supermarket.6 . -What do you like doing? ( )-_.AI like dogsBI like watching filmsCYou like watching films7 . My mum _ last night. ( )AworkBworksCworked8 . -What does your mother do? ( )-She is a_.AscientistBpolice officerCbusinessman9 . -Whats your job? ( )-_AIm thirteen.BI like singing.CIm a singer.10 . When do you go to school? ( )At 7:00._ you?AWhat aboutBHow areCWhy do二、阅读选择阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello, I am Mary. I get up at 6: 00 every day in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6: 30. Then I go to school at 7: 00. We do morning exercises at 8: 00. We have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. I go home at 4: 50. I play sports at 5: 00. I eat dinner at 7: 30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at 9: 00.This is my day. What about yours?11 . Mary gets up at _in the morning. ( )A5:00B6:00C7:0012 . Mary _at 7:00. ( )Agoes to schoolBeats breakfastCdoes morning exercises13 . Mary has _classes in the morning. ( )AthreeBfourCfive14 . Mary _at 5:00. ( )Agoes homeBeats dinnerCplays sports15 . Mary goes to bed at _. ( )A7:30B8:00C9:00三、填空题根据中文提示补全句子。16 . Look!The people _(划龙舟赛)on the rivers.17 . The Spring festival is the _(中国的新年)。18 . We often _(吃大餐)with jiaozi and lots of other delicious food.19 . My uncle _(给了我一些压岁钱)last Spring Festival.20 . It is very important for people to _(让每样东西焕然一新)before the Spring Festival.21 . I felt ill because I _(吃了太多月饼)。四、英汉混合英汉互译。22 . 在冬天_23 . 滑雪_24 . 游泳_25 . four seasons_第 3 页 共 3 页

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