南京市2019版英语四年级下册Module 1单元测试卷(I)卷

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南京市2019版英语四年级下册Module 1单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。1 . forty ( )A二十B三十C四十2 . those ( )A那个B这些C那些3 . whose ( )A什么B哪里C谁的4 . snowy ( )A下雪的B多雨的C多风的5 . carrot ( )A洋葱B胡萝卜C豆角6 . cow ( )A羊B马C奶牛7 . shirt ( )A衬衫BT恤C毛衣8 . cheap ( )A昂贵的B美观的C便宜的9 . Are there pandas in the mountains? ( )Yes, there are.AsomeBmanyCany10 . 看图片,选出正确的单词。(_)1. A, zebra B. zoo(_)2. A. friend B. jump(_)3. A. watch B. swim(_)4. A. I like pizza. B. I like chicken.(_)5. A. I like juice. B. I like milk.(_)6. A. I like hamburgers. B. I like French fries.11 . You should take a _ breath and count to ten.( )AbadBdeepCwell12 . What _ on the table? ( ) Its food.AbeBisCam13 . Will you go swimming on Monday?No, I _.AwillBwont找出下列单词不同类的单词。14 . AriceBsoupClightDbread15 . AthinBlongCshortDsports16 . AthirtyBpencilCtwentyDfifty17 . AbedroomBdoorCwallDwindow18 . AspoonBwaterCplateDfork19 . Its _ and _ in autumn. ( )Awind; coolBwindy; coolCsun; hot20 . -Ishe_?( )-No,heisnt.Heisold.AkindBoldCyoung21 . -Is it? ( )-No, its cloudyAsunnyBsunCa sunny22 . The wall _ white.( )AareBitCis23 . ( ) (6)-_is her hobby?- Her hobby is dancing.AWhatBHowCWhere24 . 选出不同类的词:( )AtalkBwalkCkite25 . Whats _ favourite season? ( )AyouByourChe26 . Sam hit Bobbys head. ( )AhardlyBangryChard27 . _is that girl? She is Lingling. ( )AWhoBWhatCWhere28 . I have two pets. is parrot, is a rabbit.( )AOne; the otherBOne; otherCA; one29 . -_ are you going to do ?- Im going to sing a song .AWhatBHowCWhere30 . I didnt know how to help_.( )AherBsheChe找出不同类的一项。31 . AbirdBstrongCtallDquiet32 . AbreadBhamburgerCriceDpencil33 . AmonkeyBcatClookDdog34 . AdeskBchairCniceDpencil35 . AEnglish bookBjeepCbusDcar36 . What would you like to drink? ( )Id like _.Asome ice creamBa saladCsome milk37 . 从每组词中找出一个不同类的单词【小题1】ATuesdayBFridayCWednesdayDToday【小题2】AbiscuitBbreadCkiteDnoodles【小题3】AtonightBChineseCEnglishDScience【小题4】AballBpicnicCkiteDbike【小题5】AgrandmaBmotherCfriendDbrother【小题6】AChinaBEnglishCEnglandDAmerica38 . I_ six years old. ( )AamBare选出不同类的一项。39 . AgirlBboyClateDwoman40 . ATVBcomputerCoftenDradio41 . AhimBmeCyouDroom42 . AgetBschoolCparkDzoo43 . AhouseworkBreadCwriteDhelp二、填空题44 . 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. She sees a film _ (one) a month. 2. Tom was _ (illness) yesterday, so he didnt go to school. 3. Doing exercise can help us stay _ (health). 4. Li Hua had a _ (quickly) breakfast and then went to work. 5. Dont _ (worried) about your English. I can help you.45 . Let me take _ (they).46 . Fill in the blanks.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. She _ (go)to school every day.2. Pat _(brush) her teeth _(two)a day.选词填空。47 . Joy worked with wild animals. She_(find/found)a lion on her way home.48 . The Lis have three _ (child/children), one son and two daughters.49 . We live_(in/on)the Earth.50 . I have some efriends in different_(country/countries).51 . Would you like to have_(a/an)e-friend?52 . Smoke_(from/of)cars and factories makes the air dirty.53 . I live on Changchun Road. The Greens are my_(neighbor/neighbours).54 . The Earth_(was/is)very clean in the past.55 . We_(should/could)stop_(cutting/cut)down so many trees.56 . 看图,选择合适的单词完成句子。long red round sweet sour(1)It is _ and round. It is _.(2)It is orange and _. It is sweet and _.(3)It is yellow and _. It is sweet.(4)It is yellow. It is _.用所给词的适当形式填空。57 . There _ (be) a party in my home yesterday.58 . We dont have _ (some) money.59 . Please _ (try) on these trousers.60 . The old man _ (walk) through the park in the past.61 . My mother _ (make) a new dress for me yesterday.62 . Leo pointed at the cat and _(laugh).63 . 选词填空,补全句子。1. _ (His, She is) wearing a white skirt.2. He is wearing blue _ (trouser, trousers).3. _ (This is, These are) a red skirt.4. _ (Is, Are) you ready for your breakfast?三、汉译英汉译英。64 . 我吃很多面条。_65 . 我们吃很多肉。_66 . 他们吃一些蔬菜。_67 . 你们吃一些面包。_68 . 他吃几个鸡蛋。_汉译英69 . 他学习游泳并且游得很好。He _ to swim and did it very well.70 . 她是一位中国歌手。She is Chinese _.71 . 他在35岁出名了。He was famous _ the _ of 35.72 . 她那时留的短发。She _ hair _.73 . 她是儿童医院的一名护士。She is a _ in Childrens Hospital.四、选内容补全对话选择合适的选项补全对话。A. Shes eighty.B. Can she hear well now?C. Is she going to have a birthday party?D. Where is she going to have the party?E. Im making a birthday card for my grandma.Jim: What are you doing, Amy?Amy: 74 . Jim: How old is your grandma?Amy: 75 . Jim: Oh, shes old. 76 . Amy: Yes, she can.Jim: Thats good. 77 . Amy: Yes, she is.Jim: 78 . Amy: In the park.Jim: Great.五、连线题79 . 对应词连线。1.this a. mother2.man b. she3.he c. you4.father d. woman5.I e. that80 . 读一读,连一连。(1) This is my father.A(2) This is my brother.B(3) This is my sister.C(4) This is my mother.D(5) This is my grandpa.E(6) This is my grandma.F第 10 页 共 10 页

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